Category Archives for Retired Products

How to Embrace Optimism in Your Life for More Happiness and Success Promotion Report + Planner Pack

Limited Time Special for this Never-Before-Released Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
“How to Embrace Optimism in Your Life for More Happiness and Success” Report
& Planner Pack
Sell it, Give it Away and Keep ALL the Profits.

How to Embrace Optimism In Your Life

Or keep reading for full details...

We've Done All the Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run With It.

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “How to Embrace Optimism in Your Life for More Happiness and Success bundle that will give your readers a detailed report, customizable planner, 2 ecover sets, an opt-in page and graphics.

It's brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

How to Embrace Optimism in Your Life Report:

In this guide you'll discover why it is important to embrace optimism for happiness and success in your life. You'll discover its benefits and how to develop it.

How to Embrace Optimism Report Image 2

Embrace Optimism Planner:

Help your readers embrace optimism and track their daily progress with this gorgeous customized planner.

I Cant Wait to See What Life Brings Planner Image

2 Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Sets:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also included 4 different styles of 3D graphics in JPG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like.

report ecovers image
planner ecovers image

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page:

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the opt-in page to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder.

How to Embrace Optimism optin image

20 Embracing Optimism Social Media Graphics
We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to embrace optimism and achieve their goals.  

Embracing Optimisms Graphics
We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

How to Embrace Optimism in Your Life Report
(3,497 words/11 pages)

Embracing optimism is showing to have huge benefits not only in mind but in body and spirit as well. With a conscious decision to become more optimistic, a few tips and techniques, new habits are forming, health is improving, and lives are changing through the power of optimism. Help your readers discover the benefits of embracing optimism so that they can create the path that they want their life or business to take.How to Embrace Optimism Report Image 2

Here is a peek inside:

How to Embrace Optimism Report Image

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3D promotional graphic too.

report ecovers image

Ecovers Included

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

How to Embrace Optimism optin image

I Can't Wait to See What Life Brings Planner
15,614 words/380 pages)

This planner will give your readers the opportunity to improve their optimism vibe and achieve their goals all year long.  It gives them a full year of space for planning daily strategies, resources needed to implement strategies and more.

I Cant Wait to See What Life Brings Planner Image

Here is a peek inside:

I Cant Wait to See What Life Brings Planner Image 2

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3D promotional graphic too.

planner ecovers image

Ecovers Included

20 Embracing Optimism Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the JPG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

Embracing Optimisms Graphics

Limited Time Bonus Offer

Let's make this even better for you. For a limited time also receive these 3 bonus packs…each valued at $37.

These fill-in-the-blanks templates can help you get better and quicker results with your content marketing. We've included…

Content Management for Traffic and Monetization Worksheets, Checklists and Planners 

  • Content Management Insider's Strategy Guide: Discover many strategies to help grow your audience and increase sales.
  • 50 Things to Blog About: 50 ideas to help get your creative juices flowing. Many of the ideas you can use time and again.
  • Content Management Daily Planner – One Month: This is a 30-day planner with daily sheets to help you plan what content to publish, which projects are due, tasks that need to be completed, people you want to connect with and more.
  • Weekly Content Marketing Journal containing 4 weekly review sheets to help you track the work you planned out in your daily planner, this journal gives you room to document things that worked well, things that didn't, obstacles you faced and more.
  • Master List – Affiliate Programs: A handy spreadsheet with plenty of space for you to track your affiliate accounts, affiliate links and product or services reviews you create.
  • Master List – My Products & Services: Keep track of your personal products and services, special offers, sales/opt-in page URLs and more. There's also room for you to track reviews others have created about your products or services.
  • Master List – Products & Content to track your business assets, content, opt-in offers and product details.
  • Monthly Content & Promotions Planner: Use this spreadsheet to help plan & track your content and promotions. There's space to plan and track products you'll promote in the upcoming month, content pieces to be created (and any outsourcing information related to it). We've also included the brainstorming sheet, so you have the ideas at your fingertips. 

Essential Website Traffic Template Package

  • Insider's Strategy Guide:Discover the many different strategies and methods you can use to increase your website traffic in order to grow your business. This guide will get you started.
  • Blogging Checklist to show you the simple tweaks you can make to your blog to get more traffic easily.
  • Blogging Planner will guide you through the important questions you need to know to effectively get more traffic to your blog.
  • Email Marketing Checklist will show you the steps to take to leverage your email list to send traffic back to your blog/website.
  • Email Marketing Planner will help you plan out your next steps for using your blog and email marketing to get more traffic.
  • Facebook Ads Checklist will help you stay on the right track as you create your ads.
  • Facebook Ads Tracking Spreadsheet will help you record all of the pertinent information to ensure you know what is working in your ads and what you need to change.
  • Facebook Checklist will show you the necessary steps to take to drive traffic to your website while giving you the biggest return on your time.
  • Facebook Planner will help you create an action plan to drive traffic to your site using Facebook.
  • Facebook Live Checklist will help you get started broadcasting live to connect with your followers and grow your platform.
  • Facebook Live Planner will guide you through creating a strategy for using Facebook Live to build your audience.
  • Google Adwords Checklist will show you everything you need to consider before you begin advertising using Google Adwords.
  • Google Adwords Tracking Spreadsheet will be the place to keep track of your different Adwords campaigns along with the performance data so you can analyze and change things as needed.
  • LinkedIn Checklist will give you the tips you need to use LinkedIn to drive traffic back to your site.
  • LinkedIn Planner will help you build a LinkedIn profile and strategy that will help you grow your audience.
  • Pinterest Checklist will give you some great tips on using this search engine to its fullest potential to drive consumers back to your website.
  • Pinterest Planner will help you build your brand and presence using Pinterest.
  • SEO Checklist will help you create a regular stream of traffic flowing to your website using search engine optimization.
  • SEO Tracking Spreadsheet will help you track your results as you implement different search engine optimization strategies in your business.
  • Twitter Checklist will help you stand out from the crowd on Twitter and send targeted traffic to your website.
  • Twitter Planner will help you strategize on how to best use Twitter based on your audience.
  • Video Marketing Checklist will help ensure that you have all the most important elements in place in your videos in order to drive the most traffic.
  • Video Marketing Planner will help you document a strategy for your videos so you have a solid plan in place.
  • YouTube Live Checklist will give you many suggestions on how to use YouTube Live to meet your traffic goals.
  • YouTube Live Planner will help you get a plan in place for using the popular YouTube Live feature.

Content Branding & Monetization Template Package

  • Insider's Strategy Guide:  Discover how to brand and monetize your content to attract more loyal customers. You'll also learn how to put the templates and checklists to best use in this package to get your message across in the best way possible.
  • 5 Professionally Designed Template Sets with 7 templates included in each set to help brand and market.
  • Report/Ebook Templates 5 designer templates to make your report, ebook writing and branding a breeze.
  • How-to Article Templates Choose between these 5 eye-catching templates.
  • Tips List Templates  5 designs to help you write up your list content in no time. 
  • Checklist Templates  Choose between 5 designs to fit your branding.
  • Worksheet Templates Choose from 5 different templates and help teach your readers something valuable.
  • Slide Show Templates Create a course or instructional video.  Choose from 5 different templates.
  • Raw Content Templates in raw unformatted versions so you can create your own branded documents.

These templates, with a total value of $111, are going to save you tons of time and keep you on the right track sending out high quality content all year long.

But time is running out to get the special offer, plus bonuses…

Get It Before It's Too Late

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all this ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it! Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”109″ class=””]

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”111″ class=””]

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”112″ class=””]

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”113″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to do is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $9.95 $37 ($11,850 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 110 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $9.95 $37 ($11,850 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,


Alice Seba Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

FREE PLR: Reduce Stress and Anxiety Quote Graphics


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Uncertainty Graphics


We've Done All The Work.You Just Brand, Monetize and Publish the Content

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

Stress, anxiety, and uncertainty is part of life. Help your audience to kick stress, anxiety and uncertainty to the curb and start living a more fulfilled life with these attractive and thought provoking graphics that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more.

All Our Done-for-You Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Graphics Bundle Includes:

10 images with thought-provoking quotes on changing your mindset to reduce stress. Here's a peek … You get all the graphics in jpg format in 2 different.  Just add your link or logo in any photo editor.

change your mindset to reduce stress free grahics

We've also included the PSD source files, so you can edit colors, fonts and anything you need.


We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting these graphics created. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”99″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($350 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 4 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

It's FREE! The content will automatically be added to your Publish For Prosperity account and you'll also receive an email.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006


FREE PLR: Cultivating Better Relationships Quote Graphics


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free Cultivating Better Relationships in Your Life Quote Graphics

free relationship graphics

We've Done All The Work.You Just Brand, Monetize and Publish the Content

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

Having healthy relationships is one of the most important pieces to a happy life. Not just romantic relationships but all types of relationships. Help your audience discover why cultivating healthy relationships is important in every area of their life with these attractive and thought provoking graphics that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more.

All Our Done-for-You Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Graphics Bundle Includes:

10 images with thought-provoking quotes on cultivating better relationships. Here's a peek … You get all the graphics in jpg format in 2 different.  Just add your link or logo in any photo editor.

better relationships jpg image

We've also included the PSD source files, so you can edit colors, fonts and anything you need.

relationships psd image

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting these graphics created. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”99″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($350 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 4 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

It's FREE! The content will automatically be added to your Publish For Prosperity account and you'll also receive an email.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


FREE PLR: 5 Pack of Developing an Abundance Mindset Articles


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free 5-Pack of “Abundance Mindset” Articles

We've Done All The Work.You Just Brand, Monetize and Publish the Content

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

Improve your life by changing your mindset. Help your audience get started on their personal development journey with this 5-pack of articles that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more. Topics include:

  • Fixed vs Growth Mindset
  • How Changing Your Mindset Can Improve Your Life
  • Signs It's Time to Change Your Mindset
  • What Is a Mindset and Why Does It Matter
  • What Kind of Mindset Do You Have

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

All Our Done-for-You Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Articles Include:

You get a 5 pack of articles you can use for your blog, social media, bundle up into a report, use to put together a product and more. Here's a peek…

Creativity Articles Image 2

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting these articles created. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”87″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($250 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 5 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

It's FREE! The content will automatically be added to your Publish For Prosperity account and you'll also receive an email.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


Developing an Abundance Mindset Report + Planner Pack

Limited Time Special for this Never-Before-Released Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
“Developing an Abundance Mindset”
Planner & Report Pack
Sell it, Give it Away and Keep ALL the Profits

Or keep reading for full details...

Developing an Abundance Mindset FI

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Developing an Abundance Mindset bundle that will give your readers a detailed report, customizable planner, 2 ecover sets, an opt-in page and graphics.

It's brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

Developing an Abundance Mindset Report:

It is true that your mindset can drastically affect the outcome of something and can
change your life. Throughout this guide there are tips on how to develop an abundance mindset. It can be easier than you think or as hard as you want to make it. 

Developing an Abundance Mindset Report 1

My Life is Full of Abundance Planner:

Help your readers develop an abundance mindset and track their daily progress with this gorgeous customized planner.

Developing an Abundance Planner 1

2 Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Sets:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also included 4 different styles of 3D graphics in PNG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like.


Lead-Generating Opt-In Page:

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the opt-in page to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder.

20 Abundance Mindset Social Media Graphics
We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to develop an abundance mindset and and achieve their goals.  

abundance graphics image
We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

Developing an Abundance Mindset Report
(3,317 words/11 pages)

How do you develop an abundance mindset and how will it help you succeed and live a satisfying life? Help your readers discover the concept of abundance and tips for incorporating it into their own mindset, so that they can achieve their goals and get everything they want out of life.Developing an Abundance Mindset Report 1

Here is a peek inside:

abundance report open book image

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.


Ecovers Included

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Developing an Abundance Mindset Notebook Optin

My Life is Full of Abundance Planner
14,460 words/379 pages)

This planner will give your readers the opportunity to create an abundance mindset and achieve their goals all year long.  It gives them a full year of space to set goals, reflect, focus on their mindset and more.

Developing an Abundance Planner 1

Here is a peek inside:

Developing an Abundance Mindset Planner 2

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.


Ecovers Included

20 Abundance Mindset Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the PNG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

abundance graphics image

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all this ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it! Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”93″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $37 ($1,800 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 17 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $37 ($1,800 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


FREE PLR: Better Conversations Quote Graphics


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free Better Conversations and Interpersonal Communication Quote Graphics

better conversations free graphics

We've Done All The Work.You Just Brand, Monetize and Publish the Content

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

There is power in the art of having a conversation. Conversations can come in several types and occur in a variety of different situations.  Help your audience discover why the art of conversation is important in every area of their life with these attractive and thought provoking graphics that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more.

All Our Done-for-You Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Graphics Bundle Includes:

10 images with thought-provoking quotes on conversation and interpersonal communication. Here's a peek … You get all the graphics in jpg format one set with a border and one set without. Just add your link or logo in any photo editor.

Better Conversations Free Graphics

We've also included the PSD source files, so you can edit colors, fonts and anything you need.

Better Conversations Free Graphics

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting these graphics created. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”61″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($350 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 4 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

It's FREE! The content will automatically be added to your Publish For Prosperity account and you'll also receive an email.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006


Newsletter Club-OTO-2

Thank you! Your content download information has been emailed to you and you can find it here. In the meantime, check this out… 

Limited Time Introductory Offer for A Continuous Stream of
Content That You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish…

Announcing Our Stress-Free “Done-for-You Monthly Newsletter Club” that Includes Complete Personal Development Content for You to Send to Your List Every Single Week

Or keep reading for full details...

Newsletter Templates

These are Ready-Made Newsletters Providing You With a Month's Worth of Content for You to Share with Your List.
Just Grab Them and Go! 

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's keeping in touch with and nurturing your list, but great news! It's easier than you might think. Just keep in touch regularly, all the while delivering great content and advice.

And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY made the newsletters for you. All you do is grab 'em and then brand, monetize and publish.

I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Done-for-You Monthly Personal Development Newsletter Club” that will give you a month's worth of newsletters to send to your subscribers – each and every month.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What You Get in Your Monthly Newsletter Club Pack. It's Enough Content for the Entire Month...Every Month

This package is full of quality content you can use each week for your newsletters. And hey, if you want to use it on your blog, on social media or anywhere else you publish content, GO FOR IT! You get...

4 Done-for-You Newsletters in 3 Unique Designs
You'll get 4 done-for-you newsletters with 3 attractive designs to choose from.

16 Ready-to-Publish Articles

Choose from 16 different articles to use in your newsletters.

Newsletter Articles All

8 Inspirational Quote Graphics
Add these quote graphics to the newsletters for inspiration. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Quote Graphics

8 Positive Affirmation Graphics
Add these affirmation graphics to the newsletters for inspiration. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Affirmation Graphics

Now let's take a closer look at everything…

4 Done-for-You Newsletters in 3 Unique Designs Monthly

You'll get 4 done-for-you newsletters (.docx format they can turn into a PDF) with 3 attractive designs to choose from. You can customize the newsletters with your logo, photo and other branding elements. There is space for product promotions, so you can monetize your newsletters. You can send the newsletters as is or swap out with the other content we've made available in the package.

Newsletters All

Here is a peek inside the designs:

16 Ready-to-Publish Articles Monthly

Each newsletter already comes with 2 articles inside, but we've included a total of 16 articles, so you can choose different articles if you prefer. You can also use the content to create additional issues, post it to your blog, add it to social media or publish it wherever you'd like.

Newsletter Articles All


8 Inspirational Quote Graphics Monthly

Add these quote graphics to the newsletters for inspiration or you can use them on social media, on their blog and more. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Quote Graphics

8 Positive Affirmation Quote Graphics Monthly

Add these affirmation graphics to the newsletters for inspiration or you can use them on social media, on your blog and more. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Affirmation Graphics

This Content Isn't JUST for Newsletters. Here are a Few Brilliant Ideas to Make the Most of Your Content

Smart content publishers don't just use content once…they reuse and repurpose all day long. This is the kind of content you can use over and over again. Here are a few ideas for you:

  • Schedule the graphics to your social media. If you use a tool like Hootsuite or even the Facebook Page scheduling feature, you're good to go.
  • Load the articles to your blog. BAM! Tons of great thought-provoking content. Just add a little intro and you're ready to roll.
  • Use a content rotator widget on your WordPress site and load graphic content in. Then you can show the quotes and affirmations in your sidebar or wherever you'd like to give your readers a bit of encouragement. 
  • How about a desktop calendar with an inspirational affirmation or quote on it? It could be a real printed calendar or even for their computer desktop.
  • Create videos for YouTube and your blog. You can summarize the articles in a video to repurpose the written content.
  • Turn the graphics into a slide show. This one is so easy. Just add some graphics, maybe a little music and you're good to go.
  • More printables! Think magnets, mugs and tshirts. Use the graphics on products for sale, bonuses or special gifts for your customers. 

Use just one of these ideas and you've got yourself a ton more content to share with your audience. 

And Hey, When You Sign Up Right Now, You'll Get the “Double Your Content” Sign Up Bonus Too
Newsletter Bonuses

Just for trying us out, new members will double their content. In addition to what you get above, you will also receive:

  • 4 More Newsletters
  • 16 More Articles. Topics Include:
    • Law of Attraction Exercises to Really Get What You Want
    • Learning to Trust Your Emotions
    • Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself
    • How to Prioritize Your Goals
    • Are You Too Dependent on Your Smartphone
    • How to Be Ruthless with Time
    • Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
    • The Importance of Humility in Parenting
    • Committing Yourself to Positive Actions
    • Do You Need Money to Be Happy
    • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
    • How to Organize Your Life to Get More Free Time
    • Learn to Say No
    • Low Impact Living – What Is it
    • The Problem with Too Much Information
    • What is Information Overload
  • 8 More Quote Graphics
  • 8 More Positive Affirmation Graphics
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. We even host the images!

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to send to your list, social media and more. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”81″ class=””]

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”84″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $24.97 $19.95 per month ($2000 / monthly cost to create yourself) for your private label rights license, so you can save at least 29 hours of time EACH month and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for. Or hey, save and get tons more content by choosing the $247 $197 per year option.

You'll get the Double Your Content bonus, plus all the monthly content, but only when you…

Join Us for Our Special Introductory Offer…
It Won't Last Long

If you're ready to save tons of time and plenty of money sharing thought-provoking content with your followers, click the “Add to Cart” button below for your license to edit, brand, monetize and publish all this content each and every month, at the best price possible. Special introductory offer ends soon.

Choose from the super low monthly price or pay yearly to save even more…

Save Tons of Time and Money
at Just $24.97 $19.95 Per Month

$19.95 per month. Cancel anytime.

Skip the Monthly Fees
& Pay Just $247 $197 Per Year

Save over $62 per year! Yearly payment with no monthly fees.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Content Publishing

P.S. You've got more important things to worry about than coming up with content or making graphics…and we've done the work for you at a fraction of the cost of hiring someone. Click here to make your newsletter content creation dead simple

P.P.S. The special introductory offer, including bonus content, won't last long. Click here to get it

FREE PLR: 10 Pack of Bad Habits Articles


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free 10-Pack of “Breaking Bad Habits” Articles

10 Bad Habits Articles

We've Done All The Work.You Just Brand, Monetize and Publish the Content

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

We all have bad habits we want to get rid of, but many of us do nothing to change them. Help your audience get started on their personal development journey with this 10-pack of articles that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more. Topics include:

  • Bad Habits That Are Actually Good for You
  • 9 Habits That are Bad for Your Body
  • 9 Habits That Are Bad for Your Mental Health
  • Seemingly Harmless Habits that are Harming You
  • The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Family
  • The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Friends
  • The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Work
  • The True Impact of Addiction
  • The True Impact of Smoking
  • What is Meant by A Bad Habit

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

All Our Done-for-You Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Articles Include:

You get a 10 pack of articles you can use for your blog, social media, bundle up into a report, use to put together a product and more. Here's a peek…

10 Free Bad Habits Articles

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting these articles created. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”91″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($500 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 10 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

It's FREE! The content will automatically be added to your Publish For Prosperity account and you'll also receive an email.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Newsletter Club Monthly $1 Trial

$1 Trial Offer for a Limited Time Only – Get a Continuous Stream of
Content That You Can Brand and Publish as Your Own…

Our Stress-Free “Newsletter Club” Includes Complete Personal Development Content for You to Send to Your List Every Single Week

Try it Right Now for Just $1

Hurry to join us for $1...and get the low club membership rate before it's too late.

Or keep reading for full details...

Newsletter Templates

These are Ready-Made Newsletters Providing You With a Month's Worth of Content for You to Share with Your List.
Just Grab Them and Go! 

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's keeping in touch with and nurturing your list, but great news! It's easier than you might think. Just keep in touch regularly, all the while delivering great content and advice.

And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY made the newsletters for you. All you do is grab 'em and then brand, monetize and publish.

I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Done-for-You Monthly Personal Development Newsletter Club” that will give you a month's worth of newsletters to send to your subscribers – each and every month.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Focus Your Business

Benefits of our PLR

Here’s a Quick Summary of What You Get in Your Monthly Newsletter Club Pack. It's Enough Content for the Entire Month...Every Month

This package is full of quality content you can use each week for your newsletters. And hey, if you want to use it on your blog, on social media or anywhere else you publish content, GO FOR IT! You get…

4 Done-for-You Newsletters in 3 Unique Designs

You'll get 4 done-for-you newsletters (.docx format they can turn into a PDF) with 3 attractive designs to choose from. You can customize the newsletters with your logo, photo and other branding elements. There is space for product promotions, so you can monetize your newsletters. You can send the newsletters as is or swap out with the other content we've made available in the package.


Here is a peek inside the designs:

16 Ready-to-Publish Articles Monthly

Each newsletter already comes with 2 articles inside, but we've included a total of 16 articles, so you can choose different articles if you prefer. You can also use the content to create additional issues, post it to your blog, add it to social media or publish it wherever you'd like.

Newsletter Articles All

8 Inspirational Quote Graphics Monthly

Add these quote graphics to the newsletters for inspiration or you can use them on social media, on their blog and more. JPG and PSDs are included.

Quote Graphics

8 Positive Affirmation Quote Graphics Monthly

Add these affirmation graphics to the newsletters for inspiration or you can use them on social media, on your blog and more. JPG and PSDs are included.

Affirmation Graphics

This Content Isn't JUST for Newsletters. Here are a Few Brilliant Ideas to Make the Most of Your Content

Smart content publishers don't just use content once…they reuse and repurpose all day long. This is the kind of content you can use over and over again. Here are a few ideas for you:

  • Schedule the graphics to your social media. If you use a tool like Hootsuite or even the Facebook Page scheduling feature, you're good to go.
  • Load the articles to your blog. BAM! Tons of great thought-provoking content. Just add a little intro and you're ready to roll.
  • Use a content rotator widget on your WordPress site and load graphic content in. Then you can show the quotes and affirmations in your sidebar or wherever you'd like to give your readers a bit of encouragement.
  • How about a desktop calendar with an inspirational affirmation or quote on it? It could be a real printed calendar or even for their computer desktop.
  • Create videos for YouTube and your blog. You can summarize the articles in a video to repurpose the written content.
  • Turn the graphics into a slide show. This one is so easy. Just add some graphics, maybe a little music and you're good to go.
  • More printables! Think magnets, mugs and tshirts. Use the graphics on products for sale, bonuses or special gifts for your customers.

Use just one of these ideas and you've got yourself a ton more content to share with your audience.

And Hey, When You Sign Up Right Now, You'll Get the “Double Your Content” Sign Up Bonus Too
Newsletter Bonuses

Just for trying us out, new members will double their content. In addition to what you get above, you will also receive:

  • 4 More Newsletters
  • 16 More Articles. Topics Include:
    • Law of Attraction Exercises to Really Get What You Want
    • Learning to Trust Your Emotions
    • Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself
    • How to Prioritize Your Goals
    • Are You Too Dependent on Your Smartphone
    • How to Be Ruthless with Time
    • Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
    • The Importance of Humility in Parenting
    • Committing Yourself to Positive Actions
    • Do You Need Money to Be Happy
    • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
    • How to Organize Your Life to Get More Free Time
    • Learn to Say No
    • Low Impact Living – What Is it
    • The Problem with Too Much Information
    • What is Information Overload
  • 8 More Quote Graphics
  • 8 More Positive Affirmation Graphics
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. We even host the images!

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to send to your list, social media and more. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”81″ class=””]

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”84″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $1 for the first 30 days, then $19.97 $14.97 per month ($2000 / monthly cost to create yourself) for your private label rights license, so you can save at least 29 hours of time EACH month and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for. Or hey, save and get tons more content by choosing the $197 $117 per year option.

You'll get the Double Your Content bonus, plus all the monthly content, but only when you…

Join Us for Our $1 Trial Offer and Lock in Your Low Club Membership Rate Before Dues Go Up.

If you're ready to save tons of time and plenty of money sharing thought-provoking content with your followers, click the “Add to Cart” button below for your license to edit, brand, monetize and publish all this content each and every month, at the best price possible. Special introductory offer ends soon.

Choose from the super low monthly price or just pay once to save even more…

Save Tons of Time and Money
And Try it for $1

$1 now and $19.97 $14.97 each month after. Cancel anytime.

Skip the Monthly Fees
& Pay Just $197 $117 Per Year

Save over $62 per year! Yearly payment with no monthly fees.

Get Your 1st Month for Just $1 and Lock in Your Low Club Rate Now! 

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

Just be sure to join right now as our extremely low club dues are going up November 1, but when you join now, you lock in your low, low rate.

To your content publishing success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Content Publishing

Newsletter Club-OTO

Thank you! Your content download information has been emailed to you and you can find it here. In the meantime, check this out… 

Limited Time Introductory Offer for A Continuous Stream of
Content That You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish…

Announcing Our Stress-Free “Done-for-You Monthly Newsletter Club” that Includes Complete Personal Development Content for You to Send to Your List Every Single Week

Or keep reading for full details...

Newsletter Templates

These are Ready-Made Newsletters Providing You With a Month's Worth of Content for You to Share with Your List.
Just Grab Them and Go! 

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's keeping in touch with and nurturing your list, but great news! It's easier than you might think. Just keep in touch regularly, all the while delivering great content and advice.

And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY made the newsletters for you. All you do is grab 'em and then brand, monetize and publish.

I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Done-for-You Monthly Personal Development Newsletter Club” that will give you a month's worth of newsletters to send to your subscribers – each and every month.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What You Get in Your Monthly Newsletter Club Pack. It's Enough Content for the Entire Month...Every Month

This package is full of quality content you can use each week for your newsletters. And hey, if you want to use it on your blog, on social media or anywhere else you publish content, GO FOR IT! You get...

4 Done-for-You Newsletters in 3 Unique Designs
You'll get 4 done-for-you newsletters with 3 attractive designs to choose from.

16 Ready-to-Publish Articles

Choose from 16 different articles to use in your newsletters.

Newsletter Articles All

8 Inspirational Quote Graphics
Add these quote graphics to the newsletters for inspiration. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Quote Graphics

8 Positive Affirmation Graphics
Add these affirmation graphics to the newsletters for inspiration. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Affirmation Graphics

Now let's take a closer look at everything…

4 Done-for-You Newsletters in 3 Unique Designs Monthly

You'll get 4 done-for-you newsletters (.docx format they can turn into a PDF) with 3 attractive designs to choose from. You can customize the newsletters with your logo, photo and other branding elements. There is space for product promotions, so you can monetize your newsletters. You can send the newsletters as is or swap out with the other content we've made available in the package.

Newsletters All

Here is a peek inside the designs:

16 Ready-to-Publish Articles Monthly

Each newsletter already comes with 2 articles inside, but we've included a total of 16 articles, so you can choose different articles if you prefer. You can also use the content to create additional issues, post it to your blog, add it to social media or publish it wherever you'd like.

Newsletter Articles All


8 Inspirational Quote Graphics Monthly

Add these quote graphics to the newsletters for inspiration or you can use them on social media, on their blog and more. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Quote Graphics

8 Positive Affirmation Quote Graphics Monthly

Add these affirmation graphics to the newsletters for inspiration or you can use them on social media, on your blog and more. JPG and PSDs are included. 

Affirmation Graphics

This Content Isn't JUST for Newsletters. Here are a Few Brilliant Ideas to Make the Most of Your Content

Smart content publishers don't just use content once…they reuse and repurpose all day long. This is the kind of content you can use over and over again. Here are a few ideas for you:

  • Schedule the graphics to your social media. If you use a tool like Hootsuite or even the Facebook Page scheduling feature, you're good to go.
  • Load the articles to your blog. BAM! Tons of great thought-provoking content. Just add a little intro and you're ready to roll.
  • Use a content rotator widget on your WordPress site and load graphic content in. Then you can show the quotes and affirmations in your sidebar or wherever you'd like to give your readers a bit of encouragement. 
  • How about a desktop calendar with an inspirational affirmation or quote on it? It could be a real printed calendar or even for their computer desktop.
  • Create videos for YouTube and your blog. You can summarize the articles in a video to repurpose the written content.
  • Turn the graphics into a slide show. This one is so easy. Just add some graphics, maybe a little music and you're good to go.
  • More printables! Think magnets, mugs and tshirts. Use the graphics on products for sale, bonuses or special gifts for your customers. 

Use just one of these ideas and you've got yourself a ton more content to share with your audience. 

And Hey, When You Sign Up Right Now, You'll Get the “Double Your Content” Sign Up Bonus Too
Newsletter Bonuses

Just for trying us out, new members will double their content. In addition to what you get above, you will also receive:

  • 4 More Newsletters
  • 16 More Articles. Topics Include:
    • Law of Attraction Exercises to Really Get What You Want
    • Learning to Trust Your Emotions
    • Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself
    • How to Prioritize Your Goals
    • Are You Too Dependent on Your Smartphone
    • How to Be Ruthless with Time
    • Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
    • The Importance of Humility in Parenting
    • Committing Yourself to Positive Actions
    • Do You Need Money to Be Happy
    • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
    • How to Organize Your Life to Get More Free Time
    • Learn to Say No
    • Low Impact Living – What Is it
    • The Problem with Too Much Information
    • What is Information Overload
  • 8 More Quote Graphics
  • 8 More Positive Affirmation Graphics
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. We even host the images!

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to send to your list, social media and more. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”81″ class=””]

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”84″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $24.97 $19.95 per month ($2000 / monthly cost to create yourself) for your private label rights license, so you can save at least 29 hours of time EACH month and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for. Or hey, save and get tons more content by choosing the $247 $197 per year option.

You'll get the Double Your Content bonus, plus all the monthly content, but only when you…

Join Us for Our Special Introductory Offer…
It Won't Last Long

If you're ready to save tons of time and plenty of money sharing thought-provoking content with your followers, click the “Add to Cart” button below for your license to edit, brand, monetize and publish all this content each and every month, at the best price possible. Special introductory offer ends soon.

Choose from the super low monthly price or pay yearly to save even more…

Save Tons of Time and Money
at Just $24.97 $19.95 Per Month

$19.95 per month. Cancel anytime.

Skip the Monthly Fees
& Pay Just $247 $197 Per Year

Save over $62 per year! Yearly payment with no monthly fees.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Content Publishing

P.S. You've got more important things to worry about than coming up with content or making graphics…and we've done the work for you at a fraction of the cost of hiring someone. Click here to make your newsletter content creation dead simple

P.P.S. The special introductory offer, including bonus content, won't last long. Click here to get it

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