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Great News! For a Limited Time, Grab the Journal, Workbook and the 30 Days of Emails and Blog Posts to Help Your Subscribers and Customers Get RESULTS!

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Thanks for picking up the 4 Week How the Stories You Tell Yourself are Holding You Back from Getting What You Want Ecourse. We have emailed your access information to you, but before that, we'd love to give you an opportunity for more valuable content to use with your purchase, so you can deliver great content effortlessly and focus on more important areas of your business. It's a Journal, Workbook, plus 30 Days of Emails and 30 Days of Blog Posts all that can lead your customers to buying your 4 week ecourse, and all with massive value for your readers.
Help your readers recognize the stories they tell themselves and how it is holding them back...and it's already done for you, with a make-it-yourself value of $8,250, but now you can get it all right now for just $77.
Hands-On Practical Content That Costs $8,250 to Make Yourself, but You Can Get it Here at a Fraction of the Cost and Save a Ton of Time...if You Grab it Now.
This is hands-on, practical content that will help your followers APPLY what they learn in the How the Stories You Tell Yourself are Holding You Back Ecourse and get RESULTS in improving all areas of their lives. You can even use it to draw your audience in for the 4 week ecourse on How the Stories You Tell Yourself are Holding You Back. You can give away the blog posts with the journal or use the individual blog posts to deliver great content to your audience. The choice is yours.
Let's take a peek at everything...
Rewriting My Story Journal

Give your readers a beautiful place to jot down their thoughts each day. The journal includes inspirational quotes, affirmations and writing prompts to guide them including…
- Describe your earliest childhood memory.
- How does telling stories affect your choices in life?
- “Everyone is a kind of story that they tell themselves.” - Guy Haley
- I am open and receptive to all that life offers me.
- Talk about the most important quality you look for in another person.

Promotional Cover Graphics
This professionally designed cover comes with an easy-to-edit Canva Template in JPG format. You'll receive a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic, as well.

Rewriting My Story Workbook
This Workbook will give your readers the opportunity to stay focused on rewriting their stories! They will be able to track and reflect on the positive outcomes they have while on their journey to fulfillment. It gives them a full year of space for planning daily strategies, resources needed to implement strategies and more.

Here's another Peek

Promotional Cover Graphics
This professionally designed cover comes with an easy-to-edit Canva Template in JPG format. You'll receive a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic, as well.

30 Days of Emails
Here are 30 days of email messages all on the topic of the stories we tell ourselves that can hold us back. you can edit them, add to them or leave them as they are the choice is yours!

Here's the Topics Included:
1. Are negative thoughts ruling your life?
2. Four tips for organizing the home
3. Four ways to feel more empowered
4. Four ways to get comfortable with who you are
5. Getting back into exercise after a long break
6. Healing from trauma to change your story
7. How a digital detox can transform your story
8. How to create healthy habits that stick
9. How to free yourself from self-pity
10. How to improve communication in your relationships
11. How to journal for gratitude
12. How to let go of the things that you can't change
13. How to remove negative bias from your life
14. How to stop catastrophizing
15. How to stop making excuses and start changing
16. How volunteering can help you develop gratitude
17. How your diet impacts your story
18. Is perfectionism holding you back
19. Reconnect with your partner using these simple tips
20. Start meditating to change your mindset
21. Three stress-busting tips to build resilience
22. Three tips for changing negative thoughts
23. Three tips to control your emotions
24. Three ways nature is good for your soul
25. Three ways to create acceptable boundaries
26. Three ways to improve your sleep
27. Three ways to stop beating yourself up over past mistakes
28. Time management tips for better productivity
29. Turning failure into lessons
30. Using affirmations to change your mindset
here's a closer look at the emails...

30 Days of Blog Posts (58 pages / 15,983 words)
We have also included 30 days of blog posts all on the topic of how the stories you tell yourself are holding you back. you can edit them, add to them or keep it simple and leave them as they are!

Here's the Topics Included:
1. Are the Stories You Tell Yourself Real or Fake
2. Are These Toxic Traits Holding You Back
3. Can You Change the Stories You Tell Yourself
4. Could the Stories You Tell Yourself Be Contributing to Your Anxiety
5. Five Positive Self-Talk Benefits
6. Five Ways to Get Organized to Calm the Mind
7. Four Methods for Reducing Stress in Your Life
8. Four Ways the Stories You Tell Yourself Can Limit Your Confidence
9. Four Ways the Stories You Tell Yourself Could Impact Your Career
10. Four Ways the Stories You Tell Yourself Impact Your Relationships
11. Four Ways to Focus on the Here and Now
12. Four Ways to Turn Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones
13. How Journaling Can Help You to Become Aware of the Stories You Tell Yourself
14. How Meditation Can Help to Ground You In the Present
15. How Other People Can Impact the Stories You Tell Yourself
16. How to Become Aware of the Stories You Tell Yourself
17. How to Build Up Good Habits
18. How to Practice Gratitude to Change Your Story
19. How to Set Healthy Boundaries
20. How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
21. How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Story
22. How Your Lifestyle Can Contribute Towards the Stories You Tell Yourself
23. Is Your Story Causing Comparison Syndrome
24. The Benefits of Self-Reflection
25. Three Common Stories You Might Be Telling Yourself
26. Three Ways the Stories We Tell Ourselves Impacts Our Health
27. What Are the Different Types of Stories We Tell Ourselves
28. Where Do the Stories We Tell Ourselves Come From
29. Why Developing Emotional Balance Is Key to Controlling the Narrative of Your Story
30. Why You Need to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Change Your Life
here's a closer look...
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As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to do is publish the content, add your affiliate links and you can start earning those affiliate commissions.
Grab it now for only $77 ($8,250 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.
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Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!