Thank you! The Finding Clarity 7 Day Challenge Pack has been emailed to you and can be found here.
But before you go, did you see this awesome deal for even more "Finding Clarity" content?
Great News! For a Limited Time, Grab The "Finding Clarity" Planner, Journal, and Printables Pack to Help Your Subscribers and Customers Get RESULTS Fast!

Limited-Time Special Offer: Only $47 - $29.95 - Just $19.95!
Or keep reading for full details…
Thanks for picking up the "Finding Clarity" Journal, Planner, & Printables Pack. We have emailed your access information to you, but before that, we'd love to give you an opportunity to pick up even more great personal development content that you can publish as your own… and it's already done for you, with a do-it-yourself value of $2,200, but now you can get it all right now for just $47 - $29.95! Just $19.95 - Today Only!
This High-Quality Personal Development Content Would Cost $2,200 to Create Yourself, but You Can Get it Now at a Fraction of the Cost, plus Save a Ton of Time in the Process... but only if You Grab it Now!
This ready-to-publish content will help your followers APPLY what they learn in the "Finding Clarity" Journal, Planner, & Printables Pack and get RESULTS in improving all areas of their lives. You can give away the printable package with the journal or use the individual worksheets to develop a variety of courses. The choice is yours.
Let's take a closer look…
Finding Clarity 91 Page Journal

Give your readers a beautiful place keep track of their progress each day. This 91 page journal comes in .docx format. It includes inspirational quotes, affirmations, and writing prompts to guide your readers on their journey…
- Prompt: I feel most energized, like I'm living the life I'm meant to live when...
- Affirmation: Each day I am more in line with my core values.
- Prompt: Today, I found joy in...
- “Clarity brings prosperity.” ~ Joel Fotinos
- Affirmation: I always know my next step because my heart never steers me wrong.
Here's a closer look at a few interior pages:

Here's an overview of all 91 pages:

2 Sets of Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
These professionally designed ecovers come in png format and include easy-to-edit Canva templates. You'll receive 2 different versions of a flat document graphic and 5 styles of 3D promotional graphics, as well.

"Finding Clarity" Planner

This planner will give your readers the opportunity to eliminate overwhelm and procrastination in their lives by finding clarity. They will be able to track and reflect on the positive outcomes they have while on their journey to accomplishing more. This 90-day editable planner provides plenty of space to record important goals, reminders, and insights while on this journey. (.docx format)

2 Sets of Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
These professionally designed ecovers come in png format and include easy-to-edit Canva templates. You'll receive 2 different versions of a flat document graphic and 5 styles of 3D promotional graphics, as well.

7 Pack of High-Value Personal Growth Printables
10 printables to give your readers the tools they need to accomplish more by eliminating overwhelm and finding clarity in their lives. These are perfect to use with the workbook, as individual opt-in offers or as part of an individual training programs.

Topics include:
- Better Clarity Worksheet (413 words)
- Core Values Worksheet (340 words)
- Living Based on Your Core Values Worksheet (240 words)
- Living Your Core Values Worksheet (110 words)
- My Core Values Goals (301 words)
- Signs You Lack Clarity in Your Life (194 words)
- The Steps to Gain Clarity - Quick Reference Sheet (290 words)
BONUS #1: 20 MORE "Get Organized" Printables
These printables are such an easy way to jumpstart your readers journey into getting out of overwhelm and start finding clarity in their lives so they can accomplish more. You don't want to miss all of these extras to help your clients get organized!

Topics include:
- Daily Schedule
- Declutter Checklist
- Garage Organization List
- Holiday Gift Planning
- Home Project List
- Household Chores
- Important Dates
- Kitchen Organization List
- Meal Planner
- Office Organization List
- Pantry Organization List
- Party Planner
- Project Organizer
- Project Shopping List
- Shopping List
- Spending Tracker
- To Do List
- Vacation Packing List
- Weekly Goals
- Weekly Schedule
BONUS #2: 52 Week Decluttering Email Series

We've Done All The Hard Work...
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It
Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it.
Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own...
[wpsm_comparison_table id="153" class=""]
As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own...but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content!
Grab it now for only $47 - $19.95 ($2,200 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.
Click the "Add to Cart" Button Below and Get
the Workbook, Journal, and Printables Pack for a Great Low Price
Grab it now for only $47 - $29.95 - $19.95!
But Act Fast! This Limited-Time Intro Offer is Ending Soon!