Archive Monthly Archives: July 2023

Finding Clarity PLR Upgrade 2

Thank you! The Finding Clarity 7 Day Challenge Pack has been emailed to you and can be found here.

But before you go, did you see this awesome deal for even more "Finding Clarity" content?

Great News! For a Limited Time, Grab The "Finding Clarity" Planner, Journal, and Printables Pack to Help Your Subscribers and Customers Get RESULTS Fast! 

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Limited-Time Special Offer: Only $47 -  $29.95 - Just $19.95! 

Or keep reading for full details…

Thanks for picking up the "Finding Clarity" Journal, Planner, & Printables Pack. We have emailed your access information to you, but before that, we'd love to give you an opportunity to pick up even more great personal development content that you can publish as your own… and it's already done for you, with a do-it-yourself value of $2,200, but now you can get it all right now for just $47 - $29.95!  Just $19.95 - Today Only!

This High-Quality Personal Development Content Would Cost $2,200 to Create Yourself, but You Can Get it Now at a Fraction of the Cost, plus Save a Ton of Time in the Process... but only if You Grab it Now!

This ready-to-publish content will help your followers APPLY what they learn in the "Finding Clarity" Journal, Planner, & Printables Pack and get RESULTS in improving all areas of their lives. You can give away the printable package with the journal or use the individual worksheets to develop a variety of courses. The choice is yours.

Let's take a closer look…

Finding Clarity 91 Page Journal 

Finding Clarity Journal PLR

Give your readers a beautiful place keep track of their progress each day. This 91 page journal comes in .docx format. It includes inspirational quotes, affirmations, and writing prompts to guide your readers on their journey…

  • Prompt: I feel most energized, like I'm living the life I'm meant to live when...
  • Affirmation: Each day I am more in line with my core values.
  • Prompt: Today, I found joy in...
  • “Clarity brings prosperity.”  ~ Joel Fotinos
  • Affirmation: I always know my next step because my heart never steers me wrong.

Here's a closer look at a few interior pages:

Finding Clarity PLR

Here's an overview of all 91 pages:

finding clarity journal plr

2 Sets of Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates

These professionally designed ecovers come in png format and include easy-to-edit Canva templates. You'll receive 2 different versions of a flat document graphic and 5 styles of 3D promotional graphics, as well.

finding clarity journal ecovers plr
finding clarity journal ecovers plr

"Finding Clarity" Planner 

This planner will give your readers the opportunity to eliminate overwhelm and procrastination in their lives by finding clarity. They will be able to track and reflect on the positive outcomes they have while on their journey to accomplishing more. This 90-day editable planner provides plenty of space to record important goals, reminders, and insights while on this journey.  (.docx format)

2 Sets of Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates

These professionally designed ecovers come in png format and include easy-to-edit Canva templates. You'll receive 2 different versions of a flat document graphic and 5 styles of 3D promotional graphics, as well.

7 Pack of High-Value Personal Growth Printables  

10 printables to give your readers the tools they need to accomplish more by eliminating overwhelm and finding clarity in their lives. These are perfect to use with the workbook, as individual opt-in offers or as part of an individual training programs.

finding clarity printables plr

Topics include:

  •  Better Clarity Worksheet (413 words)
  • Core Values Worksheet (340 words)
  • Living Based on Your Core Values Worksheet (240 words)
  • Living Your Core Values Worksheet (110 words)
  • My Core Values Goals (301 words)
  • Signs You Lack Clarity in Your Life (194 words)
  • The Steps to Gain Clarity - Quick Reference Sheet (290 words)

BONUS #1: 20 MORE "Get Organized" Printables

These printables are such an easy way to jumpstart your readers journey into getting out of overwhelm and start finding clarity in their lives so they can accomplish more. You don't want to miss all of these extras to help your clients get organized!

get organized printables plr

Topics include:

  • Daily Schedule
  • Declutter Checklist
  • Garage Organization List
  • Holiday Gift Planning
  • Home Project List
  • Household Chores
  • Important Dates
  • Kitchen Organization List
  • Meal Planner
  • Office Organization List
  • Pantry Organization List
  • Party Planner
  • Project Organizer
  • Project Shopping List
  • Shopping List
  • Spending Tracker
  • To Do List
  • Vacation Packing List
  • Weekly Goals
  • Weekly Schedule

BONUS #2: 52 Week Decluttering Email Series

Overcoming Procrastination Emails

We've Done All The Hard Work...
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it.

Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own...

[wpsm_comparison_table id="153" class=""]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own...but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content!

Grab it now for only $47 - $19.95 ($2,200 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the "Add to Cart" Button Below and Get
the Workbook, Journal, and Printables Pack for a Great Low Price

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Grab it now for only $47 -  $29.95 - $19.95! 
But Act Fast! This Limited-Time Intro Offer is Ending Soon!

Finding Clarity 7-Day Email Challenge PLR Upgrade

Thank you! Download instructions for your FREE articles are on the way and can be found here.

But before you go, check out this awesome deal for even more "Finding Clarity" content...

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
"Finding Clarity" 
7-Day Email Challenge PLR Pack

Build Your List & Create Premium Products Your Customers will LOVE ~ and Keep ALL the Profits!

Finding Clarity 7 Day Email Challenge composite marketing image

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Limited-Time Special Offer: $37 Just $11.95!

We've Done All the Work. Now It's Your Turn to Run With It.

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list.

But we have some great news... It's easier than you might think!

All it takes is to create simple free gifts that your readers want and need. Now, it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you need to do is get your license, download, edit (or not!) and publish.

We're pleased to announce our brand new “Finding Clarity” 7-Day Email Challenge white label content pack that offers your readers a guided 7-day journey to achieve clarity so they can achieve their big goals in life. We've also included 7 in-depth blog posts/articles, a 29-page comprehensive report, 12-page "Finding Clarity" workbook, 2 editable ecover sets (4 designs total) with Canva templates, an opt-in page, and 10 editable inspirational quote graphics in 3 popular sizes!

This is brand new, never-before-released content your readers are going to love. It's our goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow your list and create in-demand product, so you can focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

We've done the hard work, now all you need to do is grab your copy and get it out there. It really is that easy. 

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money... While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You Can Edit, Brand, Monetize, & Publish As Your Own:

  • 10-Part "Finding Clarity" Email Challenge Series: 10 conversational emails to guide your readers through the "Finding Clarity" 7-Day Email Challenge   

    Series includes initial 'Welcome' email, Day 1 - 3 emails/lessons, 'Mid-point Check In' email, Day 4 - 7 emails/lessons, and a final 'Wrap Up' message to help your audience take the all-important "Next Steps" after the challenge ends
  • 7 "Finding Clarity" Blog Posts/Articles (.docx) - The meaty articles provide more in-depth insight and actionable exercises that flow naturally from the email series. Publish on your blog and/or convert to video or audio formats to reach an even wider audience
  • "Finding Clarity" Report (29 pages, 8,594 words - .docx format) - We've compiled the blog posts/articles into a comprehensive report that you can give away or sell to your readers. Customize and convert this report to a PDF for an easy content upgrade to build your list OR offer it as a low-cost premium product for customers who prefer the convenience of getting all the lessons at once
  • "Finding Clarity" Workbook (12 pages, 1,263 words - .docx format) - Makes it super easy for your audience to follow along with the challenge and keep track of their progress. Use it to create an easy content upgrade or bundle with the report for premium product 
  • 2 Sets of Professionally Designed eCover Graphic Sets (Each Set Includes a Report + Workbook Cover): Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. Each set includes jpg and png files, plus easy-to-edit Canva Templates that can be edited to create one-of-a-kind designs. (Each set of images includes a flat jpg file and five 3D images in png format)
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To make list building easier, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code
  • 10 Easy-to-Edit Canva Inspirational Quote Graphic Templates in 3 popular sizes: Landscape/banner, Square, and Story/Portrait. Each set Includes jpg files of each design, plus access links to the Canva templates for easy editing. Customize with desired links, logo, images, colors, and/or fonts to create totally unique and branded results

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Limited-Time Special Offer: $37 Just $11.95!

Now let's take a closer look...

"Finding Clarity" 10-Part Email Series

Provide your readers with a series of bite-sized lessons and exercises over the course of the challenge with these pre-written emails. It really couldn't be any easier. Simply load them up in your autoresponder, add your personal stories, links, and/or promotions where we've highlighted for you, and start building your list on autopilot. 

This email series includes a Welcome message, Day 1 - 3 emails/lessons, Mid-Point Check In email, Day 4 - 7 emails/lessons, and a Wrap Up/Next Steps email.

Here is a quick look:

Finding Clarity 10-Part email series - composite marketing image

Please Note: Highlighted areas are where we add suggestions to customize this series to suit your audience and business goals.

"Finding Clarity" 7 Blog Posts/Articles 

These in-depth articles are adapted and expanded from the 7 Daily Challenge Emails so you can post them on your website, blog, or anywhere else you publish content. Use them to drive traffic to your email sign-up for the complete series and/or your downloadable content upgrades. Take it a step further and convert them to video or podcast scripts to expand your reach even further.

Article/Blog Post Titles Include:

  • Clarifying What Success Means to You (4 pages/1,157 words/.docx format)
  • Identifying & Overcoming Your Roadblocks (3 pages/1,066 words/.docx format)
  • Getting Clear About Which Ideas to Explore Further (4 pages/1,342 words/.docx format)
  • Turning Your Ideas into Achievable Goals (3pages/825 words/.docx format)
  • Creating an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals (7 pages/1,819 words/.docx format)
  • 10 Steps to Achieve Success (5 pages/1,429 words/.docx format)
  • Building and Maintaining Momentum (3 pages/949 words/.docx format)

Here's a closer look:

Finding Clarity 7-Day email challenge blog posts - composite marketing image

"Finding Clarity" Report
(29 pages/8,594 words/.docx format) 

We've compiled the individual blog posts listed above into a comprehensive, easy-to-download report. Edit and customize it as much as you'd like, then convert it into a PDF that you give away as free lead magnet or sell as a low-priced entry level product. Or combine it with additional resources for a more in-depth product to sell, add to your membership site, or offer as a bonus for your other courses or affiliate offers. 

Finding Clarity 7 Day Email Challenge Report composite marketing image

Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates

The "Finding Clarity" report comes with 2 sets of professionally designed cover graphics  easy-to-edit Canva Templates and ready-to-use JPG files. You'll receive 2 different designs with a flat image and 5 styles of 3D promotional graphics.

Finding Clarity 27-page report cover marketing composite image
Finding Clarity Editable Workbook eCover - v2

"Finding Clarity" Workbook

Make it easy for your readers to follow along with the Challenge lessons and keep track of their progress along the way. (12 pages/1,263 words/.docx format)

Finding Clarity Workbook composite marketing image
Finding Clarity Editable Workbook eCover - v1
Finding Clarity Workbook v2 marketing image

Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates

This planner comes with 2 sets of professionally designed ecovers. Includes easy-to-edit Canva Templates and ready-to-use jpg files - just add your website or business name. You'll receive a flat image, plus 5 styles of 3D promotional graphics.

Finding Clarity 27-page report cover (v2) marketing composite image
Finding Clarity Editable Workbook eCover - v1 - composite marketing image

Lead Generating Opt-In Page

Grow your list with this content quickly and easily with this opt-in copy and copy & paste WordPress-ready code

Finding Clarity optin page marketing image

10 Easy-to-Edit Canva Inspirational Quote Graphics in 3 Popular Sizes

Inspire your audience with these 10 carefully curated quotes related to finding clarity. You'll receive 30 jpg files (10 designs in 3 popular sizes: Landscape/Banner, Square, and Story/Portrait), plus access links to the Canva templates so you can customize each graphic to include your link, logo, images, colors, fonts, and more!

Finding Clarity Quote Graphics for Social Media - Story/Portrait - marketing composite

Story/Portrait (1080 x1920) Perfect for Facebook and Instagram stories

Finding Clarity Quote Graphics for Social Media - Square - marketing composite

Square images (2000 x 2000) Square graphics are very versatile and can be used on most social media platforms. These can easily be scaled to meet Instagram (1080x1080), Facebook, (1200x1200), and Pinterest square dimensions (1000x1000)

Finding Clarity Quote Graphics for Social Media - Landscape/Banner - marketing composite

Landscape/Banner(1200 x 630) graphics are ideal for Facebook, blog posts, and newsletters. They also scale closely to the current Instagram (1080 x 566), LinkedIn (1200 x 627), and Twitter (1024x512) requirements

Get It Before It's Too Late

We've Done All The Hard Work...  You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

It would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own... but now you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to do is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $37 $11.95 ($3,575 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 31 hours of time and lots of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the "Add to Cart" Button Below to Order Your License at the Best Price Possible

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Limited-Time Special Offer: $37 Just $11.95!
($3,575 to create it yourself!)

FREE PLR: 5 Pack of ‘Finding Clarity’ Articles

Ready-to-Brand, Monetize, & Publish:
Free 5-Pack of "Finding Clarity" Articles 

free breaking negative habits PLR articles

*Image is for illustrative purposes only. This free article pack includes the 5 titles listed below.

We've Done All The Work. Just Brand, Monetize, and Publish!

Teach your audience how to find clarity and identify what success means to them so they can act with purpose, achieve their goals, and live the life of their dreams with this free 5-pack of professionally written articles. Help your audience get started on their personal development journey with this 5-pack of articles that you can use on your website, social media platforms, in your newsletters, and much more...

This FREE Article Pack Includes 5 Brand New Articles (3,251 words):

  • 6 Pitfalls of a Fast-Paced Life (661 words) 
  • 8 Benefits of Finding Clarity (565 words)
  • 12 Negative Effects of Living Without Clarity (561 words)
  • 12 Signs You're Lacking Clarity (728 words)
  • Why Clarity Matters: How Clarity Improves 10 Aspects of Life (736 words)

You can edit, brand, and monetize these articles in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products, and more.

All Our Done-for-You Content is Super Easy to Use and Saves You Tons of Time and Money... So You Can Stay Focused on Growing Your Business


6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

It would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($250 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 5 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

It's FREE! The content will automatically be added to your Publish For Prosperity account and you'll also receive an email.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media, and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!