Category Archives for Retired Products

Happiness is a Choice

Limited Time Special for this Exclusive Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
“Happiness is a Choice” 
Report & 365-Day Planner Lead Magnet Package
Sell it, Give it Away, and Keep ALL the Profits!

Or keep reading for full details...

Happiness is a Choice PLR Pack

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It.

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Happiness is a Choice” pack that will give your readers a Report, Planner, 2 Ecover Sets, Opt-in Page and 20 Social Media Graphics.

It's a brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

Happiness is a Choice Report

Happiness is a Choice Report

We all talk about how we want to be happy, but most of us do nothing about it. If you want to challenge yourself and your audience to create happiness and grow in new and exciting ways, you'll want to try tackling some of the ideas included in this report.

My Happiness 365-Day Planner

Happiness Planner

Help your readers stay organized and track their daily progress with this gorgeous customized planner.

2 Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Sets:

happiness planner ecovers
happiness is a choice report ecovers

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also included 4 different styles of 3D graphics in JPG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like. 

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

happiness is a choice opt-in

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the landing pages to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder. 

20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to approach each day with a positive attitude.

happiness graphics
We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

Happiness is a Choice Report
( 3,907 words/ 10 pages)

Happiness is something we all strive for. Nobody wants to be miserable. Yet, we oftentimes get in our own way when it comes to being happy. If you want to challenge yourself and your audience to create new and better habits that will help them learn how to feel true happiness, you'll want to try tackling some of the ideas included in this report.

Happiness is a Choice Report

Here is a peek inside:

happiness openbook report

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

happiness is a choice report ecovers

Ecovers Included

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

happiness is a choice opt-in

My Happiness 365-Day Planner
(10,327 words/ 379 pages)

This planner will give your readers inspiration to continuously choose happiness along with a place to document their thoughts, schedule, steps to take and a place for review and reflection.

happiness is a choice planner

Here is a peek inside:

happiness is a choice planner

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphics too.

happiness planner ecovers

Ecovers Included


20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the JPG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

happiness graphics

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”56″ class=””] As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $37 ($1,800 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 17 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $37 ($1,800 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


FREE PLR: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding a Positive Outlook on Life


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding a Positive Outlook on Life Report + Course Pack

It's free by clicking "Add to Cart" above or keep reading below for more info...

Free Self-Doubt PLR Pack

We've Done All The Work.
You Grow Your List and Keep All The Profits

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

One of the hardest things that some people ever do is transform themselves from a person full of self-doubt to a self-assured person that believes in themselves.

But, the truth is that no matter where they are are in life right now, no matter how many mistakes they’ve made, opportunities they’ve passed up, or what’s happened to them in life, they can overcome your self-doubt and start believing in themselves. This is true even if they had a poor upbringing and even if they’ve never believed in themselves before. It’s within your power, and it will change your life completely.

In this bundle, your readers will learn how to start feeling better about themselves, feel more confident, successful and know that their future is bright.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:

Overcoming Self-Doubt & Finding a Positive Outlook on Life Report

This 5297 word report will teach your readers how to have a more positive view of themselves for more success and happiness in their lives. Topics include:

  • What is Self-Doubt?
  • The Dangers of Self-Doubt and How it Affects Your Life
  • How to Identify Where Your Self-Doubt Lies
  • Reasons to Believe in Yourself
  • How to Overcome Negative Thoughts
  • Strategies for Dealing with Self-Doubt
  • What to Do Right now

...and more. Give your readers the information they need to banish self doubt and have a more positive outlook on life.

Here is a peek inside:

Overcoming Self-Doubt PLR Report 

Promotional Cover Graphics

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 3 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

10 Part Ecourse on Self-Doubt

We've also included a 10-part course that you can add to your autoresponder to send your new subscribers helpful advice on overcoming self doubt. The topics include:

  • Increase your self-belief with positive affirmations
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Nix negative thoughts this way
  • Can you deal with feedback?
  • How to deal with worries with less stress
  • Remove toxic people from your life
  • Have self-doubt and need motivation?
  • Positive ways to deal with failure
  • How to forgive yourself
  • Do you need professional help?

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we’ve made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id="58" class=""]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($1,225 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 34 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

Click the ADD TO CART Button to Add it to Your Account for FREE

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

FREE PLR: Declutter Your Life and Mind Quotes Graphics

Final Retirement: These Free Sample Packs Will Be Removed from the Site Permanently in...


You missed out!


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free Inspirational Quotes Graphics

We've Done All The Work.
You Just Brand, Monetize and Publish the Content

This Free Content Bundle is Available for a Short Time Only 

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more. 

All Our Done-for-You Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money... So You Can Focus on Growing Your Business

Your FREE Done-for-You Graphics Bundle Includes:

80 Editable Graphics (10 images each on a variety of Personal Development Topics): 

  • Decluttering 
  • Living in the Now
  • Time Management 
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Finding Your Purpose
  • Better Conversations
  • Better Relationships 

Each set of 10 graphics includes .jpg and original source PSD files for editing. 

Time Management Free Images
Living in the Now Social Media Graphics
free trauma image
better conversations free graphics
find your purpose graphics image 1
Free Overcoming Procrastination Graphics

But That's Not All... We've Also Included These Two High-Value Free Gifts:

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort you'd spend creating these graphics yourself. Fortunately, you don’t have to!

We’ve done all the work for you, so you just need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab this graphics bundle right now FOR FREE so you can save tons of time and plenty of money - and provide your readers with the quality information they want and need. 

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

101 Ways to Break Bad Habits

Limited Time Special for this Exclusive Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
“101 Ways to Break Bad Habits and Create New Good Ones for More Success in Your Life” 
Report & 365-Day Planner Lead Magnet Package
Sell it, Give it Away and Keep ALL the Profits.

Or keep reading for full details...

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It.

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “101 Ways to Break Bad Habits” pack that will give your readers a Report, Planner, 2 Ecover Sets, Opt-in Page and 20 Social Media Graphics.

It's a brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

101 Ways to Break Bad Habits Report

Breaking bad habits and starting new ones doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that involves making small, daily choices that combined, lead to you getting rid of the bad habits and creating good ones. If you want to challenge yourself and your audience to grow in new and exciting ways, you'll want to try tackling some of the ideas included in this report.

Becoming the Best Me 365-Day Planner

Help your readers stay organized and track their daily progress with this gorgeous customized planner.

2 Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Sets:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also included 4 different styles of 3D graphics in JPG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like. 

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the landing pages to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder. 

20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to start making new, good habits in their life.

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

101 Ways to Break Bad Habits Report
( 4,235 words/ 10 pages)

Life is ever-changing. In order to grow and reach your full potential, you must change with it. Personal development is a vital part of successfully coping with these life changes, being happy and creating good habits in your life.

Creating new and better habits doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that involves making small, daily choices that combined, lead to you effectively changing the bad ones into good ones. If you want to challenge yourself and your audience to grow in new and exciting ways, you'll want to try tackling some of the ideas included in this report.

Here is a peek inside:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you.  Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Becoming The Best Me 365-Day Planner
(12,048 words/ 380 pages)

This planner will give your readers inspiration to continuously improve themselves along with a place to document their thoughts, things to work on, steps to take and a place for review and reflection.

Here is a peek inside:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included


20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the JPG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”53″ class=””] As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $37 ($1,800 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 17 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $37 ($1,800 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,


Alice Seba Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Boost Your Productivity 4-Part eCourse

Limited Time Special for this Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Top-Quality 4-Week eCourse “Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress” with Private Label Rights

Just Brand, Monetize, and Publish!

Or keep reading for full details...

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish.

I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Boost Your Productivity to Get More Done with Less Stress” 4-Week Ecourse that will teach your readers how to get motivated and start reaching their goals. It's a brand new, never-before-released ecourse for you.

It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers. Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

Benefits of Our PLR

Here's a Quick Summary of What's Included,
All with Private Label Rights:

This 4-Part ecourse includes the following:

  • 4 Productivity Guides: You get 4 illustrated guides (.doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how to get over their motivational blocks, start setting goals and become more productive.
    Topics Include:

1. Identifying and Breaking Bad Habits
2. Prioritizing Your Life
3. Building a Support Team
4. Effective To Do Lists and Checklists

  • 4 Worksheets: You get 4 worksheets (.doc) that accompany each one of the guides so your readers can stay on track while planning and setting their goals.
  • 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional guides.
  • 4 Course Delivery Emails: Add these emails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons. We've made it super easy!
  • 4 Professionally-Designed Ecover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.
  • 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for you.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

#1: Identifying and Breaking Bad Habits 
(8 pages/ 3,035 words)

Being productive is a habit. Procrastinating is a habit as well. When it comes to productivity, the habits you’ve created can have a tremendous effect on it. Learn how to break bad productivity habits and create good habits to propel you to where you want to be.

Identifying Bad Habits Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 436 words) to help your readers begin to understand their motivational blocks so they can move past them.

Identifying Bad Habits Planning Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (5 pages / 636 words) to help your readers organize their thoughts on how to end bad habits.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

#2: Prioritizing Your Life
(8 pages/ 3,124 words)

Being productive is not just about being busy. Productivity is about getting things done that relate to your goals, plans or ideas. Use this report to help you manage your weekly, daily, and monthly productivity goals and start prioritizing your life.

Detailed Prioritizing Your Life Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 390 words) to help your readers become more productive in all aspects of their lives.

Prioritizing Your Life Planning Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (3 pages / 461 words) to help your readers start planning for their future.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

#3: Building a Support Team
(9 pages/ 2,974 words)

Asking for and getting help is one of the most important components of being highly productive and successful at achieving your goal. This report will walk you through how to go about asking for help when trying to successfully achieve your goals.

Detailed Building a Support Team Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (4 pages / 789 words) to help your readers build their support team.

Building a Support Team Planning Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (6 pages / 389 words) to help your readers brainstorm their support team while they boost their productivity.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included 

#4: Effective To Do Lists and Checklists
(9 pages/ 3,458 words)

Figuring out how to get all your tasks done in one day can be difficult. What can be even harder is trying to accomplish everything using an ineffective plan. In this report, you will learn how to create, use and manage your lists effectively.

Detailed “Effective To Do Lists and Checklists” Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 311 words) to help your readers follow through with your lists and stay motivated.

Effective To Do Lists and Checklists Planning Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (4 pages / 462 words) to help your readers continue to effectively use their to do lists and checklists.

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Ecovers Included

Bonus: Course Delivery Emails

4 done-for-you emails to add to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials to your readers over 4 lessons.

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this ecourse, we’ve included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you.  Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you’re ready to roll.

We've Done All The Hard Work…
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets, blog posts and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your well-researched content.

Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”49″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put this content together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content, add your affiliate links and you can start earning those affiliate commissions.

Grab it now for only $47 ($3,075 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below to Get
the 4-Part Ecourse

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


Social Media Booster – 1 Year’s Worth of Content – OTO

Thank you! Your Social Media Booster content has been emailed to you. In the meantime, check this out…

Here's Your Chance to Grab ANOTHER Full Year's Worth of Social Media Content…and You Can Download it ALL Instantly

“Social Media Booster” Exclusive Archive Pack with Valued Members-Only Pricing

You Won't Find This Special Offer Anywhere Available to the Public…And It's Available for a Very Limited Time Only! 

Or keep reading for full details...

This is Ready-Made DAILY Content for Your Social Media for an Entire Year! Just Grab it and Go! 

Here is your rare chance to get 12 months of professionally designed social media content and graphics in one bundle. Our customers have paid $143.64 for all this content, but you can grab it now for just $47 for a limited time only.

Here’s What You Get in Your Social Media Booster Archive Pack. It's Enough Content for an Entire Year!

This archive package is full of quality content you can use for your social media. And hey, if you want to use it in your newsletter, on your blog or anywhere else you publish content, GO FOR IT! You get…

360 Conversation Starters

It's not always easy to get the conversation going on social media, but it's much easier when you've got 360 ready-to-publish conversation starters. Get them to start thinking big and improving their lives and they'll keep coming back for more. Each conversation starter is a thought-provoking question, designed to get your followers to reflect on themselves and ultimately take action.

360 Personal Development Quotes

People love to read and share thought-provoking quotes. We hand selected 360 quotes to make it easy to schedule in Hootsuite or your preferred social media management platform. Or just post them as you go…it's all ready to copy-and-paste.

360 Personal Development Tips

Reveal yourself as a great source of advice by sharing helpful personal development tips. We get all the tips ready for you…you just post 'em. You can even repurpose these tips into blog posts, autoresponder messages or whatever you'd like.

360 Graphics for Your Social Media and More

Professionally-designed graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the JPG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

120 Conversation Starter Graphics

120 Personal Development Quotes

120 Personal Development Tips

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use for your social media and more. Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”48″ class=””] As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $47 ($6000 to create it yourself) for your private label rights license, so you can save at least 90 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

This Archive Bundle Won't Last Long

If you're ready to save tons of time and plenty of money sharing thought-provoking content with your followers, click the “Add to Cart” button below for your license to edit, brand, monetize and publish all this content at the best price possible. This special offer won't last long.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below and Get 1 Full Year's Worth of Social Media Content

Retail Value $143.60 and Just $47 During our Special Sale. Hurry Offer Ends Soon!

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or use the content to create an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

 Alice Seba and Damon Greene

Alice Seba and Damon Greene
Your Partners in Easy Content Publishing

Free PLR: 10 Pack of Leadership Articles

Final Hours! Download this Free PLR Pack Before It's Gone for Good...


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Free 10-Pack of Leadership Articles
with Private Label Rights

Free Leadership PLR Articles

We've Done All The Work.
You Grow Your List and Keep All The Profits

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

Leadership skills are key to many aspects of our lives. From career to family and just about anything else we want to accomplish. Being a good leader does take certain qualities and skills that can be developed, so that's why we've put together a free 10 pack of leadership articles that you can edit, brand, monetize and publish as your own.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:

You get a 10 pack of articles you can use for your blog, social media, bundle up into a report, use to put together a product and more.

The Topics Include:

  • How to Be a Leader in the Workplace
  • Personality Characteristics of Effective Leaders
  • Create an Environment That Instills Leadership in Kids
  • How to Be a Leader for Kids
  • How to Lead Teens
  • How to Raise Children to be Good Leaders
  • Keys to Be Effective an Effective Leader of Adults
  • Leadership Skills to Teach Kids So They Can Be Leaders Too
  • Signs That a Child Might be a Strong Leader
  • Teaching Young Adults to Be Leaders

Give your readers the information they need to hone their leadership skills and to help develop leadership skills in young people too.

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as on your blog, social media, as lead magnet and more. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”46″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($500 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 5 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

Get This Awesome Content Right Now

Click the ADD TO CART Button to Add it to Your Account for FREE

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


FREE PLR: Learning to Think and Aim Big


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:
Learning to Think and Aim Big – Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

It's free by clicking “Add to Cart” above or keep reading below for more info…

aim big_all

We've Done All The Work.
You Grow Your List and Keep All The Profits

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

When you think of success, do you envision oodles of money, a mansion, and a fancy sports car? Those items are great, but what about a deeper sense of success – a success beyond your wildest dreams?

If you’re like most readers of internet articles, websites and blogs, you’ve probably heard some success stories where ordinary folks like yourself have gone from rags to riches scenarios. However, and more importantly, there are even better stories out there. Like the stories of entrepreneurs and business people leaving their corporate world to go and sell ice cream somewhere in the Caribbean. They, too, are abundantly happy and successful.

Bottom line – success is what you say it is.

In this bundle, your readers will learn how to define what success is to them and how to succeed in the seven categories of life.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:

Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams PLR report (3,996 words / 4 images) will teach your readers how they can start thinking and aiming big in their lives. Topics include:

  • What makes up the definition of success
  • Tips on defining what success is to you and only you
  • The 7 categories of life and how to succeed in each one
  • Setting goals and how to achieve them once and for all
  • How to incorporate momentum into your daily life
  • Creating successful habits for yourself

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to achieve success in every area of their lives.

Here is a peek inside:

Learning to Think and Aim Big

Learning to Think and Aim Big

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. We even host the images for you! Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Learning to Think and Aim Big


Promotional Cover Graphics

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 3 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Learning to Think and Aim Big

Ecovers Included

Bonus: Detailed Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 366 words) to help your readers stay on track as they start to think and aim big.

Learning to Think and Aim Big

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we’ve made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”40″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($700 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 17 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

Click the ADD TO CART Button to Add it to Your Account for FREE

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

aim big_all

We’ve Done All The Work.
You Grow Your List and Keep All The Profits

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

When you think of success, do you envision oodles of money, a mansion, and a fancy sports car? Those items are great, but what about a deeper sense of success – a success beyond your wildest dreams?

If you’re like most readers of internet articles, websites and blogs, you’ve probably heard some success stories where ordinary folks like yourself have gone from rags to riches scenarios. However, and more importantly, there are even better stories out there. Like the stories of entrepreneurs and business people leaving their corporate world to go and sell ice cream somewhere in the Caribbean. They, too, are abundantly happy and successful.

Bottom line – success is what you say it is.

In this bundle, your readers will learn how to define what success is to them and how to succeed in the seven categories of life.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

6 Benefits of Our Done-for-You Content

Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:

Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams PLR report (3,996 words / 4 images) will teach your readers how they can start thinking and aiming big in their lives. Topics include:

  • What makes up the definition of success
  • Tips on defining what success is to you and only you
  • The 7 categories of life and how to succeed in each one
  • Setting goals and how to achieve them once and for all
  • How to incorporate momentum into your daily life
  • Creating successful habits for yourself

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to achieve success in every area of their lives.

Here is a peek inside:

Learning to Think and Aim Big

Learning to Think and Aim Big

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we’ve included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. We even host the images for you! Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you’re ready to roll.

Learning to Think and Aim Big


Promotional Cover Graphics

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 3 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Learning to Think and Aim Big

Ecovers Included

Bonus: Detailed Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 366 words) to help your readers stay on track as they start to think and aim big.

Learning to Think and Aim Big

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we’ve saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we’ve made the graphics you need to promote your it. Let’s take a look at all that’s involved with putting together this content on your own…

Package Content Time to Create Cost to Create
3,996 word report with 8 images (.doc) 14 hours $425
Lead-Generating Opt-in Page Copy (.doc and copy-and-paste WordPress code...we even host the images) 1 hour $75
Professionally-Designed Ecover Sets (.JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions each) 1 hour $150
Detailed Checklist (2 pages/366 words) 1 hour $50

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don’t have to. We’ve done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for FOR FREE ($700 cost to create yourself), so you can save at least 17 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they’re looking for.

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Get & Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals

Final Hours: Final Retirement Sale Ends Soon!

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
"Get & Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals"
Report + Planner Pack



Or keep reading for full details...

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Get and Stay Motivated” bundle that will give your readers a detailed report, customizable planner, 2 ecover sets an opt-in page and graphics.

It's brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

Get and Stay Motivated Report:

Motivation is the Key to moving forward in everything you do.  Whether you want to better yourself as a person or at work, to lose weight or get fit, or become the best version of yourself, you need the motivation to achieve it... Show your readers how to get and stay motivated to achieve their goals!

Get Motivated 365-Day Planner:

Help your readers get motivated and track their daily progress with this gorgeous customized planner.

2 Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Sets:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also included 4 different styles of 3D graphics in PNG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like. 

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page:

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the opt-in page to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder. 

20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to get motivated and achieve their goals.  

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

Get and Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals Report
(3,905 words/10 pages)

In the simplest term, motivation is the factor that prompts a person to take or do some action. It’s pursuing the goal even in the face of setbacks, procrastination, self-doubt, stress, or other obstacles.  Teach your readers what they can do to motivate themselves so that they can achieve their goals with this report.

Here is a peek inside:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

Motivational Planner
(378 pages)

This planner will give your readers inspiration to get motivated all year long along with a place to document their thoughts, a daily review, their goals to stay motivated and the steps they need to take to achieve those goals.

Here is a peek inside:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

20 Motivational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the PNG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all this ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it!

It would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $37 – $7.95 ($1,800 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 17 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $37 – $7.95! ($1,800 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!


Building More Positivity

Limited Time Special for this Never-Before-Released Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Done-for-You and Ready-to-Publish
“Building More Positivity and Making Room for More Happiness in Your Life ”
Lead Magnet Package
Sell it, Give it Away and Keep ALL the Profits



Or keep reading for full details...

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish. I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Building More Positivity” bundle that will give your readers a detailed report, customizable planner, 2 ecover sets and an opt-in page.

It's brand new, never-before-released content for you. It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers.

Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business

Quality Content Created by Our In-House Writers

Professionally Designed Graphics and Pages to Get You Started

Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business

Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish Your Content

Sell the Content or Publish it as Free Content. You Choose.

Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content. 

Here’s a Quick Summary of What’s in This Package You
Can Edit, Brand, Monetize 
& Publish As Your Own

This package is full of quality content you can use to grow your list, create products from and more. You get...

Building More Positivity Report:

The happier you are, the more you lean into the best version of yourself. This creates a ripple effect—when you’re filled with joy and peace, you become a better parent, a better spouse, a better friend, a better employee, or a better entrepreneur.. Show your readers how to build more positivity and be happier in life!

My Positivity 365-Day Planner:

Help your readers stay positive and track their daily progress with this gorgeous customized planner.

2 Professionally Designed Ecover Graphic Sets:

Make a great first impression with these gorgeous cover images. We've also included 4 different styles of 3D graphics in PNG format, plus an editable PSD that you or your designer can edit as much as you'd like. 

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page:

To help you grow your mailing list of potential buyers with this content, we’ve designed the opt-in page to help to make it easy. If you use WordPress, we've even created the copy-and-paste code for you, but you can still use the copy with any web page builder. 

20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to stay positive and increase their happiness.  

We've also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

Building More Positivity and Making Room for More Happiness in Your Life Report
(4,234 words/11 pages)

One of the best things you can do to boost your happiness is to build more positivity into your life. The good news is this isn’t difficult or complicated. Teach your readers that there are a few things they can do to add more positive experiences and fun into their lives with this report.

Here is a peek inside:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this report, we've included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you're ready to roll.

My Positivity Planner
(20,367 words/380 pages)

This planner will give your readers inspiration to continuously improve their happiness along with a place to document their thoughts, a daily review, their goals to stay positive and the steps they need to take to make it happen.

Here is a peek inside:

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

We've also included 20 professionally-designed and inspirational graphics that you can load to social media, add to your blog posts or even include in your newsletters. Brand them with your URL and more. You get the PNG for quick posting and we've also included PSDs of all the graphics, so you can edit them as much as you'd like.

We've Done All The Hard Work… You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all this ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote it! Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”32″ class=””] As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put all this together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab it now for only $37 ($1,800 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save at least 17 hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below for Your License to Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish All This Content at the Best Price Possible

Only $37 ($1,800 Value)

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!