How to Repurpose Articles into Highly Engaging Social Media Content
As you may have noticed, it's harder to get engagement on posts that are links on Facebook. Unless you pay to boost it, of course. Grrr...Facebook.
You also can't post links on Instagram.
Twitter seems to be okay with links and that's a good thing because the limited text space makes it hard to fully implement what I'm suggesting.
Anyway, we've been creating social media content from our articles with some nice results and you can see some examples at the bottom of this post.
1. Make an image that is reflective of the article and also includes some text that draws the eye in and gives the viewer an idea there is more to read.
2. Instead of linking to the article, add the edited article text to your post. I usually add a more friendly first line that grabs attention before leading into the article.

3. You can do this with any article, but anything with stories (think your success stories, case studies, even stories of trouble) more likely share worthy, so this will give your your content more traction.
4. For Facebook, I may add the link to the article in the comment if there's more info on the page or a video to watch, etc. On Instagram, I do create a short link that has just one word in the URL so people can type it in if they want. And they do, because I'm tracking the clicks. So a link like my domain. com/story for example.
Of course, mix it up and sometimes post the link and sometimes do it this way...but it's a great opportunity to get the article seen again and to get it shared more readily.
Here are a couple recent images I've made for this purpose. They are NOT pretty, I know...but I think they catch the eye. If your image is more aesthetic, then by all means, design something pretty. Just make sure it includes the text to get attention. Oh and of course, I'd also text without an image on Facebook because you never know what they'll respond to.

It's an easy way to keep that content you've already worked hard on (or paid good money for!) working for you.
Before You Go: Get 10 Free Articles to Practice With
Put what you learned into practice with a free 10-pack of articles on the topic of journaling. You get 10 quality articles, complete with private label rights that you can brand monetize and publish as your own.

Hope you can put those to good use. We've already done the work, you just publish!
To your great success,
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation