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Here Are a Few FAQs re: Our Move:
Q: Do I need to register for a new account or can I use the same login information from P4P?
A: Although I would have preferred to rebrand the existing site, in this case a new install/fresh start was the best way forward for several reasons. Because is a brand new site, you will need to set up a new account on it.
You can do so here: - OR - you can do it when you claim the Free sample pack above.
Q: Will I still have access to my P4P purchases?
A: Absolutely! will remain online at least through the end 2025 - most likely longer. You will still be able to login here on P4P to access your purchases.
That said, I highly recommend downloading and storing your files somewhere secure (backed up) – I do my best to keep everything up-to-date, make regular backups, etc... but you just never know what can happen.
Q: Will my purchases from P4P be moved over to my new EZInspo account?
A: Unfortunately, no. We're moving in a new direction with new file storage solutions, email provider, content formats, etc... so our older products will be staying here where you'll still be able to access them.