Minimize to Maximize Your Life
Members Training Area
Thank you for joining us for the Minimize to Maximize Your Life Subject Matter Expert Training. I am super excited about getting started. You'll find all the training materials as they are available below. Please note that transcripts take up to a week to be completed and notes follow soon after. If you purchased PLR rights to the materials, they will be added here as they are available.
Minimize to Maximize Training Recordings and Handouts
Session 1 – What Really Matters
Session 1 Documents:
- Slide Show (PDF)
- What Really Matters Workbook (PDF)
- Transcripts (PDF)
- Notes (PDF)

Session 2 – Say No, Avoid Shiny Objects and Just Be
Session Documents:
- Slide Show (PDF)
- Minimize to Maximize Workbook (PDF)
- Transcripts (PDF)
- Notes (PDF)

Session 3 – Putting Minimize to Maximize into Practice
- Slide Show (PDF)
- Journal and Planner (zip)
- Transcripts (PDF)
- Notes (PDF)

New Happiness Mindset Tricks Bonus Session
Publish! Course
Fill-in-the Blanks Marketing Templates