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Get Even More Tools to Promote Your Self-Improvement Top 10 Lead Magnet Packages including 10 Slide Shows, 10 Promotional Graphics and 10 Infographics to Generate More Leads, Taking Your Content Even Further in Growing Your Business. Plus You'll Get an Additional 12-Pack of Personal Development Reports.

Thanks for picking up your Mega Pack of PLR Package. We have emailed your access information to you, but before that we'd love to give you an opportunity for more great marketing tools that will help you promote the Self-Improvement Top 10s you just purchased and get more personal development content to share with your audience. Help your readers get the most out of their efforts… and it's already done for you, with a make-it-yourself value of $9,000, but now you can get it all right now for just $67.

Here is a quick summary of what's included…

Make it Yourself for $9,000 or Just Get it Here for Only $67.

  • 10 x Professionally Designed Viral Infographics: One infographic to accompany each one of the Top 10 Lists. Ready to share or update with your company information (.JPG and .PSD included).
  • 10 x Professionally Designed Promotional Graphics: One to help you easily promote each one of the Top 10 Lists (.JPG and .PSD included).
  • 10 x Self-Improvement Top 10 Illustrated Slide Shows: You get 10 illustrated slide shows featuring the top 10 tips for each self-improvement topic for the lists you already received. Turn them into attractive PDF documents and use them as lead magnets. Load them to SlideShare or display them on your website. Or use them to create informative videos – the design and script are all ready for you.
  • 12 x Ready-to-Publish Reports: Just brand them and monetize them how you'd like:
    • A Disorganized Procrastinator's Guide to Time Management & Getting Organized  (3,938 words / 10 images)
    • Dropped the Ball on Your New Year's Resolution?: How to Get Back on the Health Track (3,315 words)
    • It's In You: Developing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset (4,291 words)
    • Your No Nonsense Guide to Effective Leadership Skills (3,533 words / 4 images)
    • The Power of Living in the Now (4,266 words)
    • Relaxing Designs: The Mandala Coloring Book (24 designs)
    • 10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success (4,270 words / 4 images)
    • Nothing to Hold You Back: Your Personality Means Your Success  (5,781 words / 8 images)
    • Minimalism for a More Focused Life (3,694 words)
    • Cultivating a Positive Outlook for Happiness and Success (2,273 words)
    • Prioritize Your Life: Make More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life  (3,979 words / 3 images)
    • The Fine Art of Saying No: Your Key to Focus, Success and Happiness (3,762 words)

Here are all the details of this bundle…

10 Professionally Designed Viral Infographics

Ready-to-post infographics with all of the information from the top ten lists included. Brand them with your logo or company name and encourage your followers to share them. You'll get the .JPG and .PSD versions.

10 Professionally Designed Promo Graphics 

10 professionally designed promo graphics to help promote your top ten slide shows. You'll get a .JPG and .PSD of each graphic to help your opt-in stand out.

10 Self-Improvement Top 10 Slide Shows – So Many Ways to Use Them!

Give your readers the information they need to be successful marketers and cut through the noise with these top 10 slide shows (ppt). There are 10 slide shows included, here's a sneak peak and a list of all the topics covered:

  • Top 10 Ways to be More Productive (12 slides / 10 images / 474 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Become a Better Leader (12 slides / 10 images / 532 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Become More Confident (12 slides / 10 images / 563 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Embrace Gratitude (12 slides / 10 images / 647 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Get Healthier (12 slides / 10 images / 608 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Get Organized (12 slides / 10 images / 592 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Have a Better Relationship (12 slides / 10 images / 677 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Overcome Grief (12 slides / 10 images / 720 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Overcome Procrastination (12 slides / 10 images / 672 words)
  • Top 10 Ways to Think More Positively (12 slides/ 10 images / 699 words)

…make it easier for your readers to improve themselves. Display them on your site as a slide show, convert them into a PDF, turn them into a video or use them as the basis for a live training program.

And all these things are easy to do. Did you know that when you “export” a PowerPoint presentation, the program makes it easy to…

Convert PowerPoint

  • Create a PDF – Customize the slide show with your logo and add a product promotion and convert to PDF. BAM! Instant lead magnet report.
  • Make a Video – The script is ready for you with the text on the slides…just add your voice and load to YouTube.
  • Package a Presentation for a CD – Sending info out by the good old-fashioned snail mail. Turn your slide show into a CD.
  • Create Handouts – People love handouts. You can create handouts that allow your subscribers to add their own notes and ideas for each slide.

…and of course, you can load the slide show to and easily embed the slide show to your blog. Or use one of the popular WordPress plugins that display slide shows. So many options!

12 Ready-to-Publish Reports on Self-Improvement


12 Personal Development Reports

Report #1: A Disorganized Procrastinator's Guide to Time Management & Getting Organized

Organization PLR ReportA Disorganized Procrastinators Guide to Time Management and Getting Organized illustrated report (3,938 words / 10 images): This report includes plenty of practical advice on how to get organized in all aspects of life. It includes:

  • Identifying your organization style
  • Common reasons for procrastination
  • Overcoming personal roadblocks
  • Creating routines, habits and more
  • Getting organized at work
  • Getting back on track if you slip
  • Easy starter steps to organization

…and everything they need to finally break the procrastination habit.


Report #2: Dropped the Ball on Your New Year's Resolution?: How to Get Back on the Health Track

Get Back on the Health TrackHow to Get Back on the Health Track in 2016 (3,315 words): This report will teach your readers how they can get back on track in 2016. It includes the following:

  • Why we fail at following through with resolutions
  • How to approach better health
  • Incorporating healthy eating into daily life
  • Incorporating exercise into your daily life
  • How to live with positivity and limited stress
  • Next steps to ensure success

Bumps in the road are par for the course, but this report shows your readers how to get over them quickly.

Report #3: It's In You: Developing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset 

Developing-Your-Entrepreneurial-Mindset-eCover-3It's In You: Developing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset report (4,291 words) will teach your readers how to have an entrepreneurial mindset like a successful entrepreneur. Topics include:

  • Top traits of successful entrepreneurs
  • Building skills to reach entrepreneurial success
  • Thoughts and actions that block success
  • Letting go of kudos
  • Top myths about entrepreneurs
  • Recognizing opportunities

…and everything they need to start thinking and acting like a true entrepreneur.


Report #4: Your No Nonsense Guide to Effective Leadership Skills

Guide to Effective Leadership Skills

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Effective Leadership Skills report (3,533 words / 4 images) will give your readers the information they need to develop their leadership skills. Topics include:

  • Leadership styles
  • Qualities of an effective leader
  • 7 signs you might be a poor leader
  • Common leadership mistakes
  • Finding your leadership style
  • Incorporating leadership qualities into daily routine
  • Communication tips for effective leaders
  • Next steps for success


Report #5: The Power of Living in the Now

The Power of Living in the Now

The Power of Living in the Now report (4,266 words) will help show your readers how they can benefit from living in the moment. Topics include:

  • How to let go of the past
  • How to avoid getting wrapped in the future
  • How to live in the present
  • Meditation for living in the moment
  • & more…

Your readers will discover the power of living in the now in order to achieve personal transformation and how they can be more present in their life in every sense of the word.


Report #6: Relaxing Designs: The Mandala Coloring Book

Mandala Coloring Book with PLR Rights

If you've visited your local bookstore, looked around Facebook or just looked at what creative people are doing right now, there's a very big trend in books happening. Adults are coloring! Yep, if you haven't gotten into it yourself, you might think it's very strange, but it's being boasted as a creative and therapeutic outlet for adults.

That means a lot of savvy and creative people are cashing in on the trend and now you can too by getting your private label rights to these 24 original designs.

Or if you're an existing coloring book publisher, add the designs to your upcoming coloring books, offer them as a bonus for your product or give them away as an opt-in gift. It's all up to you.


Mandala Designs

Mandala Designs


Report #7: 10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success

Meditation for Focus10-Minute Meditation for Focus and Success report (4,270 words / 4 images) will teach your readers how they can start incorporating meditation into their daily life. Topics include:

  • What is meditation
  • The power of meditation
  • Why people meditate
  • Techniques and practices
  • Getting started
  • Making the time
  • Spiritual benefits

…and everything they need to get started for simple daily meditation.



Report #8: Nothing to Hold You Back –
Your Personality Means Your Success

Personality Means Your Success

Nothing to Hold You Back: Your Personality Means Your Success illustrated PLR report (5,781 words / 8 images) will teach your readers how they can use their strengths and weaknesses to be successful. Topics include:

  • How the Myers & Briggs Test works
  • Carl Jung's four dichotomies that help form your personality
  • The benefits of using the test
  • 16 different personalities according to Myers Briggs
  • Leveraging your personality traits for success in life
  • How to apply this information to your life

This unique guide helps your readers leverage their unique traits for life success.


Report #9: Minimalism for a More Focused Life

Minimalism for a More Focused Life

Minimalism for a More Focused Life (3,694 words): This report will help your readers the benefits of minimalism and help them determine if it is right for them. It covers:

  • What is minimalism
  • Possessions taking control
  • Benefits of the minimalist approach
  • Gain more by simplifying and reducing
  • Develop meaningful connections
  • Finding peace
  • How to become a minimalist
  • Avoiding wasting time

The need for more fuels people to buy and do a wide range of things and is basic to human nature. Some individuals understand that the continuing quest for more only brings more stuff rather than happiness. Minimalism is a way to attain happiness by being content with less.

Report #10: Cultivating a Positive Outlook
for Happiness and Success

Cultivating a Positive Outlook

Cultivating a Positive Outlook for a Happy and Successful Life report (2,273 words) will teach your readers how they can use their thoughts to cultivate happiness and success in their lives. Topics include:

  • Connecting success with positive thinking
  • How to get rid of negative thoughts
  • Tips to cultivate a positive attitude
  • How to go deeper in the subconscious mind
  • Picturing success
  • 10 Ways to be happier
  • Next steps

In this report, your readers will see how using positive thinking can change their life and help you become more successful. You'll begin by learning how success is connected to your thoughts. Then, discover ways to rid yourself of negative thoughts when they do occur.

Report #11: Prioritize Your Life: Make More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life 

Prioritize Your LifePrioritize Your Life – Make More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life report (3,979 words / 3 images) will teach your readers how they can start to prioritize their life for more enjoyment. 

Topics include:

  • Finding balance the roller coaster of life
  • Methods for achieving your goals and dreams
  • Focusing on your goals to create momentum
  • Analyzing and managing each category of your life
  • Methods to improve time management
  • Next steps…

In this bundle, your readers will learn how to prioritize their life and make more time for both achieving their goals and enjoying their life.

Report #12: The Fine Art of Saying No:
Your Key to Focus, Success and Happiness

The Fine Art of Saying No

The Fine Art of Saying No: Your Key to Focus, Success and Happiness (3,762 words): This report will teach your readers why saying no is so important.

It includes the following:

  • Benefits of saying no
  • Why saying no gets you ahead
  • Why people resist saying no
  • Having the confidence to say no
  • Learning to identify reasonable requests
  • Saying no to your children
  • Saying no at work
  • Real-life scenarios
  • The bottom line

In this report, we'll cover many of the benefits saying no can bring to one's life. It will begin a journey to stop over-committing and better prioritize one's time.



We've Done The Work…
Now Turn Your All This Content into Traffic, Subscribers and Even Customers

We've included everything you need to turn your Self-Improvement 10 Slide Shows into an enticing lead magnet and even thrown in the promotional and infographics to help promote it to make it dead simple plus you get 12 additional reports to share with your audience. 

Let's look at how much it would cost to put this together for yourself (HINT: Don't Do All the Work When We've Already Done It!)

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”35″ class=””]  

At only $67 ($9,000 make-it-yourself value) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating PLR Content for You Since 2006