Category Archives for Retired Products

365 Days of Positive Affirmations

Limited Time Special for this Never-Before-Released Content That You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
“The Power of Positive Daily Affirmations”
List Building Pack with 365 Daily Affirmations + 30 Ready-to-Publish Emails and 30 Graphics

We've Done All the Hard Work and You Keep ALL the Profits

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Or keep reading for full details...

This is Ready-Made Content for Your Mailing List, Social Media and More…All You Have to Do is Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Power of Positive Affirmations Report & List Building Pack” that will give your readers an informative report on the benefits of affirmations and includes 365 affirmations. Plus, you get 30 ready-to-publish emails, a ready-to-use opt-in page, editable ecovers and 30 social media graphics.

It's a brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

The Power of Affirmations for Success & Happiness Report with 365 Daily Affirmations:

Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Set:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also include 4 different styles of 3D graphics in JPG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like. 

Lead-Generating Opt-in Page:

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the opt-in page to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder. 

30 Email Templates:

Load up your autoresponder with these emails. There's one affirmation/email for every day of the month! 

30 Affirmation Graphics:

Use these beautifully designed graphics with positive affirmations to stay active on social media, for your blog posts or add them to your daily emails. 

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

The Power of Positive Affirmations for Success & Happiness (7,349 words)

Reaching your goals and making changes stick can be difficult. Using positive affirmations as part of your strategy can play a big part in your success. This 7,349 word  / 17.5 page report will get your readers started on using positive affirmations for a happier and more successful life.

Use it as a lead magnet to grow your list, a bonus for a product or even turn into a course for sale…the choice is yours.

Topics Included:

  • Uncovering the Big Picture Details 
  • Setting the Stage for Success
  • Turning Possibilities into Probabilities
  • Affirmation/Statement Types
  • Affirmation Sources
  • Affirmation Confirmations
  • Writing/Altering Affirmations
  • Using Affirmations Effectively
  • Powerful Practices for Rewarding Results

  • 365 Affirmations including: 
    • Confidence-Self-Esteem Affirmations
    • Relationships and Love Affirmations
    • Prosperity and Abundance Affirmations
    • Health Affirmations
    • Work and Career Affirmations
    • Motivation-Encouragement Affirmations
    • Peace and Happiness

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you.  Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll. If you don’t use WordPress you can still use this page as a handy template to get more subscribers. 

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too. The graphics are ready to go, but you can also pass the editable graphic onto your designer for any tweaks you want. These are your images to use as you’d like.

Positive Affirmations Included


30 Autoresponder Emails

To make it even easier for you to stay in touch with your list, we've included 30 emails for you to send positive affirmations. Just load up the messages, add your name and schedule them to go. That's one affirmation for every day of the month.

30 Affirmation Social Media Graphics

You also get 30 ready-to-post social media graphics that include the positive affirmations. These perfect for adding to your daily emails, social media, your blog and more. Keep that positive thinking going and help your followers have a great day…every day. Here's a closer look at a few of them:

And here is a quick show of all 30 images:

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”9″ class=””] As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $47 ($2,125 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 15 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Only $47 ($2,125 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,


Alice Seba Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Personal Daily Planner Mega Pack

Limited-Time Special for this Exclusive Content That You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish

Tap Into a Multi-Million Dollar Industry with Your Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish Printable Personal Daily Planner Mega Pack…

Give it Away or Sell It and Keep ALL the Profits!

Front End Planner Pack

Or keep reading for full details...

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Personal Daily Planner Mega Pack” that will give your readers 4 printable journal sets.

It's a brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

4 Printable Planners:

We've included 4 beautifully designed daily planners (.doc) that include inspiration and an organized place to document daily tasks. Each planner is over 365 pages, includes inspirational quotes, specific instructions how to best use the planner and is designed to help your customers and subscribers achieve their goals. 

Planner Topics Include:

  1. My Productivity Planner: Help your readers get organized and more productive with this planner.
  2. My Goals Planner: Give your readers a place to document and track their daily, weekly and monthly goals with this planner.
  3. A Healthy Me Planner: Help your readers stay accountable and track their progress to get healthier with this planner. 
  4. My Gratitude Planner: Give your readers a beautiful place to journal and add what they are grateful for each day with this planner.

4 Professionally Designed Cover Graphic Sets:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also include 4 different styles of 3D graphics in JPG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like. 

4 Lead-Generating Landing Pages:

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the landing pages to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder. 

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

#1: Productivity Planner (8,621 words/366 pages)

Productivity is something that so many people struggle with. Often times their priorities are out of order. This planner will help get your readers on track by giving them a place to document their priorities and tasks for each day.

Here is a peek inside:

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you.  Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

#2: My Goals Planner (14,864 words/377 pages)

This planner will give your readers inspiration to meet their goals along with a place to document their monthly goals, tasks required to achieve their goals along with their progress. 

Here is a peek inside:

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

#3: A Healthy Me Planner (9,416 words/377 pages)

Your readers will love this planner to keep them on track with their health goals. They can track their monthly goals along with how they plan to achieve them to keep themselves accountable. There is also a section for recording measurements and weight gain/loss so they can watch their progress each month.

Here is a peek inside:

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

#4: My Gratitude Planner (3,609 words/373 pages)

The benefits of practicing gratitude are endless. It has been shown to improve lives in many different ways. This planner will give your readers a special place to journal and document what they are grateful for on each day.

Here is a peek inside:

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”5″ class=””] As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $47 ($2,425 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 32 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $47 ($2,425 Value!)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


14-Pack Self-Improvement Reports Upsell

Thank you! Your content download information has been emailed to you and you can find it in your PublishForProsperity account. In the meantime, check this out...

Get Even More Done-for-You Content Value with this EXCLUSIVE Content Offer: An Even Bigger Package of 14 Reports, 78 Graphics, 100 Articles and 1,217 Tips for One Low Price

Huge Mega Pack of PLR

This Special Offer Available for a Short Time Only

Over the years, we've published a TON of done-for-you personal development content for our customers. It's evergreen content that anyone would be proud to share with their audience, so we've dug into our archives and put together a massive package of food related content for you, at an amazing price.

But you've got to grab this one NOW because after this sale is done, ALL this content goes back in the archive and it will no longer be available for sale.

Here's a Quick Overview of What's Included:

  • 14 Ready-to-Publish Reports on Hot Self-Improvement Topics. Just brand them and monetize them how you'd like:
    • Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals  (3,955 words / 7 images)
    • Goal Setting Web Pack – Worksheet and Checklist (1,668 words)
    • Self Confidence for a More Satisfying and Successful Life (3,547 words / 7 images)
    • Stop the Self-Sabotage: Be the Success You Want to Be (3,019 words / 5 images)
    • Staying Organized in the Age of Distraction (4,412 words / 16 images)
    • Banish Stress from Your Life: Your Guide to Living More Peacefully (2,941 words / 12 images)
    • Stress Reduction Web Pack – Worksheet and Checklist (2,392 words)
    • Developing Successful Habits for Work and Business (3,224 words / 7 images)
    • No More Sabotage: Developing Your Success Mindset (3,247 words / 5 images)
    • Learn to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams (3,996 words / 4 images)
    • Your Guide to Prospering with a Wealthy Mindset  (3,659 words/8 images)
    • Strategies for Earning Quick Cash Now (2,488 words / 9 images)
    • Start Saving Today for Financial Security Tomorrow (4,924 words)
    • Wealth Means More Than Just Money: How to Get What You Want and Enjoy What You Have (4,496 words)
  • 100 Ready-to-Publish Articles. Add your product promotions, publish to your blog, turn it into reports or whatever you'd like.
    • 10 Anxiety Articles
    • 20 Budget and Finance Articles
    • 10 Law of Attraction Articles
    • 10 Loneliness Articles
    • 10 Organization Articles
    • 20 Self-Help Articles
    • 10 Stress Articles
    • 10 Time Management Articles
  • 78 Social Media Images (jpg.) – Professionally designed images, each with an inspirational quote or self-improvement tip, perfect for social media or wherever you share images.
  • 1,217 Tips & Tweets – We have a huge collection of quick tips you can use for your social media, blog posts, emails and more. Topics include health, self-improvement and personal finance.
    • 50 Organization Tips
    • 50 Success Mindset Tips
    • 50 Tips for Dealing with and Reducing Stress
    • 50 Tips to Change Your Habits
    • 50 Tips for Finding Your Authentic Self
    • 50 Personality Success Tips
    • 55 Home Remedies Tips
    • 60 Overcoming Procrastination Tips
    • 60 Power of Positive Thinking Tips
    • 366 Health Tips (various topics)
    • 366 Personal Finance Tips (various topics)

This is all content our customers paid over $690 to purchase separately, but you can have it ALL for just a fraction of that real-value price.

Let's take a closer look at everything included…

Report #1: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals


Your No-Nonsense Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Goals (3955 words / 7 images): This report will teach your readers the power of setting goals and how they can do it successfully.  It covers:

  • Why you need goals
  • Why goals fail
  • How to successfully set goals
  • Tips from experts
  • Following through
  • Next steps

…all in a complete report to ensure your readers have all the info they need to reach their goals.  Goal setting is powerful. It puts your readers in the process of thinking of your ideal future and what motivates you to work toward that vision. Goals are your roadmap to your future and this report helps get them there.

Report #2: Goal Setting Web Pack – Worksheet and Checklist 

Goal Setting ChecklistGoal Setting Checklist (954 words): This checklist will ensure your readers have everything they need to set goals and achieve them. It covers:

  • Questions to ask yourself before you begin
  • What to do to keep from failing
  • Successfully setting goals
  • Following through

…all in a handy checklist format to ensure your readers stay on track.

Goal Setting Brainstorming WorksheetGoal Setting Brainstorming Worksheet (714 words): This brainstorming sheet will help your readers plan out their goals. The brainstorming worksheet covers:

  • Defining your goal
  • Visualizing your goal
  • Exploring your goal
  • Questions to ask to keep from failing
  • Steps to stay focused on your goal
  • Successfully setting your goal
  • Following through to the end

…all with space to write notes as you brainstorm and plan. 

Report #3: Self Confidence for a More Satisfying and Successful Life 

Self Confidence for Success

Self Confidence for a More Satisfying and Successful Life (3,547 words / 7 images): This report will teach your readers how self confidence can help them drive them to reach their goals.  It covers:

  • What is self confidence
  • Why self confidence is important to success
  • How to boost self confidence
  • Taking pride in your health
  • Having a positive support network
  • Identifying and changing negative thoughts
  • Next steps

…all in a complete report to ensure your readers have all the info they need to build their self confidence.

Report #4: Stop the Self-Sabotage: Be the Success You Want to Be

Stop The Self-Sabotage

Stop the Self-Sabotage and Be The Success You Want to Be (3019 words / 5 images): This report will teach your readers what self-sabotaging behaviors are and how they can beat them. It covers:

  • What is self-sabotage
  • Reasons for self-sabotaging behavior
  • Common signs of self-sabotage
  • Recognizing your own self-sabotage
  • Tips for beating self-sabotage
  • Key points to move forward
  • Next steps

…all in a complete report to ensure your readers have all the info they need to stop self-sabotaging behaviors.

Report #5: Staying Organized in the Age of Distraction

Staying Organized Ecover

Staying Organized in the Age of Distraction illustrated PLR report (4,412 words / 16 images) will teach your readers how to make a plan to get organized.  Topics include:

  • Identify areas of disorganization
  • Create realistic goals
  • Get everyone on board
  • Craft a plan of action
  • Plan meals
  • Create to-do lists
  • Create a routine
  • Keep life simple

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to get organized.

Report #6: Banish Stress from Your Life: Your Guide to Living More Peacefully

Banish Stress Ecover

Banish Stress from Your Life: Your Guide to Living More Peacefully illustrated PLR report (2941 words / 12 images) will help your readers understand stress and how to more peacefully.  Topics include:

  • Causes of stress
  • Work/life stress
  • Internal stress factors
  • Harmful affects of stress
  • Natural ways to reduce stress
  • Pharmaceutical remedies
  • Ways to avoid stress
  • How to embrace peacefulness
  • Where to begin

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to start living a stress-free life.

Report #7: Stress Reduction Web Pack – Worksheet and Checklist

Stress Reduction Checklist (1091 words): This checklist will allow your readers to identify their stressors. It covers:

  • Identifying your stressorsStress Reduction ECover
  • Physical symptoms
  • Ways to reduce stress
  • Breathing techniques
  • Diet and exercise
  • Time management
  • Avoiding stress
  • Embracing peacefulness
  • Thanks and forgiveness

…all in a handy checklist format to ensure your readers stay on track.

Stress Reduction Brainstorming Sheet (1301 words): This brainstorming sheet will help your readers think about ways that they can begin reducing their stress. The brainstorming sheet has space to include:

Stress Reduction Brainstorming Sheet

  • Writing in a stress journal
  • Physical symptoms
  • Origin of stress
  • Coping strategies
  • Steps for when facing a stressful situation
  • Reducing stress
  • Stretching and exercising
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Avoiding stress

Ensuring your readers get their thoughts and experiences down on paper will help them to eliminate stress.

Report #8: Developing Successful Habits for Work and Business

Developing Successful Habits PLR

Developing Successful Habits for Work and Business (3,224 words / 7 images): This illustrated report will teach your readers how they can develop successful habits for work and business.

It covers:

  • Understanding what a habit is and how it's formed
  • How to identify bad/good habits
  • Examples of good and bad work habits and where to put your focus
  • Tips for developing good habits and breaking bad ones
  • Tips for making lasting change in your habits

…This report will teach your readers about what habits are and how they are formed, the differences between good and bad habits, and how they can create good habits while breaking the bad ones.

Report #9: No More Sabotage: Developing Your Success Mindset

Success Mindset PLR

No More Sabotage: Developing Your Success Mindset illustrated PLR report (3,247 words / 5 images) will teach your readers how they can develop a success mindset. Topics include:

  • Mindset explained
  • Different types of mindsets
  • Reasons for self-sabotaging behavior
  • How to avoid self-sabotage
  • Recognizing and counteracting self-sabotage
  • Tips for ensuring success
  • Tips for developing a successful mindset
  • Steps to keeping a successful mindset

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to stop self-sabotaging behavior.

Report #10: Learn to Think and Aim Big:
Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest DreamsLearning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams report (3,996 words / 4 images) will teach your readers how they can start thinking and aiming big in their lives.

Topics include:

  • What makes up the definition of success
  • Tips on defining what success is to you and only you
  • The 7 categories of life and how to succeed in each one
  • Setting goals and how to achieve them once and for all
  • How to incorporate momentum into your daily life
  • Creating successful habits for yourself

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to achieve success in every area of their lives.

Report #11: Your Guide to Prospering with a Wealthy Mindset

Prospering with a Wealthy Mindset

Your Guide to Using Prospering with a Wealthy Mindset report (3,659 words/8 images) will teach your readers how changing their mindset can change their life.

Topics include:

  • Keys to prospering
  • Sustaining a prosperity mindset
  • Ways of being to create a prosperity mindset
  • Resetting your mind
  • Asking pertinent questions of yourself

…and more.

There are ways to prosperity that have little to do with luck and a lot to do with creating a wealthy mindset first. Change your thoughts, change your mindset, and change your life. 

Report #12: Strategies for Earning Quick Cash Now

Quick Cash Strategies PLR

Strategies for Earning Quick Cash Now illustrated report (2,488 words / 9 images): This report will show your readers how to use their talents and available resources to start earning money.

Topics include:

  • Using sites Elance, Fiverr and more to offer services
  • How one man's trash is most certainly another man's treasure
  • Selling their crafts and other artistic talents
  • Selling through big retail sites like Amazon
  • Resources for creating a website
  • Creating your quick cash approach

…and more.

Report #13: Start Saving Today for Financial Security Tomorrow

Financial Security ReportStart Saving for Financial Security Tomorrow report (4,924 words): This report will show your readers how to make a solid financial plan to achieve financial security. Topics include:

  • How to save to become a millionaire at retirement age
  • Creating and sticking to a budget
  • Understanding your spending
  • Setting financial goals
  • Using credit wisely
  • Using multiple savings options
  • Smart money-saving strategies

…and everything they need to reverse bad money habits and replace them with strategies to achieve lifetime financial security.

Report #14: Wealth Means More Than Just Money: How to Get What You Want and Enjoy What You Have

Wealth Means More than MoneyWealth Means More Than Just Money report (4,496 words): This report will show your readers how to manage their money better and find satisfaction with what they have. It covers:

  • What is wealth?
  • Keeping a long-term perspective
  • Passing on good habits to the next generation
  • Identifying your priorities and what is important
  • Importance of appreciating what you have
  • How much money is enough?
  • Overcoming bumps in the road

…and more to ensure a satisfying life, living withint one's means and securing a strong financial future.

100 Ready-to-Publish Articles

We've also got 100 ready-to-publish articles for your blog, emails or social media. Bundle up the articles and create a report or add them to your members area. They're perfect for monetizing with your product or affiliate links.

You'll find articles in the following categories:

  • 10 Anxiety Articles
  • 20 Budget and Finance Articles
  • 10 Law of Attraction Articles
  • 10 Loneliness Articles
  • 10 Organization Articles
  • 20 Self-Help Articles
  • 10 Stress Articles
  • 10 Time Management Articles

Here's a quick peek at all the topics:

100 Self-Improvement Articles

78 Social Media Images with Inspirational Quotes & Tips 

Here's a big collection of professionally designed images, each with an inspirational quote or self-improvement tip. Post them to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more.

Social Media Graphics Social Media Graphics Social Media Graphics Social Media Graphics

Social Media Graphics

1,217 Tweets and Tips

These tips are perfect for autoresponder messages, social media updates, daily tips on your website and more. Or turn them into articles or downloadable reports. You could even make a printable calendar for your customers, with a tip for each time. It's really up to you! You've got 1,217 tips to work with.

1,275 Self Improvement Tweets and Tips

You'll find tips in the following categories:

  • 50 Organization Tips
  • 50 Success Mindset Tips
  • 50 Tips for Dealing with and Reducing Stress
  • 50 Tips to Change Your Habits
  • 50 Tips for Finding Your Authentic Self
  • 50 Personality Success Tips
  • 55 Home Remedies Tips
  • 60 Overcoming Procrastination Tips
  • 60 Power of Positive Thinking Tips
  • 366 Health Tips (various topics)
  • 366 Personal Finance Tips (various topics)

We've Done All The Hard Work…
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting all this ready-to-publish content for you to use in your own business. Not only have we made the content, but we’ve made the lead-generating opt-in pages and graphics you need to promote it.

Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”4″ class=””]

Add to that, our customers have previously paid $690 to get their hands on the same content with private label rights…but you don't have to pay anything close to that.

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put this content together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is to get it out there.

At only $97 $27 ($10,591 cost to create yourself) for your done-for-you license, so you can save at least 282 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

$97$27 for a Limited Time Only

Use the content to grow your list, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba
Creating PLR Content for You Since 2006

Free Focus for Productivity


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity” Report Bundle

It's free by clicking "Add to Cart" above or keep reading below for more info...

Focus for Productivity Done-for-You Content Package - It's Free!

We've Done All The Work.
You Grow Your List and Keep All The Profits

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

In our lives today, we are busier than ever before. We think technology has streamlined many tasks, but instead we are given more tools that give us more and more to do with less time to do it. We are stressed and overwhelmed.

We have been lead to believe that if we don’t multitask every minute of our day we will not be productive.

This can’t be farther from the truth.

Successful people have long realized that focus is the key to being productive. Being focused on one thing for a certain period of time allows you to do better quality of work, get more done quickly, and helps your creative ideas flow.

This done-for-you content bundle will show your readers how to focus to be more productive and get better results in their lives.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:

Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity illustrated private label rights (PLR) report (3,897 words / 8 images) will teach your readers why focusing is so important in their lives.  Topics include:

  • Focus for ProductivityWhy focus is important
  • Multitasking
  • Tips to improve focus
  • Strategies to improve focus
  • Exercises to improve focus
  • How to deal with focus issues
  • Using applied focus
  • Getting started

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to increase their focus and become more productive.

Here is a peek inside:

Increase Your Productivity

Increase Your Productivity 2

Promotional Cover Graphics

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 3 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Focus for Productivity Ecover Set

Ecovers Included

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we’ve made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”2″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($575 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 15 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

Click the ADD TO CART Button to Add it to Your Account for FREE

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,
Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

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