Top 20 Online Video Makers
If you're looking for some handy tools for creating your videos, Filmora has compiled a list of 20 of the best online video makers. There is an ad at the top of the page and a video about their own software, but scroll down for the very useful top 20 list.
The list includes:
- Stupeflix
- Animoto
- Kizoa
- Wevideo
- Videocrisp
- Wideo
- Masher
- Makewebivdeo
- Loopster
- Hdsplash
- Flixpress
- Onetruemedia
- Clipgenerator
- Visible Spectrum
- Magisto
- Goanimate
- Dvolver
- Powtoon
- YouTube Video Editor
- MovieMakerOnline
...but you can get a description of each at the full post here.