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But first, take a look at this...
Introducing Our Exclusive
"30-Day Growth Mindset Challenge" List-Building PLR Pack

Build Your List & Create Premium Products Your Customers Will LOVE!
Get Your Copy Now:
This Easy-to-Use Content Saves You Lots of Time and Money So You Can Focus on Growing Your Business
Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This 30-Day Growth Mindset Challenge Pack You Can Edit, Brand, Monetize, & Publish As Your Own:
- 30 Inspiring Daily Growth Mindset Articles/Blog Posts - one for each day of the Challenge
- 30 Growth Mindset Challenge Autoresponder Messages - one for each day of the Challenge. Just load up your autoresponder for and GO!
- 30 Growth Mindset Journal Prompts - one for each day of the Growth Mindset Challenge
- 32-Page 'My Growth Mindset Journey' Journal (Canva ONLY) - a special place for your readers to record their thoughts and progress throughout this Challenge
- 2 Sets of Editable Journal eCovers with editable Canva templates with 9 designs per set (one flat and eight 3D designs)
- 66-Page 'My Growth Mindset Challenge' Workbook (Canva ONLY)
- 2 Sets of Editable Workbook eCovers (Canva) with 8 designs per set (one flat and seven 3D designs)
Now let's take a closer look...
30 Daily 'Growth Mindset' Articles/Blog Posts
(30+ pages / 400+ words each / .docx)
Help your readers cultivate a Growth Mindset over the course of this 30 Day Challenge with these inspiring articles/blog posts.
Here are the Topics for Each Day of This Challenge:

Here's a quick look inside:

*This image is for illustrative purposes only. The actual titles (see above) and total number of pages (30+) included in this package vary slightly.
30 Daily 'Growth Mindset Challenge' Autoresponders
(30+ pages / 250+ words / .docx)
Guide your readers through this 30 Day Growth Mindset Challenge with these inspiring autoresponder messages
Here are the Topics for Each Daily Email in this Challenge:

30 'Growth Mindset' Journal Prompts
(.docx format)
Journal prompts are a great way to help your readers work on developing a Growth Mindset. These prompts align with each day of this 30-Day Challenge and can be found in the prompted Journal and guided Workbook included in this package.
Here a few sample prompts included in this package:
- What would you like to change about your current mindset?
- List 10 things you love about yourself
- What is something you love to learn?
- What is out of your control that you will let go?
- List the top ways you can celebrate your accomplishments

Prompted 30-Day My Growth Mindset Journey Journal
(32 pages / Canva ONLY)
Here is a partial look at the Canva template:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
Your Prompted 'My Growth Mindset Journey' Journal comes with 2 sets of professionally designed cover graphics with easy-to-edit Canva Templates and ready-to-use PNG files. You'll receive 2 sets of designs with one flat image and eight 3D promotional graphics each.

30-Day Growth Mindset Challenge Workbook
(66 pages / Canva ONLY)
Here is a partial look at the Canva template for this Workbook:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Easy-to-Edit Canva Templates
This guided 'Gratitude' Workbook comes with 2 sets of professionally designed cover graphics with easy-to-edit Canva Templates and ready-to-use PNG files. You'll receive 2 sets of designs with one flat image and seven 3D promotional graphics each.

Take Advantage of This Low Introductory Offer...
We've Done All The Hard Work... You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It
Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in creating all this ready-to-publish content for you. Not only have we created the content, but we've also included professionally designed eCover graphics and an opt-in page to help you make the most of it.
Let's take a look at what's involved with putting together this content bundle on your own...
[wpsm_comparison_table id="178" class=""]
As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to create all this content on your own... but now you don't have to! We've done the work for you and now all you need to do is download, brand, Monetize, and get it out there!
Grab it now for only $77 - $19.95! ($3,300 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 54 hours of time and lots of money to provide your readers with the information they seek.
Click the "Add to Cart" Button Below to Order Your License at the Best Price Possible
Limited-Time ONLY: Just $19.95!
(Normally $77)