Category Archives for Resources

Using Printables to Boost Conversions and Sales

Using Printables to Boost Conversions and Sales

Printables to Boost Profits

Information makes the web go round, that's for certain. But in order to get more opt-ins and sales, your information needs to stand out…and many times, incorporating printables into your content can do the trick. Customers just LOVE to have something in their hand and if it's something that can help them accomplish their goals, it's all the better.

Some of the reasons people love printables:

  • They're tangible. People love to be able to have something in their hand…or like the thought of having them in their hands, even if they download them and never end up printing them.
  • They're action-oriented. If you give out printables like worksheets or planners, they not only give your customer or subscriber information…but they allow them to take action and work toward their goals.
  • They stand out. In a digital world where everyone claims to have the advice to solve a problem with an ebook, report or article, offering printables makes your help stand out.

In general, you can't go wrong if you incorporate printable into your content marketing. Here are a few ideas for printables.

#1: Worksheets and Workbooks

If you offer a report or ebook…or really any type of content, turn that into a worksheet or a workbook. A worksheet can help your readers work through the information by applying it to their own lives.

We offer worksheets in our content packages, wherever possible. Here's an example from our 4x System Subject Matter Expert Training:

The worksheet helps the student apply what they learned in this session to their own lives, so they can start achieving their own big goals. Whenever you move the student from simply learning to actually DOING, you boost the value of the help you provide them. That means, they're more likely to want to learn from you AND they're more likely to pay more for that learning experience.

The above is just a simple worksheet, but you can also create more complex workbooks, with calculations and whatever they need to get organized for solving their problem, reaching their goal, etc. Here's some excerpts from our 4X System Master Workbook that actually does calculations to help students find more time, keep track of their productivity and more.

4X System Master Worksheet

#2: Planners

Here's another way to get your readers to take action…by providing them a planner. You can use planners for a variety of purposes. If you teach about gratitude, give them a planner that allows them to focus on gratitude daily. Here's an example from our Planner Mega Pack. It's nothing complicated, but it looks nice and helps your student take action.

Peek Inside a Planner

Or if you help your clients lose weight, give them a planner that helps them focus on their health and progress. Here's another example from our Planner Mega Pack.

A Look Inside the Healthy Me Planner

The above one is a bit more complex and involved, but still reasonable simple to put together. Just think about what your student wants to accomplish and how you can deliver it.

And here's a sample of our 4X System Daily Planner actually printed out and ready for the customer. You can use a service like CreateSpace or Lulu to print on demand. Then you can ship out your real live printables, use them in a classroom environment or whatever you'd like.

Printed Planner

#3: Journals

Similar to a planner, a journal allows your students to chart their progress. And look around any bookstore, they usually have a big section of journals and notebooks because people just love them.

Here's an example of a journal from our Journal Mega Pack. This one is a Dreams Journal, but we also have a Gratitude Journal, Goals Journal and an Affirmations Journal. They include an introduction on how to use the journal and then plenty of space for the student to write on the beautifully designed pages that have inspirational quotes sprinkled throughout. Pretty simple, but impactful, hey?

Dream Journal

When brainstorming your printables, simply think about how your customer could solve their problem or achieve their goals faster. Would a worksheet help? Or could they use a journal or planner to stay on track. Including these items are quite likely to boost your opt-in rate on your opt-in offers and result in more sales of your information-based products, so incorporate them wherever you can.

How to Get Your Children Involved in Their Personal Development

Inspire Your Child to Choose the Right Path for Their Future…without Being an Overbearing Parent

We all want the best for our children, but often don't realize the limiting ideas we unconsciously pass onto them. Instead, taking a more proactive and conscious approach…without becoming an overbearing or demanding parent…will help our children develop the mindset that empowers them to create the best future possible for them. 

Here's a Question from Our 4X System Subject Matter Expert Training Q&A Session:

How do you get your children involved in their own personal development?

4X System creator, Damon Greene, talked to us about his experience of getting his children involved in their own personal development. His son has published a book and sold products on Amazon, all while attending college full time. His son is exploring his career and entrepreneurial paths because Damon presented with him possibilities and gave him the resources to change his own mindset. 

Some of what Damon does for his children:

  • Exposing them to people who have accomplished goals his children may want to achieve
  • Gives them resources that have helped him and that can help change their mindset
  • Became more conscious of the self-limiting beliefs he passed onto his children and correcting them
  • Being proactive and being involved, while still allowing them to make their own decisions

Watch the video above to learn more about how Damon did this. 

As he told us, “You can only teach your children what you know,” but we have to consciously pass those positive lessons on or we may be surprised at how our unconscious messages come across. 

What to Do Next: Learn the 4X System and Use it to Help Your Clients and Customers

This video is just a small excerpt from a Q&A session of our 4X System: Achieve Goals You Never Thought Possible 4X Faster subject matter expert training, where we not only show you how to get more done in less time...but we also train you, so that you can teach the method to your own customers.

We've created all the training and marketing materials for you. All you have to do is join us for a few training sessions, so you can be the subject matter expert and confidently deliver this high ticket training program to your students. 

It’s a super easy way to get immersed in selling high-ticket training products…without having to do all the hard work. 

The coupon code above will save you $20 and is the perfect way to get started in learning a system that will help you achieve your goals 4 times faster...AND allow you to share that same system with your clients and customers, creating your own high ticket training program in the process. Click here to get started

We look forward to having you join us. 

To your great success,

Alice Seba and Damon Greene
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation

How to Find and Work with an Accountability Partner

6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Finding and Working with an Accountability Partner

If you or your clients struggle with getting more things done and accomplishing important goals in your life, having an accountability partner or group make a world of different, but there are some ins and outs to setting it up right. 

Here's a Question from Our 4X System Subject Matter Expert Training Q&A Session:

How do I find an effectively work with an accountability partner or group?

It's a great question and if you've never formalized the accountability process for yourself, it's much more difficult to stay on track. Watch the video above for 6 questions you should ask yourself or ones you should get your clients to ask themselves when finding an accountability partner or group. 

Here is a list of the 6 questions you need to ask yourself, but watch the video to get the full explanation, examples and implementation strategies:

  1. Do You Get Along and Have Something to Offer Each Other?
  2. Are You Both Moving Toward Something?
  3. Are They (And Are YOU) Reliable?
  4. Can You Make it a Habit? (this is key and you'll find strategies  in the video)
  5. What's Your Preferred Method for Communicating?
  6. How Can You Document the Process So it Helps Everyone?

When you regularly check in with someone and they call you out when you're messing things up, it's much easier to stay focused and on track with your goals. You'll eliminate distractions, stay productive and have a chance to learn from each other's experiences. 

To your great success,

Alice Seba and Damon Greene
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation

Letting Go of Perfection for Bigger Profits

Letting Go of Perfection for Bigger Profits from Your Information Products and Training Programs

Let Go of Perfection

by Alice Seba
Owner PublishforProsperity and
Done-for-You Content Provider Since 2006

After working with information product and online course creators and hopeful product creators for over 15 years, there is one thing that holds people back from success than any other.

That is the need for perfection. The need to perfectly understand the process before starting. The need to have a perfect product before launching.

But calling it perfection is a lie.

Perfection sounds like a positive thing and people hide behind the words, “I'm a perfectionist.”

But perfection is just an extremely misleading word for procrastination.

The desire for perfection boils down to excuse after excuse for not getting stuff done.

If you want to be successful creating information products, training programs or in any business at all, it's time to let go of the false idea of perfection.

Here are a few ways you can do that…

1. You Don't Need to Know How to Do Everything before You Start

If you've been telling yourself that you'll launch your first product once you figure out A, B, C and D…you're giving yourself the biggest excuse ever to do nothing at all.

Think about all the things you've done in your life without knowing exactly where you're going. Whether it was to learn to drive, cook a meal, get married or even have a child, most of us jump in and learn as we go. We make mistakes and sometimes screw up royally, but all those are lessons for us to improve or get it right the next time.

You do not need to know who your web host will be, how you'll create your site, what autoresponder you'll use or what platform you'll sell your product with…and know each step of all those things before you begin. You'll do them and learn them as you go.

So many people I speak to want a precise blueprint and want every step outlined…but there really is no such blueprint because there are many variables that decide how you'll execute your plan. It could be your budget, personal preferences, your target market or just about anything else.

If you're looking for a cookie cutter approach to what you should do…you'll get cookie cutter results. But if you can learn what's best for your business as you go and adapt as you make be discoveries, you'll have much more success.

Which brings me to the next point…

2. Be Willing to Adjust Your Plan

Just like you might change the steps you follow or the software you use to launch your product, you need to be flexible with the product itself.

When we start, we have these grand ideas of our perfect product. But then we get down to work, we realize that it's going to take forever to get where we hoped.

That's the point where the deadline you set for yourself is more important than perfection. For accountability, tell your subscribers your product will launch on a certain day and make sure you deliver. That might mean changing your expectations of what the product will look like, but it's better than waiting until NEVER to launch. 🙁 

Because here's the thing…

3. Don't Assume You Know What “Perfection” Means to Others

We all have this idea of what our ideal product should like, so we get married to the idea and it's hard to let go…but realize that you have no idea of what perfection looks like to your customers.

And the only way for you to really discover that is by getting content out to them and letting them tell you what else they need…and then providing it to them.

Why spend months or even years creating something, only to discover you were missing what your customers really needed?

Just let go. Let your customers surprise you and tell you what they need.

And yes, you could survey your followers before you release your product…but then you're getting the feedback of people who simply say they're interested. You want feedback from people who have already committed and paid you, so you know how to serve your actual customers better.

And speaking of others, this product creation game doesn't need to be…and shouldn't be…a solitary activity…

4. Let Others Help You

I was overwhelmed by things just like you. All the tasks I had to complete and learn how to do. All the content I had to create. And I had to do it all because it had to be perfect.

But that thinking was wrong for a couple of reasons:

There are far more talented and knowledgeable people than I am…so it's silly for me to try to retain full control of each part of the process.

I only have so much time in the day. If I'm trying to do everything, things are going to slip through the cracks. And from my experience with creating products, people get most bogged down in the creation process and they skimp on the selling and marketing part…and really cheat themselves in creating a best selling product.

The moment I started to let go and to accept help, the faster my success came. I hired writers and used private label rights content. I hired people to do my graphics and so on.

Then I was able to focus on selling my product and making it a financial success. Because after all, we create products because we want to help people…but if we can't sell them, how are we going to get them out to those people?

Free Smart Goals Worksheet

Free Downloadable S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Worksheet with Private Label Rights:

Stop Talking about Your Goals Like They're Dreams…Get ‘Em Done Instead

A Goal without a Plan is Just a Wish

The other day, we shared our free Time Calculator that helps you discover just how much time you have to pursue new goals and achieve those things you've been putting off forever. Well, now that you know you DO have the time to work on the things that matter to you, let's get to working on getting to those goals.

You've probably heard of S.M.A.R.T goals before…and that's because it's a formula that works. Here's an overview:

Smart Goals WorksheetSPECIFIC – Your goal needs to be spelled out very precisely and you also need to have a reason WHY behind your goal…some benefit or emotional attachment that will keep you focused. For example, a goal might be to earn $12,500 per month and onboard 5 new quality clients monthly in the next 90 days.

Using language that leaves no doubt as to what the goal is, why you want to achieve the goal, and how you will get there is very important. If you are not able to be detailed in your description of the goal, it will be hard to meet it. Take the time to do this part right.

MEASURABLE –  If your goal cannot be quantified, then it’s not a full goal and you won’t know how when you have succeeded. An example of a measurable goal would be “I want to deposit to our bank account an additional 100 dollars per week. I’ll accomplish this by writing five 500-word articles each week for a life coach.”

This is where journaling comes into play. It’s a report card and a method to measure what you want to accomplish and what you actually accomplished. And our 4X System Level-Up journal actually walks you through that and helps you achieve your goals 4 times faster. 

ACTIONABLE / ACHIEVABLE – There are different things that “A” can stand for, but it’s usually actionable or achievable. In order to achieve anything, you must take action. So, make your goal actionable, where you do something each day that will eventually result in an accomplished goal.

Goals should also be achievable or you will quickly get frustrated. Be accurate about the time it takes to reach a goal, and what actions it takes to get there. Also, know who will be responsible for doing it.

REALISTIC / RELEVANT – “R” can stand for realistic or relevant, and both are important. If you want your goal to succeed, it should most certainly be realistic or you will fail. If you’re currently making $500 a week and your goal is to increase that to $12,500 in 90 days, that’s not realistic. However, you may be able to increase it by $300. Once you achieve that goal and are earning $800 a week, you can set a new goal to increase your income by another $500 a week or something similar.

Your goal should also be relevant to your life’s vision and match your values. There’s no point in making or achieving goals that have no relevance to your long-term life goals. You could instead use that time to reach goals that get you one step closer to actually reaching your life goals. So always ask yourself, if the goal is relevant to your life goals.

TIME BOUND / TIMELY / TRACKABLE – Various authors refer to the “T” in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym as time-bound, timely or trackable. All of these t’s are important parts of the goal creating and setting process. If you don’t set a time limit and you can’t track what is happening, your goal will be hard to quantified or show as achieved.

To help you and your audience work through and create S.M.A.R.T. goals, download the quick guide and worksheet below. Of course, planning your goals is just the beginning to achieving them. From here, you'll need to implement your plans and come up with an approach that allows you to get their faster and stay motivated, which is what we do in the complete 4X System: Achieve Goals You Never Thought Possible 4X Faster training.

Download Your Free S.M.A.R.T Goals Worksheet with Private Label Rights Here (zip)

You can use the worksheet for yourself or share it with your subscribers and customers. It comes with private label rights, which means you can brand it and distribute it. We've included instructions and a copy of this blog post, so you can easily share it with your audience too. 

Free Download: High-Ticket Online Training Program Planning Checklist

Free Download: High-Ticket Online Training Program Planning Checklist

High Ticket Training Program Checklist

If you’re planning to launch your own online training program, it’s important to plan out your content, so that you have the best student experience possible. The more you can add interactivity and practical applications, the more you’ll be able to charge for your training and the more likely your satisfied students are to recommend you to others.

To help you out, we've created a checklist focuses on providing the high-level experience for your students, so in turn, can sell your offer at a high ticket price.

Download Your Free Checklist Here (PDF)

As we mentioned the other day, the opportunity to sell information and turn it into a living online is immense (Global Industry Analysts projects it to be a $241 billion industry by 2022). If you're not cashing on this, you are missing out on a highly lucrative way to generate an income with very little cost to get started.

What to Do Next:

We've got the training you need to set up a high-ticket training product that teaches your students to finally get organized, productive and achieving goals they never thought possible. We've created all the training and marketing materials. All you have to do is join us for a few training sessions, so you can be the subject matter expert and confidently deliver the training to your students. 

To serve you best, would you answer these 3 quick questions and we'll even give you a $​50 off coupon to thank you for your time?

It’s a super easy way to get immersed in selling high-ticket training products…without having to do all the hard work. The survey will only take a moment and will allow us to create the best training program for you possible. 

Lessons Learned from Creating High Ticket Training Programs

4 Income-Boosting Lessons Learned from Creating High Ticket Training Programs

Lessons Learned from Selling High Ticket Products

by Alice Seba
Owner PublishforProsperity and
Done-for-You Content Provider Since 2006

The opportunity to sell information and turn it into a living online is immense (Global Industry Analysts projects it to be a $241 billion industry by 2022). All we have to do is look at marketplaces like Kindle, ClickBank, Udemy and others like it to see online teaching is a booming business.

Now when you think of those platforms, we see many different price points. On Kindle, you can get information for as little as 99 cents or even for free. And of course, marketplaces like ClickBank and Udemy offer products at a wide variety of price points.

And the reason is simple. All price points work, but there is something to be said about high ticket programs. I've been selling products at a wide variety of price points and I always come back to high ticket items because they boost my business greatly.

If you're thinking of getting into high ticket online courses, here are 4 lessons I've learned that I think you'll find helpful too.

#1:  Your Happy Customers Want More

Selling lower ticket items is a great model and absolutely nothing to sneeze at. Most of my products are low ticket. It's an easy way to get a lot of the customers through the door and give them a taste of what you have to offer. Of course, since you're delivering stellar content and guidance, they're going to want more and the more they already enjoy your material, the more willing they'll be to invest larger amounts into their education with you. 

In short, your happy customers want more, so give it to them! 

#2: You Have to Sell Less to Make More 

This is a simple math equation, but in addition to having to sell less to make more, it's often easier to sell a higher ticket product. When you sell low ticket products, you always have to make up for it in volume. If you have the list, advertising dollars or affiliates to help you do that, it's certainly doable. 

When you only have to sell 10 products at $197 to make $1,970...that seems a whole lot more doable than 115 sales at $17, doesn't it?

#3: Make it As Easy as Possible

So how do you differentiate between a $17 and a $197 product? How do you convince your customers it's worth the investment?

Well, there are a lot of techniques you can employ, but one thing you should focus on is making participating in your program as easy as possible. What can you do to get them to results with the least effort possible? Nobody wants things difficult, so figure out what you can do to do some of the work for them. 

Here are 3 ideas to get you started:

Include Templates: If you're teaching them to reduce their debt, make budgeting templates, fill-in-the-blanks letters to creditors or whatever they need to accomplish the goals for your course. 

Add Interaction: Making your course interactive provides built-in accountability and they're more likely to take action. Whether it's talking with you about their progress or participating in a community related to your program, when your student feels like they have someone waiting for them to take the appropriate steps, they are more likely to take them. 

Do Some of the Work: Offer done-for-you components, where applicable...and charge a premium for them. If you're offering a weight loss program, offer custom menus or exercise plans. Depending on how much you're already charging for the program, these extra services might be at a higher membership level or can be offered as an upsell. 

#4: High Ticket Customers are AWESOME!

Talk to anyone who has sold high and low ticket products and they'll tell you their high ticket customers are almost always more easy going. Oddly enough, people who pay less often have higher expectations, are less patient with any issues that may come up and can be a royal pain in the butt. Obviously, that's not everyone...but it's a generality that always seems to ring true. 

It's likely because the people who are willing to pay more also see greater value in what they purchase. Someone who is only willing to pay $17 for your expertise doesn't really value it...and they're more likely to have higher, and often unrealistic, expectations. 

In short, selling higher ticket products can make your life a whole lot easier and your business much more lucrative. 

PROFIT: Strategies for Turning Your Mailing List into a Long-Term Profitable Asset

Simple Strategies for Turning Your Mailing List into a Long-Term Profitable Asset
FOCUS: Profiting from Your List

Profit Puzzle SolvedA mailing list is one of your businesses most valuable assets…if not THE most valuable. But it's not simply a matter of getting subscribers and then emailing them. You need a strategy.

We've got some time-tested and true strategies for you below. It's all a matter of getting to know your subscribers and getting them to trust you enough to follow your suggestions. 

And if you still need to build your subscriber list…or just want more subscribers who can't wait to buy your stuff, join us for the training here

#1: Train Your List:

If you want your list to accept and take action on your promotions, teach them to be  accustomed to promotions.

In the privacy note below your subscription box, write something like: “We will only use your email address to communicate with your regarding [x]-related topics and offers.”

BAM – You’ve told them you’ll be giving them offers.

If you want, you can also remind them in your welcome email that you’ll be sending them offers. You can tell them how you like to do review products on your reader’s behalf and alert them to any products that might be helpful or to stay away from.

Again – Now they know you’re going to send them promotions. They can unsubscribe right away if they’re not happy with that.

Then, most importantly, regularly send them offers so they expect them. Don’t hide behind the excuse, “I only have 100 people on my list so I haven’t sold anything to them yet?”

WHAT? Again, your list is made up INDIVIDUALS. Whether it is 100 individuals, 2398 individuals or 100,000 individuals, doesn’t matter. Every member of your list needs to be accustomed to the way you sell to them.

Imagine, if you decided you were going to wait until you hit 1000 subscribers before you sent a promo. That means the first 999 people on your list will be receiving no promotions for a period of time. That is NOT how to train your list to expect promotions. Do it from the beginning.

#2: Get to Know Your Subscribers

I mean REALLY get to know them. No, you’re not taking them to dinner, but still getting to know them. Here’s how:

  • Pay attention to which links they click on in your emails (and track your links!). Whether they are clicking to read/view content, take a product recommendation or sign up for more information, pay attention.
  • Take note of which types of products they are buying through your links.  Note which products flop and which seem to get a lot of response.
  • Invite them to submit feedback on your blog on a certain topic. The response you get can be incredibly valuable and give you insight into your readers.
  • When your readers do comment on your blog, take the time to click through to their websites. See what they are talking about, what their problems are, what products they are buying. Do this on a regular basis and you’ll come to understand your typical audience even further.
  • Survey Them: Now, I think surveys do have their place, but never rely on this alone. I think taking note of BEHAVIOUR is far more powerful. When you create a survey, people get to answer how they THINK they will behave or how you want them to answer . Thing is, people often behave in ways that are very different from how they say they will / do behave.

#3: Don’t Forget Your Thank You Page

Your thank you page is a priceless piece of real estate, so use it! I'm not sure what it is, but people seem to like to follow directions when they hit a thank you page. When someone hits your sign up thank you page, don't waste that space. Offer them a product, a discount, free trial or show them another part of your site you'd like them to see.

#4: Subject Lines Matter

If your emails are top notch, your subscribers will be waiting for them, but this doesn't mean you can get away with dull subject lines.

“Newsletter #18, Volume 8, Issue 1”

...doesn't cut it.


The only job of a subject line is to get your reader to open the email...that's it, so I personally don't really need descriptive subject lines either.

Let’s say we’re selling a potty training guide. I wouldn’t use a subject line like:

"Potty Training Guide"

Sure, it does mean that you're more likely to have those readers ALREADY interested in a potty training guide open your email, but most of your readers won't know (yet) that they really want a potty training guide.

It is the body of your email whose job it is to convince your readers they need a guide...not your subject line. Again, you only need your subject line to get your reader to open the email.

In a case like this, I'd use something like:

"This will help with the frustration..."

Now in this case, if your readers are parents of toddlers, they can very likely relate to frustration and the subject line is more likely to capture interest. Being a parent is a joy, but there are definitely frustrations with all kinds of things along the way.

So, they open the email and you talk about and relate to that frustration...and then they feel like someone understands them, knows what they need and are more likely to make the purchase.

#5: Call to Action Each Time

To further train your list to do what you want them to do, make a goal to have a call to action on each and every email. That doesn't mean you have to send them to buy something each time, but ask them to do something.

Some calls to action can include to:

  • Click a link to read a blog entry
  • Click a link to complete a survey or to leave a comment
  • Click a link to read an informative article
  • Click a link to claim a freebie
  • Click a link to read a review
  • Click a link to enter a sweepstakes
  • Click a link to read a sales page
  • Check their email on Tuesday, for example, as you'll be sending another email with further information on a topic, product, etc.

#6: Email Your Customers

It’s always surprising the number of people who sell products through PayPal buttons and never bother to collect the emails of their customers.

Here’s the thing, your CUSTOMER list is even more valuable to you than your SUBSCRIBER list…and you probably know why.

It’s because your customers have shown that they are willing to open up their wallets and buy something from you. Add to that, if they enjoyed your product and customer service, they are much more likely to buy from you again.

Someone who is a subscriber and simply a prospect, can potentially be a customer…but you are more likely to get positive results from an already satisfied customer.

So start treating your customers differently from your prospects. Make special offers, discounts, etc. for them or allow them to purchase products before anyone else.

A little TLC goes a long way.

Strategies for Turning Your Mailing List into a Long-Term Profitable Asset

Simple Strategies for Turning Your Mailing List into a Long-Term Profitable Asset
FOCUS: 7 Strategies Nurturing Your List

Email Subject Line IdeasTo turn your list into a long-term asset, you’ve got to really understand your subscribers and deliver value consistently.

But make no mistake – delivering value doesn’t mean knocking yourself out silly with work. Use the tips in this post to build a strong rapport with your audience, all the while keeping things as simple as possible.

And if you still need to build your subscriber list…or just want more subscribers who can't wait to buy your stuff, join us for the training here

#1: Write Simple Emails:

Your email writing efforts needn’t be complicated. In fact, in my experience they should be kept really quite SIMPLE because it’s easier and because your more likely to get more results. If you’re busting your butt trying to publish a full-blown weekly newsletter, really consider giving yourself a break.

Think of it this way. People are busy and with few exceptions, experience email overload. Why load them up even more?

Keep your messages short, simple and focused on one thing or a couple things at a time. This allows your readers to quickly absorb your message and decide whether or not to take action on your call to action.

Many people think that if they offer more content, more sections, etc…they are more likely to provide something that appeals to more subscribers. But from our experience (and from the reports of many others), MOST of your readers aren’t reading past the first section of your ezine anyway. The lower down the content appeared in my, the less people took action on what you want them to do. Whether it was to a click a link for information or to buy a product, if the information isn’t in the first section, the response tends to diminish.

Why work so hard if very few people are paying attention?

Overall, you want your readers to be trained to respond to your calls to action. And if you’re just adding extra stuff hoping to capture a few extra people, I suggest cutting out the fat and putting more effort into that first section.

#2: Keep Your Writing “Personal” 

Email is personal communication. It’s generally one person to another. Follow that model in your marketing.

Imagine yourself writing to one person and use language that you’d use if writing to just one person at a time. Don’t address your readers as a group. For example, “I know many of you…”  Address your subscriber as that one important individual they are. The language is far more powerful.

For example, if you write: “I know many of you are looking for a…”

As opposed to…

“I know you are looking for a…”

Which do you think is more powerful? In the first case, your reader can immediately exclude themselves from the offer because you said “many”. That might not include that particular reader. In the second instance, you are stating it directly to your intended audience.

You may be sending out your email to thousands of people, but each of your subscribers is reading it one by one. Address them that way.

#3: From Line is Important:

Who is your email from? If you want to establish that personal connection and gain trust, the from line should have your personal and full name. You can use your company name if you want to build that reputation, but try to include a personal name with it, if possible.

#4: Keep Your Email Address Consistent:

Emails end up in junk folders or get filtered altogether. It sucks, but it happens.

One way you can curb this is by using a consistent email address for all your mailing list communications and getting your subscribers to whitelist you or add you to their address book.

#5: Email More Often:

Here’s another easy way to get over the obstacle of being afraid to do pure promotional emails. Just email your list with content more often, so when you slip in regular promos…the amount of content they receive in comparison still prevails.

Remember, you don’t have to write big fancy ezines with all kinds of sections and departments, just short simple emails that provide good value to your readers. Basically, instead of bombarding them with a ton of information all at once, you’re now giving it to them in bite-sized chunks.

Of course, you need to test out the volume of email your list can bear, but if you’re providing stellar stuff…I bet they’ll want to hear from you more often.

#6: Research Everything:

Your readers will appreciate your promotions, especially when you take the time to research and review everything thoroughly. In fact, your readers will come to expect you to do a lot of the hard work for them…but don’t worry this work is profitable for you!

If you are known for your research, your readers will wait to see your opinion on something and will want to know what you recommend. It’s a big, but profitable responsibility.

#7: Honesty is the Best Policy

When you do your research, report it in an honest way and that will solidify your reputation with your readers even further.

When you investigate a product, avoid coming back and telling your reader’s it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread…because not everybody eats the same kind of bread.

Sure, you might think the product is really terrific, but break it down for your readers and identify:

  • Who the product is for (ex. beginner rose gardeners only).
  • What problems you personally see the product solving.
  • Any potential drawbacks of the product.

Don’t be afraid to share any constructive negatives because that makes your promotion REAL. For example, you can tell them that the baby stroller you’re recommending doesn’t come with a drink holder, but the other features totally make up for it. Besides, an attachable drink holder can be purchased at very little extra cost.

Free List Building Checklist – 28 Ways to Grow Your List

Free List Building Checklist - 28 Ways to Grow a List

Free List Building Checklist

Smart business owners know that a mailing list is an invaluable asset. Consistently building your list, staying in regular contact and creating irresistible offers are key to business growth.

It doesn't matter if you market online or are offer your coaching services in your small town of 800, everyone should be embracing the power of email marketing or you're quite simply, leaving a lot of money on the table.

Just a Few Reasons Why Email Marketing is So Lucrative...

  • Direct follow up. It allows you to follow up with your prospects and customers directly into their inbox. Over and over again.
  • It boasts high conversions. While blog posts and articles are important for growing traffic and bolstering your reputation, they  rarely convert as readily offers sent by email.
  • It's your 100% your own asset. Social media is great, but it's you don't own your follower list the way you own your email list.

And if that's not enough...

  • It's cheap. Dirt cheap.

Unfortunately for many people, while they understand the power of the mailing list, they have trouble growing a list, but here's a way to change that. 

Download Your Free Email Marketing Checklist:

If you want to get more subscribers, we've published two easy-reference checklists that can help you including...

  • Email Marketing Success Checklist: Make sure you dot all your i's and cross all your t's and do everything you need to make email marketing work for you.
  • List Building Checklist: It's what most online business owners struggle with...growing their list. This checklist includes 40 ideas to help you do that.

Click the button below to add the free checklist to your Publish for Prosperity Account Just grab it, read it and apply it!

What to Do Next:

We've got the training for you to grow your list quickly...and turn more of your subscribers into customers. But the best part is that not only do you get the training, we have all the fill-in-the-blanks to make it as simple as possible to create your high-converting opt-in offers. 

Click here to join us​ and receive instant access to all the training and tools you need to build that customer list quickly.