What Is The PURPOSE Of Your Content?

Following up on my post about publishing over creating, here's another potential mistake content creators make.
And that's focusing solely on the quality of the content rather than the purpose of the content.
Whether you create the content yourself or not, make sure it serves a PURPOSE in your business. And spend more time reworking the content, so it SERVES that purpose, rather than making sure the content itself is perfect.
Some purposes your content might serve:
– Grow your list (send them to your opt-in offer)
– Sell your products (help them make educated buying decisions)
– Build your community (create goodwill and connect with your audience)
– Boost the value of your products (educate them how to use your products, add more content to your products, so they are more useful)
And to achieve those goals, your content should not only be relevant to what you are trying to achieve, but it should also unabashedly give them the advice or recommendation that will bring them to that purpose.
You've got awesome stuff…make sure your audience knows how confident you are in that and they will follow.
Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity” Report Bundle
Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:
Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity illustrated private label rights (PLR) report (3,897 words / 8 images) will teach your readers why focusing is so important in their lives. Topics include:
Why focus is important
- Multitasking
- Tips to improve focus
- Strategies to improve focus
- Exercises to improve focus
- How to deal with focus issues
- Using applied focus
- Getting started
You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more.
You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.
To your great success,
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation