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Save 75% on ANY of These 26 List-Building Personal Development List-Building Packs with Coupon Code 75OFF
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Choose from these Personal Development List-Building Packs:
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Or read on for more details on each featured List-Building PLR pack below...
The 'Decluttering for a Happier, Healthier Life' Archive Pack* Includes:
Here's a Quick Look at Everything Included:
- Updated: 'Decluttering for a Happier, Healthier Life' Lead Magnet/Report (9 pages / 2,841 words / .docx) Help your readers declutter and improve their lives, while building your list with this insightful lead magnet full of helpful tips,
- Brand New: Enhanced 'Decluttering for a Happier Healthier Life' Report / Workbook (20 pages / Canva) Take your list building a step further with this gorgeous Canva template with a clean, modern design.
- Brand New: 3 Sets of Editable eCover Graphics with Canva Templates (8 images per set - 1 flat and 7 3D designs) Customize your lead magnet with these easy-to-edit eCover templates or use one of our ready-made options to get it published right away!
- Archive: 21 'Decluttering' Articles: (400-600+ words each / .docx) Publish them on your blog, in your newsletter, or use them to create video scripts and social media posts.

*Please Note: This 'Decluttering for a Happier, Healthier Life' archive value pack includes a mix of brand new AND updated archive (previously released) content. The archive content is from both our Monthly Newsletter Club and Melody's APLC's Self-Improvement Content (SIC) memberships. (We have exclusive resale rights to the SIC membership content and have full authorization to include it here).
The 'Reset Your Life with Gratitude' List-Building Pack Includes:

Here’s a Quick Look at What’s Included:
- Lead Magnet #1: Reset Your Life and Find Your Purpose With Gratitude (4 pages / 1,360 words / .docx)
- 2 Sets of Editable eCovers (Canva) with 8 designs per set (one flat and seven 3D designs)
- List-Building Opt-In Page - Put this lead magnet to work building your list right away!
- Lead Magnet #2: Make Gratitude a Daily Habit (5 pages / 1,569 words / .docx)
- 2 Sets of Editable eCovers (Canva) with 8 designs per set (one flat and seven 3D designs)
- List-Building Opt-In Page - Put this lead magnet to work building your list right away!
- 10 Gratitude' Articles (500+ words each / .docx)
- 100 'Gratitude' Journal Prompts (.docx)
- 100 'Gratitude' Affirmations (.docx)
- 102-Page Prompted 'Gratitude' Journal (Canva and .docx) - prompts are the same as in .docx file listed above
- 2 Sets of Editable Journal eCovers (Canva) with 8 designs per set (one flat and seven 3D designs)
- 55-Page Guided 'Gratitude' Workbook (Canva and .docx) with 2 Sets of Editable eCovers... and more!
The 'Rise & Shine! Transform Your Morning Routine' Archive Pack Includes:
This List-Building Morning Routine Value Pack Includes:
- 16-Page Full "Rise & Shine! Transform Your Morning Routine" Workbook (.docx format / 2,661 words) - This workbook includes the full text of the 5 "Morning Routines" articles included in this pack, plus additional worksheets for your readers to record their thoughts and ideas related to each article.
- 7-Page Simplified "Rise & Shine! Transform Your Morning Routine" Workbook (.docx format / 409 words) This shortened version of the workbook includes only the workbook pages. Use it as a Content Upgrade to the related "Morning Routine" articles/blog posts included in this package to grow your list or as a supplement to your courses, workshops, or other training programs.
- Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates for both the Full and Simplified Workbook - This package also includes a PDF file with Access Links to the Templates so you can easily edit, brand and Monetize the workbooks to suit your needs.
- 2 Sets of editable eCovers with 6 variations of each design - includes Canva Templates for easy editing
- 5 "Morning Routine" Articles / Blog Posts
- 3 "Morning Routine" Autoresponder Follow-Up Emails

Plus, you'll also receive:
- 30 "Morning Routines" Social Media posts
- 10 Bonus "Positive Habits" Articles
*Please Note: This archive value pack includes a mix of brand new AND updated archive (previously released) content. The archive content is from our Monthly Newsletter Club and White Label Perks. (We have resale rights to the content not original to P4P and have full authorization to include it here).
The 'Morning Makeover' List-Building Bundle

This Bundle Includes:
- 2 'Morning Makeover' Journals with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates:
93-page 'Mindful Morning' Prompted Journal (A4) - pre-filled with journal prompts on each page
54-page 'Slow Morning' Prompted Journal (A4) - pre-filled with journal prompts on each page - 2 Sets of Editable eCover Designs with Canva Templates for Each Journal. Each set includes one flat png image and five 3D png images
- 2 'Morning Makeover' Workbooks with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates:
49-page 'Mindful Morning' Prompted Workbook (A4)
29-page 'Slow Morning' Prompted Workbook (A4) - 2 Sets of Editable eCover Designs with Canva Templates for Each Workbook. Each set includes 6 images (one flat png image and five 3D images)
- 1 'Morning Makeover' Planner with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates:
182-page 'Mindful Morning' Prompted Planner (A4) - 2 Sets of Editable eCover Designs. Each set includes 6 images (one flat png image and five 3D png images)
- 90 'Mindful Morning' Journal Prompts (.docx)
- 50 'Slow Morning' Journal Prompts (.docx)
- 90 Morning Affirmations (.docx)
Choose Any (or ALL) List-Building PLR Packs and Bundles Featured on This Page by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button Below!
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The 'Mindset, Meditation, & Mindfulness Article & Printables Archive Pack' Includes:

- 88 Archive Personal Development Articles: (400+ words each / .docx) - see titles below
- 12 Printables with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates (Pack includes 8 Worksheets, 2 Tip Sheets, 1 Checklist, & 1 Action Plan)
- BONUS: 6 MORE Personal Development Archive Articles: (400+ words each / .txt format only)

Please Note: These archive articles were originally released as part of our Newsletter Club membership. Please check your records before purchasing.
The 'Gratitude Articles & Printables Archive Pack' Includes:

- 55 Archive Personal Development Articles: (400+ words each) - see below for titles
- 10 'Article Upgrade' Canva Templates (Pack includes 1 and 2-page layout options)
- BONUS: 10 Additional Personal Development Archive Articles: (400+ words each / .txt format only)
Please Note: The bonus articles are also included in other archive article bundles. They are included here as they can also be used for your 'Gratitude' themed projects.

Please Note: These archive articles were originally released as part of our Newsletter Club membership. Please check your records before purchasing.
The 'Overcoming Procrastination' Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Overcoming Procrastination Once & For All" Report (.docx) – 6,661 words/ 17 pages: Help your readers reach their goals by finally overcoming procrastination
- "My Progress Planner" 90-Day Planner (.docx and .pptx): A beautiful place for your readers to track their progress as they take action to overcome procrastination each day
- 5 "Overcoming Procrastination" Articles perfect for blog content, social media, and more!
- 2 Sets of Professionally Designed eCover Graphics (Each set includes a Report + Planner Cover for a total of 4 designs): Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. Includes easy-to-edit Canva Templates and jpg files with flat cover and 5 x 3D versions that can be edited to create one-of-a-kind designs
- Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list, we’ve included the opt-in copy and WordPress-ready code
- 10 Easy-to-Edit Canva Inspirational Quote Templates in 3 Popular Sizes: Includes jpg files of each design, plus access links to the Canva templates for easy editing. Customize with your own links, logo, images, colors, and/or fonts for a truly unique design
- Bonus: 12 Additional "Overcoming Procrastination" Articles

- Bonus: 10 Additional "Overcoming Procrastination" Quotes with easy-to-edit Canva Templates
The Breaking Negative Habits Report + Planner Pack Includes:

- Breaking Negative Habits for a More Satisfying Life Report (.docx) – 5,375 words/ 13 pages
- "My Priority Planner" Fillable 90-Day Planner (.docx):
- 5 "Breaking Negative Habits" Articles: (9 pages / .docx)
Breaking the Cycle of Bad Habits (618 words)
Finding an Accountability Partner You Can Count On (538 words)
Recognizing & Removing Triggers (686 words)
The Ripple Effect of Negative Habits (606 words)
How to Track Your Progress to Stay Motivated (501 words) - 2 Sets of Professionally Designed eCover Graphics (Each set includes Report + Planner Covers): Includes easy-to-edit Canva Templates, one flat image and five 3D designs
- Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code
- 20 Easy-to-Edit Canva Inspirational Quote Templates
- Bonus: Additional eCover images (Report + Planner) (png + psd)
Choose Any (or ALL) List-Building PLR Packs and Bundles Featured on This Page by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button Below
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The Effective Daily Planning Report + Planner Pack

- 'Effective Daily Planning for Greater Productivity' Report (4,568 words/ 12 pages)
- Promotional Report eCovers with Canva Templates - includes 3 designs with one flat image and 4 3D designs
- 5 'Effective Daily Planning' Articles: (9 pages / 2,852 words)
Don't Forget the Quick Tasks When Planning
Effectively Dividing Your To-Do Lists
How to Prioritize Your Daily Goals
Is It Possible to Multitask and Be Productive
Signs You're Easily Distracted
- Let's Do This 90 Day Planner (.docx and fillable PDF)
- Promotional Planner eCovers with Canva Templates - includes 3 designs with one flat image and 4 3D designs
- 20 Easy-to-Edit Quote Graphics with Canva Templates
Overcoming Impostor Syndrome Report + Planner Pack Includes:

- Overcoming Impostor Syndrome for a More Authentic Life Report (5,111 words / 13 pages / .docx)
- Original Set of Promotional Cover Graphics (PNG/JPG and PSD) - Includes one flat image and 4 3D designs
- 5 Dealing with Impostor Syndrome Articles: (10 pages / 2,585 words)
...Putting Knowledge into Action
Everyone Needs Help at Times
Letting Go of Perfectionism
You Are a Work In Progress
You Don't Have to Be a Superhero - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- 'A More Genuine Me' 90-Day Planner (.docx and a fillable PDF)
- Original Set Promotional Cover Graphics (PNG/JPG and PSD) - Includes one flat image and 4 3D designs
- Bonus: 3 Sets of Easy-to-Edit Canva Inspirational Quote Templates in 3 Sizes - Facebook, IG Post, and Banner
- Bonus: 9 Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates: Includes 2 Additional eCover Sets (2 Report & 2 Planner) & 5 Interior Page Layouts
Dealing with Daily Distractions Report + Planner Pack

This List-Building Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Dealing with Daily Distractions for More Productivity Report (4,570 words/ 10 pages)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- 5 Dealing with Daily Distractions Articles: (10 pages / 2,990 words / .docx)
How to Prioritize Your Daily Goals
Is it Really Possible to Multitask?
Signs You are Easily Distracted
The Benefits of Being Less Distracted
The Most Common Daily Distractions - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- No More Distractions Planner (380 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- 20 Dealing with Daily Distractions Social Media Graphics - Includes JPG and PSD
- Bonus: 3 Additional Sets of eCover Templates with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
The Dealing with a Crisis Report + Planner Pack

This List-Building Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Your Step-by-Step Guide to Dealing with a Crisis or Difficult Situation Report (3,465 words / 10 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- My Crisis Planner (380 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- 20 Dealing with Crisis Social Media Graphics (JPG/PSD)
Choose Any (or ALL) List-Building PLR Packs and Bundles Featured on This Page by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button Below
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The 'Journaling as a Daily Practice' Report + Planner Pack Includes:

- Journaling as a Daily Practice of Personal Growth Report (3,447 words / 9 pages / .docx)
- Journaling for Personal Growth Planner (380 pages / .docx format)
- 4 Professionally Designed eCover Sets (24 images) with Canva Templates - Each set includes one flat image and five 3D designs
- Lead Generating Opt-In Page - includes bonus tablet and smartphone marketing image for sales page
- BONUS: 20 'Journaling for Personal Growth" Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
Create Your Dream Life with Journaling Archive Value Pack

This List-Building Article & Workbook Pack Includes:
- 16-Page Full "Getting Started: Create Your Dream Life with Journaling" Workbook (.docx format / 2,924 words) - This workbook includes the full text of the 5 "Journaling" articles included in this pack, plus additional worksheets for your readers to record their thoughts and ideas related to each article.
- 6-Page Simplified "Getting Started: Create Your Dream Life with Journaling" Workbook (.docx format / 336 words) This shortened version of the workbook includes only the workbook pages. Use it as a Content Upgrade to the related "Journaling" articles/blog posts included in this package to grow your list or as a supplement to your courses, workshops, or other training programs.
- Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates for both the Full and Simplified Workbook - This package also includes a PDF file with Access Links to the Templates so you can easily edit, brand and Monetize the workbooks to suit your needs.
- 2 Sets of editable eCovers with 6 variations of each design - includes Canva Templates for easy editing
- 5 Journaling Articles / Blog Posts
- 3 Journaling Autoresponder Follow-Up Emails
- 30 Social Media Posts
- 46 Journaling Prompts
*Please Note: This archive value pack includes a mix of brand new AND updated archive (previously released) content. The archive content is from our Monthly Newsletter Club and White Label Perks. (We have resale rights to the content not original to P4P and have full authorization to include it here).
The New & Improved Year of Journaling Archive Bundle Includes:

4 Seasonal JOURNAL Designs with easy-to-edit Canva templates in 2 Popular Sizes (Letter, A4):
Winter Journal (194 pages)
Spring Journal (194 pages)
Summer Journal (194 pages)
Fall Journal (194 pages)
- 4 Seasonal PLANNER Designs with easy-to-edit Canva templates in 2 Popular Sizes (Letter, A4):
Winter Planner (204 pages)
Spring Planner (204 pages)
Summer Planner (204 pages)
Fall Planner (204 pages) - 3 Journaling Reports/Lead Magnets (Reports are in .docx format / eCovers created in Canva)
Journaling in the New Year (.docx format)
Foolproof Method to Journaling More (.docx format)
Master Journaling: Tips & Tricks to Become a Journaling Expert (.docx format) - "Journaling Your Life" eBook (eBook is in .docx format / eCovers created in Canva)
- "Year of Journaling" Workbook (Workbook is in .docx format / eCovers created in Canva)
- 18 Professionally Designed eCover Graphics with Canva Templates for Each Journal
(4 Designs: 1 for each journal), Planner (4 Designs: 1 for each planner), Report/Lead Magnet (6 Designs:
2 per report), eBook (2 Designs), and Workbook (2 Designs) - 31 Journaling Articles - 45 pages premium (written by a human) content! (.docx format)
- 374 Journaling Prompts: (.docx format)
25 Winter Journaling Prompts
100 Spring Journaling Prompts
50 Summer Journaling Prompts
25 Fall Journaling Prompts
65 Holiday Journaling Prompts
53 Journaling Throughout the Year Prompts + 3 Prompts for Each Calendar Month (36 additional prompts)
20 New Year's Journaling Prompts
*Please Note: Our "New & Improved" PLR packages and bundles include a mix of brand new AND updated archive (previously released) content. All four watercolor Journals and all graphic elements, such as the editable eCovers, in this package are New & Exclusive to this bundle, while the written content (reports, ebook, articles, prompts, and tips) has been previously released in other packages on this site and Health & Wellness PLR (we own resale rights to this content and have full authorization to include that material here).
Please also note that the included formats for each element is listed above. Specifically, the Journals, Planners, and eCovers come with easy-to-edit Canva templates (NO .docx format), while the archive written material - reports, ebook, workbook, articles, and prompts - are available in .docx format only.
Tapping Into Your Inner Creativity Report + Planner Pack

This List-Building Report + Planner Pack Include
- Tapping into Your Inner Creativity Report (4,043 words / 11 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and 4 3D designs
- Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- My Inner Creativity Planner (379 pages / 11,215 words / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and 4 3D designs
- 20 Tapping into Your Inner Creativity Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
- Bonus: 9-Page Canva eCover + Lead Magnet Kit - Includes 2 additional Report and Planner covers (4 Designs Total), 'Welcome' page, 2 interior page layouts, a 'Thank You' page, and a 'What's Next?'/Call-to-Action page
Choose Any (or ALL) List-Building PLR Packs and Bundles Featured on This Page by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button Below!
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Retirement Sale: 'Self Love' Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Self Love: How to Give Yourself Everything You Ever Wanted Report (3,528words / 10 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Self-Love Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- My Self Love Planner (380 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - 20 Improving Self Love Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
- Bonus: Three 18″ x 24″ Poster Graphics - Use as client gifts, free downloads, or to create digital or physical products to sell. (Editable PSD, ready-to-publish PNG, and PDF formats).
- Bonus: 8 Self-Confidence Printables / Worksheets (.doc)
8 Bonus Self-Confidence Worksheets and Printables:
10 Things I Love about Me Worksheets
20 Crazy Things to Try to Boost Your Self-Confidence
50 Confidence Affirmations
Achieve Your Goals with Confidence Worksheet
Banishing Negative Self-Talk Worksheet
Change Your Thinking Worksheet
Gratitude Worksheet to Boost Your Confidence Worksheet
Overcoming Your Fear Worksheet

Retirement Sale: The 'Art of Self Care' Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- The Art of Self-Care for a Happier, More Satisfying Life Report (3,771 words / 11 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- My Self-Care Planner (380 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Self-Care Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)

The Fine Art of Caring Less Crisis Report + Planner Pack

This Updated List-Building Pack Includes:
- 'The Fine Art of Caring Less to Get More out of Life' Report (4,741 words / 10 pages / .docx)
- My 'Caring Less' Planner (380 Pages / .docx format)
- 2 Professionally Designed eCover Graphic Sets with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
- 5 'Caring Less So You Can Get More Out Of Life' Articles: (8 pages / 2,825 words / .docx)
How to Set Expectations for Yourself
How to Stop Overthinking Every Decision
Signs You Care Too Much About What Other People Think
What Happens When You Stop Caring What People Think?
Why Do You Seek Approval Before Making Decisions? - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- 10 'Caring Less to Get More Out of Life' Social Media Graphics in 2 Popular Sizes (Square and Story/Portrait) - Includes Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
Dealing with Negative Thoughts & People Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Dealing with Negative Thoughts and Negative People (3,575 words / 10 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- 'Say No to Negativity' Planner (380 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Dealing with Negative Thoughts and Negative People Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)

Retirement Sale: Developing Your Leadership Skills Report + Planner Pack

This List-Building Pack Includes:
- Developing Your Leadership Skills Report ( 9 pages / 2,996 words) / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- Leadership Skills Planner (379 pages / 11,417 words / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Developing Leadership Skills Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
Choose Any (or ALL) List-Building Packs & Bundles Featured on This Page by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button Below!
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Final Retirement Sale: Boost Your Confidence Report + Planner Pack

This Confidence Building List-Building Pack Includes:
- Boost Your Confidence to Get Everything You Want Out of Life Report (4,110 words/10 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- Boost Your Confidence Planner (375 pages / 14,611 words / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Confidence Boosting Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
Final Retirement Sale: Strategic Thinking Report + Planner Pack
Last Chance! This List-Building Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Strategic Thinking Report (3,770 words/11 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- Strategic Thinking Planner (380 pages / 14,095 words / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Strategic Thinking Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
- Bonus: 9-Page Canva Lead Magnet Template Kit. Includes 2 report covers, 2 planner covers, about page, intro page, 2 page layouts, and a call-to-action page

Final Retirement Sale: Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Report + Planner Pack

Last Chance! This List-Building Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make Big Things Happen Report (3,998 words / 12 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Planner (379 pages / 13,079 words / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)
Final Retirement Sale: Get & Stay Motivated Report + Planner Pack
Last Chance! This List-Building Report + Planner Pack Includes:
- Get & Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals Report (3,905 words / 10 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Report eCover Graphics with Editable PSD
- Includes one flat image and four 3D styles - Lead-Generating Opt-In Page
- Motivational Planner (378 pages / .docx)
- Promotional Planner eCover Graphics with Editable PSD - Includes one flat image and four 3D styles
- 20 Motivational Social Media Graphics (JPG and PSD)

Choose Any (or ALL) List-Building Packs & Bundles Featured on This Page by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button Below!
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