Archive Monthly Archives: March 2018

Free Report and Checklist: Customizing Private Label Rights Content with Stories

Instantly Add More Value, Audience Connection and Retention with ALL the Content You Publish

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Storytelling to Customize Your PLR

As you probably know, Private Label Rights (PLR) Content is an amazing time and money saver when it comes to getting quality content published. You can certainly publish it as-is and get great results, but if you can add a little something unique, it can take your content a whole lot further. 

In comes the Art of Storytelling. When you teach through stories, you:

  • Create a stronger connection with your audience by entertaining and evoking emotion
  • Help your audience absorb the material more easily because they can visualize what you're teaching

...and all that means better audience retention and ultimately, more customers for you. 

You may not realize it but stories are around you constantly. You hear stories of heroism on the news. You watch fictional stories on Netflix. Your best friend shares stories about her day with you. 

Using stories is a powerful communication technique. It gives readers and website visitors a reason to pause and pay attention. They want to know what’s going to happen next and how the story ends.

This free guide and checklist teaches you how to easily add stories to the private label rights content that you purchase and publish. Just click the button below to add the guide and checklist to your Publish for Prosperity account. And if you don't have an account yet, you can create one for free. 

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006
Just do it quickly, this free offer won't be available long. 
You may not realize it but stories are around you constantly. You hear stories of heroism on the news. You watch fictional stories on Netflix. Your best friend shares stories about her day with you.
Using stories is a powerful communication technique. It gives readers and website visitors a reason to pause and pay attention. They want to know what’s going to happen next and how the story ends.

One of the easiest ways to reach your audience is to go where they are…and in today's world, that's on social media. Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram, it's your chance to interact with millions of potential customers.

Of course, staying on top of your social media means having to continuously create engaging content and it's not always easy to find the time. You've got a business to run and plenty of other responsibilities, so how about we just take care of it for you?

That's why we've created our Social Media Booster monthly package that makes it easy for you to fill up your social media multiple times daily. We've done the hard work…you just run with it.

Personal Development Mega 150 Articles + 150 Graphics/Photos Pack

Act Fast - Final Retirement Sale Ends In: 


You missed out!

Personal Development Mega Pack with 150 Articles, 120 Social Media Graphics, 30 Photos and a Ready-to-Publish Report for Just $17

But Hurry! Offer Ends Soon

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Or Keep Reading for More Details…

We all know regular content creation is the key to growing traffic, build your list and nurturing relationships with your audience. But it's not always easy keeping up with all those content needs. You've got more important things to focus on, so we've taken care of the content…saving you a ton of time and money in the process.

This content package includes a ton of content you can brand, monetize and publish as your own in the following main subject areas:

  • Confidence Articles
  • Goals
  • Leadership
  • Self-Esteem
  • Success Mindset
  • Time Management
  • Stress and Anxiety Relief
  • Meditation and Yoga
  • Law of Attraction
  • Decluttering
  • Family Organization
  • Stop Smoking
  • Personal Finance

Let's take a look…

Bundle #1: Successful Life PLR Articles & Graphics

The first PLR pack includes content to help your readers get more successful. It includes 10 confidence articles, 10 goals articles and social media graphics.

10 Confidence Articles

  • Steps to Confidence
  • Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them
  • Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips
  • Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice
  • Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens
  • How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected
  • Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem?
  • Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness
  • From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Teens
  • Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident

10 Goals Articles

  • Five Things You Can Do Today to Achieve Your Goals
  • Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself?
  • Are Your Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals?
  • Common Goal Setting Obstacles and How to Maneuver around Them
  • Goal Setting Tools to Help You Succeed
  • How to Create a Pattern of Success
  • How to Find Motivation to Achieve Your Goals
  • How to Prioritize Your Goals
  • How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve
  • What Is a Smart Goal?

6 Social Media Graphics


Bundle #2: Self-Improvement Mega Pack with Images

This PLR pack includes a variety of content about staying fit including:  10 articles about leadership, 10 articles about self-esteem, 10 articles about success mindset, 10 articles about time management and an 8-page report about time management. We’ve even thrown in 20 photos you can use for your content as well.

10 Leadership Articles

  • How to Create a Home Environment That Instills Leadership in Kids
  • Leadership Skills to Teach Kids: A List
  • How to Raise Children to Be Good Leaders
  • How to Be a Leader for Kids
  • Personality Characteristics of Effective Leaders
  • Teaching Youth and Young Adults to Be Leaders
  • Keys to Being an Effective Leader of Fellow Adults
  • How to Be a Leader in the Workplace
  • How to Lead Teens
  • Signs That Your Child May Be a Strong Leader

10 Self-Esteem Articles

  • Dumped? How to Maintain Your Self-Esteem
  • Factors That Influence Your Self-Esteem
  • How to Help a Partner with Low Self-Esteem
  • Is Low Self-Esteem a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
  • Regaining Self-Esteem after a Setback
  • Surprising Causes of Low Self-Esteem
  • Ten Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem
  • The Balancing Act of Self-Esteem
  • The Link between Low Self-Esteem and Depression
  • Ways That Low Self-Esteem Hurts Your Relationships

10 Success Mindset Articles

  • How to Set and Achieve Business Goals
  • How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success
  • Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business
  • Building Confidence in Business
  • Visualize Your Way to Success
  • What Is the Law of Attraction?
  • Tips on Developing a Successful Mindset
  • Tips on Setting Realistic Business Goals
  • Keys to a Successful Mindset in Business
  • Focusing on Success

10 Time Management Articles

  • Incorporate a Set Time for Mindless Fun
  • How to Be Ruthless with Time
  • Surprising Time Management Secrets
  • Put It in Writing: Set a Schedule for Managing Time and Stick to It
  • Set Aside Dedicated Areas for Various Aspects of Your Time
  • Time Management: A Group Project Rather Than a Solo Act
  • Learn to Say No: Increase the Power of How You Spend Your Time
  • How to Create a Time Management Plan
  • Managing Your Emails So They Do Not Get the Best of Your Time
  • Setting Priorities for Managing Your Time

Detailed Time Management Report (8 pages/3086 words)

  • 25 tips for time management in the following categories:
    • Managing Interruptions
    • Prioritizing Time
    • Letting Go of Perfectionism
    • Getting Organized
    • Finding Opportunities to Improve

20 Photos for Your Content


Bundle #3: Stress and Anxiety PLR

This PLR pack includes 20 articles about dealing with stress and anxiety. You also receive 4 social media graphics perfect for your social media campaign. We’ve even thrown in 10 photos you can use for your content as well.

20 Stress & Anxiety Articles

  • What is Anxiety?
  • Types of Stress
  • Common Treatments for Panic Attacks
  • Recognizing When Children Are Stressed and Helping Them Deal With It
  • How to Head Off Stress & Anxiety Before They Happen
  • What is a Panic Attack?
  • Knowing When Things Are Getting Serious
  • Common Treatments for Anxiety
  • Foods & Drinks That May Increase Anxiety
  • Healthy Stress vs. Unhealthy Stress
  • Options for Stress Relief
  • What Causes Stress?
  • Stress Relievers – Tips for Dealing with Everyday Stress
  • How to Get Rid of Stress in Your Life
  • How Does Stress Affect You?
  • Identifying Stress in Your Life – Signs and Symptoms
  • Managing Life Changes with Minimal Stress
  • Tips on Managing Stress Naturally
  • How Stress Can Affect Your Health
  • Stress and Your Kids

4 Social Media Graphics

10 Photos to Use with Your Content


Bundle #4: Meditation and Yoga PLR

This PLR pack includes 10 articles about meditation and 10 articles about yoga. You also receive 6 graphics perfect for your social media campaign.

10 Meditation Articles

  • Beginner Meditation Techniques
  • Common Meditation Problems
  • Creating a Meditation Room
  • Easy Breathing Practices
  • How Transcendental Meditation Can Improve Your Health
  • Learning to Relax
  • Three Tips to Quiet Your Mind
  • Tips for Successful Meditation
  • When and How to Meditate
  • Why Meditation Is Good for You

10 Yoga Articles

  • Can’t Do Yoga? Think Again – There’s a Style and Performance Level for Everyone
  • Health Benefits of Yoga
  • Postnatal Yoga
  • Staying Safe while Practicing Yoga
  • Think You Weigh too Much to Try Yoga? Think Again!
  • Tips for Avoiding Yoga Injuries
  • Which Yoga Style Is Right for You?
  • Yoga and Your Mental Health – The Surprising Connections
  • Yoga for Babies? Why Babies, and Parents, May Benefit from Doing Yoga
  • Yoga Off the Mat – Aerial Yoga

6 Social Media Graphics


Bundle #5: Law of Attraction PLR

This PLR pack includes 10 articles about the Law of Attraction. You also receive 4 graphics perfect for your social media campaign.

10 Law of Attraction Articles

  • 3 Law of Attraction Exercises to Really Get What You Want
  • Committing Yourself to Positive Actions
  • How Successful People Use the Law of Attraction in Their Everyday Lives
  • How to Develop the Right Mind-Set to Reach your Goals
  • How to Program Your Conscious Mind
  • Recognizing the Positives in Your Life and Being Grateful for Them
  • Tips for Getting What You Want in Your Life
  • Tips for Overcoming Your Fears
  • Tips for Using the Law of Attraction Effectively
  • What is the Law of Attraction and How it Can Improve Your Life

4 Social Media Graphics

BONUS: 100 Social Media Graphics for Inspiration

We've also included 100 bonus professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. 

BONUS: 40 More Self-Improvement Articles

10 Decluttering Articles

  • Stashing Does Not Equal Decluttering
  • Decluttering – What It Entails
  • How to Create Pretty Storage Solutions with Items You Already Own
  • Simple Habits to Keeping Your Life Clutter Free
  • A Clutter-Free Closet – Tips for Changing Seasons
  • How to Create a Declutter Strategy
  • Tips to Declutter Your Workspace
  • The Art of Letting Go – Tips for Getting Rid of Sentimental Items
  • Beyond the Home – Tips for Decluttering Your LifeUnderstanding How Clutter Affects Your Mind and Body

10 Family Organization Articles

  • Room by Room – Getting Your Home Organized
  • Menus and Meal Planning – How to Organize Family Meals
  • Family Organization Tips
  • Get More Done by Doing Less – Organize Your Family's Time
  • Creative Organizing
  • Getting Organized and Staying That Way
  • Benefits of Organizing Your Home
  • Time Management Basics for Working Women
  • How Organizing Your Family Benefits Everyone Organizing Your Family – Getting Started

10 Stop Smoking Articles

  • Cold Turkey Smoking Cessation Versus Assisted Methods
  • Why You Need to Quit Smoking Today
  • Second-Hand Dangers of Cigarette Smoke
  • Battle the Side Effects of Smoking Cessation
  • Quit Smoking With a Patch
  • Can Electronic Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking?
  • How Antidepressants Help You Quit Smoking
  • Things for Adults to Do At Walt Disney World
  • Instant Effects of Smoking Cessation on Your Body
  • How to Quit Smoking for Good
  • When Is the Best Time to Quit Smoking?

10 Personal Finance Articles

  • Budget Ideas for Lazy People
  • Creating a Spending Plan That Works for You
  • Five Ways to Cut Spending That Have Little to No Impact on Your Life
  • How to Boost Your Credit Score in Six Months or Less
  • How to Create a Cash Cushion
  • Pros and Cons of Keeping Credit Cards Active
  • Short-Term Savings
  • Three Top Ways to Prevent Credit Card
  • Tips to Balance Your Money and Your Life
  • Tricks Retailers Use to Make You Overspend

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own…

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As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $77  $37 ($6,275 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 35 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Final Retirement Sale: $77 - Just $17 ($6,275 Value)

Only $17 $67 ($5,900 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!