Tailor Your Message To The Media Platform For Better Engagement

A few thoughts on engaging your audience according to communication medium and purpose.
I found this a bit complex to write, so if you want clarification on anything, let me know. I think it includes some pretty important stuff that you might find useful.
When it comes to email, I find a singular focus is usually best, especially since we are usually trying to gain a result from our emails. This means you need to understand your subscribers and craft emails they will open based on the subject line and what will inspire them to click what you put inside.
But for social media, we don't always have or need a singular focus.
We are usually looking for engagement to build community...or at least, that's how I see the best way to use social media, unless you're specifically advertising a product and l'll talk about that next.
On social media, if you want to engage your audience, you still likely have a singular topic but you have different engagement points so they are more likely to like and comment on your posts. Because when they like and comment, your post will be seen by more people.
We do not have that phenomenon via email.
Some ways to add engagement points to your posts (and in many cases, use more than one of these):
* Add a photo to illustrate your point. Personal photos usually work better than stock photos.
* Add side notes and thoughts or inject some humor.
* Ask more than one question that would catch the attention of different people, but still keep your post concise and clear.
* Some questions you can include: Ask for their opinions, have them talk about themselves (people love this), have them tell you if they would like more information like this, ask simple yes or no questions for the shy ones, use the poll feature.
* Sometimes your engagement points won't be phrased as questions and can simply be invitations to engage. I've done it a few times in this post.
As for advertising on social media, which I admit I am NO expert on, I do believe you should experiment between the singular focus and multiple points of engagement because engagement still matters in social media ads.
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Alice Seba
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