Archive Monthly Archives: March 2019

4 Weeks to Decluttering Your Life and Mind for More Focus

Limited-Time Special for this High-Quality Personal Development Content You Can Brand, Monetize, & Publish:

Get the Complete "
Decluttering Your Life and Mind for More Focus" 4-Part eCourse with Private Label Rights

4 Weeks to Decluttering Your Life and Mind for More Focus
Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Or keep reading for full details...


We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish.

I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Decluttering Your Life and Mind for More Focus” 4-Week Ecourse that will teach your readers how to get motivated to start decluttering their life to focus on what is important. It's a brand new, never-before-released ecourse for you.

It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers. Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

Benefits of Our PLR

Here's a Quick Summary of What's Included,
All with Private Label Rights:

This 4-Part ecourse includes the following:

  • 4 Declutter Guides: You get 4 illustrated guides (.doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how to declutter their mind and life and become more focused on what is important to achieve their goals.
    Topics Include:

1. How Clutter Affects Our Lives
2. How to Stop Accumulating Clutter
3. Decluttering Your Home
4. Decluttering Your Mind

  • 4 Worksheets: You get 4 worksheets (.doc) that accompany each one of the guides so your readers can stay on track while planning and setting their goals.
  • 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional guides.
  • 4 Course Delivery Emails: Add these emails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons. We've made it super easy!
  • 4 Professionally-Designed Ecover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.
  • 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for you.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

#1: How Clutter Affects Our Lives
(8 pages/ 3,551 words)

If the clutter and disorganization around you are ruining your focus and the messes are distracting you from getting things done, then it is time to declutter not only life but also your mind.  Learn how to declutter so you can be more productive in life and create great habits that will get you organized so you can focus on the important things in life and business.

How Clutter Affects Our Lives Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 143 words) to help your readers begin to understand what they need to do to declutter their lives and become more productive.

How Clutter Affects Our Lives Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (3 pages / 236 words) to help your readers organize their thoughts on how to declutter their minds and lives.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

#2: How to Stop Accumulating Clutter 
(8 pages/ 3,199 words)

One of the most destructive things the average person has affecting their lives is clutter.  Many people are so stressed out and anxious about the clutter in their lives, that they have a hard time focusing on family, friends, and work.  Learn how you can stop accumulating physical clutter and develop habits that help you thrive.

Eliminating Clutter Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (4 pages / 463 words) to help your readers stop accumulating clutter and become more productive in all aspects of their lives.

Stop Accumulating Clutter Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (3 pages / 237 words) to help your readers maintain a clutter-free life.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

#3: Decluttering Your Home
(8 pages/ 3,879 words)

Decluttering your home, office, and vehicle will change your life in more ways than merely making it cleaner. You’ll feel healthier, you’ll have more energy, and you’ll be more productive.  Learn how to reduce your stress, start feeling healthier, and you'll become more productive and gain numerous benefits that will affect all aspects of your life.

Decluttering Your Home Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (4 pages / 625 words) to help your readers declutter their home and become more productive in life and business.

Decluttering Your Home Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (2 pages / 153 words) to help your readers declutter their home.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

#4: Decluttering Your Mind 
(11 pages/ 4,895 words)

Just like your physical environment can be cluttered, so can your mind. Mind clutter often manifests itself as circular thoughts, inability to sleep, and even a failure to focus on the job at hand due to the problems elsewhere. Learn how to have decluttered mind and be able to focus on living the best life you want to live without being distracted by the minutia of life. 

Decluttering Your Mind Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (3 pages / 1,000 words) to help your readers follow through and stay motivated to declutter their minds and focus on the important things in life and business.

Decluttering Your Mind Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (2 pages / 190 words) to help your readers declutter not only their environment but also their minds.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

Bonus: Course Delivery Emails

4 done-for-you emails to add to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials to your readers over 4 lessons.

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this ecourse, we’ve included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you’re ready to roll.

We've Done All The Hard Work…
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets, blog posts and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your well-researched content.

Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”54″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put this content together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content, add your affiliate links and you can start earning those affiliate commissions.

Grab it now for only $47 ($3,075 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below to Get
the 4-Part eCourse

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


Breaking Bad Habits – OTO

Thank you! Your Breaking Bad Habits Package has been emailed to you
and can be found here.

Great News! For a Limited Time, Grab a 61-Page Becoming a Better Me Journal and 20 In-Depth Personal Development Worksheets to Help Your Subscribers and Customers Get RESULTS! 

Or keep reading for full details…

Thanks for picking up the 101 Ways to Break Bad Habits bundle. We have emailed your access information to you, but before that we'd love to give you an opportunity for more great personal development content that you can publish as your own. Help your readers better themselves even further… and it's already done for you, with a make-it-yourself value of $1,375, but now you can get it all right now for just $47.

Hands-On Practical Content That Costs $1,375 to Make Yourself, but You Can Get it Here at a Fraction of the Cost and Save a Ton of Time…
if You Grab it Now.

This is hands-on, practical content that will help your followers APPLY what they learn in the 101 Ways to Break Bad Habits report and get RESULTS in improving all areas of their lives. You can give away the worksheet package with the journal or use the individual worksheets to develop a variety of courses. The choice is yours.

Let's take a peek at everything…

61-Page Becoming the Best Me Journal

Give your readers a beautiful place to jot down their thoughts each day. The journal includes daily affirmations to inspire greatness. It also includes writing prompts to guide them including…

  • I am calmly and confidently letting go of
  • I am completely committed to living a life free from
  • I am incredibly proud of myself for finally giving up
  • I can break bad habits by making them less enjoyable by
  • I have gained control over my past need to
  • My healthiest habits include
  • I can turn unhealthy habits into positive habits by
  • My worst habit fills _ inner need but also comes with _ consequences
  • I consciously interrupt and reprogram all habitual behaviors by
  • I am forever grateful to finally be free from


Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

20 Pack of High-Value Self-Improvement Worksheets 

20 beautifully-designed to give your readers the tools they need to change many aspects of their lives to better themselves in 20 different areas. These are perfect for use with the 101 Ways to Break Bad Habits Report, they could be individual opt-in offers or they could be the beginnings of individual training programs you can create on these topics.

Thought-Provoking and Action-Inspiring Worksheet Topics Include:

1. 30 Day Water Tracker
2. A Positive Outlook
3. Be a Better Friend
4. Be a Better Parent
5. Be a Better Partner
6. Eating Better List
7. Eliminating Junk Food
8. Eliminating Negative Self-Talk
9. Exercise List
10. Exercise Log
11. Gaining Focus
12. Get More Organized
13. My Own Feelings
14. Practicing Mindfulness
15. Saving Money
16. SMART Goals
17. Stop Smoking Tips List
18. Stop Smoking Worksheet
19. Toxic Relationship
20. Weekly Food Log

We've Done All The Hard Work…
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it.

Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”52″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content, add your affiliate links and you can start earning those affiliate commissions.

Grab it now for only $47 ($1,375 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below and Get
the Worksheet & Journal Pack for a Great Low Price

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating PLR Content for You Since 2006

How to Grow Your List with Private Label Rights Content (PLR)

How to Grow Your List with PLR (Private Label Rights Content)

If you need PLR implementation ideas, let's do this by way of example. I'm using our Breaking Bad Habits Planner + Report package as an example. You can find it on our website here if you'd like to put these ideas to good use. 

This package comes with:

  • 4,235 word "Breaking Bad Habits and Developing New Good Ones" report
  • 365 Day "Becoming the Best Me" Planner
  • Lead-generating opt-in page
  • 2 complete and editable ecover sets
  • 20 social media graphics

Now let's break this down and talk about how you can use all this to grow your mailing list...

STEP 1: Set Up Your Offer

As you probably now, offering an enticing free gift is a great way to grow your list. In this package, we've included TWO valuable freebies...the report and the planner. Now, you can offer them together if you'd like or create two separate opt-in offers, so you can capture more leads. More free offers means more subscribers!

Breaking Bad Habits Report

Breaking Bad Habits Report

Becoming the Best Me Journal

Becoming the Best Me Journal

Start by using the lead generating opt-in page to set up your report offer. Just copy and paste into WordPress or whatever website builder you use and add your autoresponder sign up code. If you're going to offer the report and planner separately, just use the report opt-in page as a template for your free planner offer.

Lead Generating Opt-in Page with WordPress Ready Code

Lead Generating Opt-in Page with WordPress Ready Code

 STEP 2: Drive Traffic

  • To get traffic to your free offer, promote in on social media. You can do that for free or create Facebook/Instagram/Twitter ads and more. 
  • Break the report up into articles you post on your blog and have them opt-in for the full content. 
  • Brand the social media images with a URL that points to your free offer. Share those images on social media and encourage your followers to share them as well. 
  • If you have an affiliate program, create a special referral link for your affiliates to send traffic to your opt-in offer. You can offer them a per-lead commission or set up a paid back end offer, so they get paid for each new sale. 
  • Make a video about your freebie and how your gift can help people. Post to YouTube and get people to share your video. Your affiliates can embed the video on their site too. 
  • Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
  • Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
  • Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
  • Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
  • Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
  • Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
  • Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

So many ways to put this content to good use and hey, I know that's a BIG list. Just get your free offer set up and if you work on just one method each day, you'll be growing your list in no time!

We make it easy for you to grow your list by making the opt-in offer for you. Use the done-for-you content to get up and running quickly. Just promote your free offer and watch your list grow.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content