How to Use Private Label Rights Content (PLR) to Dramatically Increase Your Sales

If you have been with us for a while, obviously, you ALREADY know PLR is a great time and money saver (and money maker) ... but sadly, I think most of our customers don't leverage it to its fullest.
Content is a SALES TOOL and if you set your mindset to that, everything else becomes easier.
An educated audience is a smart buying audience that will keep coming back to you for your education and products that make accomplishing their goals easier.
So when you take a piece of PLR content, think STRATEGICALLY on how each piece grows your business before putting it to use.
Let me give you a few examples...
- Use a PLR report to grow your list. Of course, you should follow up with that list and make product offers too (also can be made with PLR). You can grab our free Focus for Productivity Report here to get started.
- If you have a membership site, focus on getting new members and use PLR content as valuable membership content. This free 10-Minute Meditation report + checklists might fit the bill.
- If you're publishing articles on your blog, ALWAYS include a relevant offer at the end of the post or even in the context of the post. You can promote just the right paid product offer or most often, drive that traffic to claim a freebie to, so you can get more subscribers. If you'd like some articles to practice with, our these 5 free Personal Development Plan articles might be useful.
- If you're incorporating articles or content into an email or newsletter, make sure it blends seamlessly with your product offer. Posting articles into your newsletter and then making an offer not relevant to the article makes for a disjointed experience for your subscribers; they may never read your offer if it doesn't catch attention and they can't connect the dots.
- Just have one focus in your email and EDUCATE your audience, so they can make the smart choice to buy or not. That way the the article and promotion are tied together and become one content piece. For example, if you're teaching a journaling course, you might share these 5 free journaling articles ... but use the information to directly lead to a relevant product offer.
- If you're posting graphics to social media (and we have free 30-days of social media content for you here), do a little extra for the engagement or you might be posting to an audience of almost none. Just posting graphics doesn't do much, unless you've already got an engaged following. For example, add your own thoughts about a quote, ask what it means to your audience, relate it to a story you experienced ... anything to get the conversation going.
The key thing to remember is to have a PURPOSE for all the content you publish. If you know WHY you are publishing it (and how that why should benefit both you AND your customers) that will guide you to use your content more effectively. And of course, if you ever want feedback on your promotions ... we're always there for you in the Facebook Group.
I hope this generated some good purposeful ideas for you. Go grab the freebies that will help you build your list and make sales.
Or See Our List of Free Sample, Done-for-You Content That You Can Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish
If you've never used done-for-you or private label rights (PLR) content, you're in for a time-saving treat. We create the content and you can use it as you're own in your business. You can add your name to it and your logo. You can edit it, put links to your products and publish it on your blog, social media, add it to your products and more.
It's a super easy way to stock up. They're fully editable and grab what you need.
To your great success,
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation