Category Archives for Resources

How to Use Private Label Rights Content Effectively

​How to Use P​rivate Label Rights and ​
What Mistakes to Avoid

​Ever buy private label rights content (PLR) and then do nothing with it?

Ugh, of course you have. We ALL have. It's great content and we have good intentions, but then we blow it.

​In the video above, Justin Popovic lays out a great model for making sure that you use up all the PLR that you buy and that you use it effectively. 

  • Take an inventory of what you have...and important step, especially if you've been accumulating.
  • ​Put th​e content you have into three categories: Premium (make for sale), Lead Gen (to grow your list) and Branding (free content you publish freely).
  • Decide how you will use the PLR, based on those 3 categories. For example, are they being added to a product, will you make an opt-in page to promote the content or are you adding it to your blog?
  • Keep ​your PLR in an "assets" folder as you'll probably have many opportunities to use the content again for different purposes. 

​Justin also gives you tips on mistakes to avoid using PLR content. Watch the video above to learn more​ and if you'd like to grab his resource sheet and take advantage of the very special offer he mentioned, click the button below.

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Do Less and Get More Accomplished

How to Get More Done by Doing Less…
in Two Easy Steps!

When it comes to getting things done, most people work themselves just too darned hard. They unnecessarily take on too high expectations of themselves and work themselves into a stressed out mess. And when things go awry, instead of turning things around…they just make it worse. I've got a solution to all of this for you.

Here's an Excerpt from Our Minimize to Maximize Training That You Might Like

People often ask me how do you get so much done? And my answer is “by doing less!”

This is a philosophy I carry everywhere I go and with everything I do.

In session 1 of the Minimize to Maximize Your Life Training, we discussed hourly worth and outsourcing tasks and that’s just the first part of this. I outsource most business tasks, leaving me to focus on product planning and marketing. In my personal life, I have a housekeeper and happily hire people to do things that reduce my hourly worth or just plain old don’t like to do them. And of course, I have children for chores and if I’m putting something together in my personal life, I have learned to ask for help, instead of just trying to do everything myself. It took me a while to learn that lesson that people are often happy to help, but I'm getting there.

BUT here’s how I manage my daily life…outside of what I’ve hired or enlisted other people to do.

It’s so simple, but it’s something most people don’t think about.


Let me explain.

We all make these grand plans. Whether we’re throwing a party, preparing for a product launch or organizing something at work. We imagine the ideal and we make plans around that.

And then when we put the plan into practice and find it’s not going well, we usually do a few things:

• Stress out like crazy
• Postpone and move deadlines
• Try to complete as much of our plan as possible, without bothering to make adjustments…resulting in an unfinished result.

Here’s what I do instead:

• Make the original plan.
• See how it is in practice. If I see I’m going to run out of time, I make drastic adjustments that will still result in a good end result instead of a half finished one (I’ll give an example in a second)
• Then I learn from the example and stop overdoing it when I do something similar next time.

Let’s go through a couple examples…

Arranging a party – I used to be really horrible for this. I TOTALLY overdid things and wanted everything perfect. Then I’d become a nightmare as the date came closer. I’d expect things of my husband and would get frustrated when he told me all this wasn’t necessary. I thought he was telling me that because he just didn’t want to help, but really he was RIGHT.

If you’re throwing a party, all that really matters is that your guest have a good time. That can be done with simple food, drinks and a guest list of fun people…and for you to be fun and connect people at your party while they’re there. If you’re too busy running around, you can’t even do that. Decorations aren’t necessary or just keep it simple.

Here’s how I run parties now. I don’t cook, even though I actually love cooking. I order platters that get delivered from my grocery store or order dinner in. Now that comes with an expense, so if you’re on a budget, do a potluck and have everyone brings something small. Or if I do cook, I’ll make something that can be made ahead of time…like lasagna or something that doesn’t need me in the kitchen watching during the party.

And dammit, I’ll use paper plates and compost them if there are a large number of guests. Plastic cutlery goes into the dishwasher and gets used again.

It is more important that I’m part of the party than I try to impress my guests with food, decorations and everything else and then end up busy the whole time.

Think about the things you overdo in your life. Can you see some of the tendencies I just mentioned in what you do and how you can simplify things and fix them?

Now, let’s look at an example from my business.

A product launch – Whenever I launch a new product, there is a ton of stuff involved. I have to come up with the product idea and marketing plan. The product needs to be made, I have to make a sales page and the marketing plan needs to be executed.

Of course, you can bet I’ve already outsourced a lot of this and through experience, I know how much time is required to complete each piece, so I can confidently plan that. But I wasn’t always there. Sometimes I did the work…and I’m not always totally reliable to get busy work done (eye roll)… or I didn’t have a reliable team so I’d have to make adjustments. And really, when I first started creating products, I approached it like I did my parties, I overdid it. I imagined the most perfect, ideal product, but it wasn’t really feasible.

So I’d have to adjust. I’d have to look at everything I wanted included and figure out what was a must have, a nice to have, a not needed and change the plan. What would make my customers happy to pay the amount of money I was asking for? That’s all I needed to do. I could add stuff later and surprise my customers if I wanted…which is a great idea for customer satisfaction and strengthening a product offer later.

But most people would probably just postpone their launch deadline, working way harder than they have to and delaying their profits, so they could actually afford to give more to their customers.

I never change my launch dates. Okay, never say never, but it would be a very rare case where it needed to be done. Instead, I change my plan to meet the deadline and that is how you get stuff done without all the headache and stress.

We are our worst critics and we have the highest expectations of ourselves. Think about the people you’re serving instead…they probably really don’t care about all those little details that have you in a tizzy.

What to Do Next: ​Minimize to Maximize Your Life and Your Client's Lives Too

This video is just a small excerpt from a Q&A session of our ​Minimize to Maximize Your Life subject matter expert training, where we not only show you how to simplify your life for more contentment and success...but we also train you, so that you can teach the method to your own customers. 

We've created all the training ​materials for you. All you have to do is ​​listen to a few training sessions, so you can be the subject matter expert and confidently deliver this high ticket training program to your students. Or if you don't want to deliver the training yourself, you can use the recordings, transcripts and notes from our training and turn that into an instant online course for your customers. 

It’s a super easy way to get immersed in selling high-ticket training products…without having to do all the hard work. 

The coupon code above will save you ​$40​ on ​any of our ​single payment options and is the perfect way to get started in learning a ​way to stop cluttering your life stress and get to success much faster...AND allow you to share that same system with your clients and customers, creating your own high ticket training program in the process. Click here to get started

We look forward to having you join us. 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

How to Use Links (Even Clickable Ones) on Instagram

How to Use Links (Even Clickable
Ones) on Instagram

"Engagement doesn't pay the bills. I'm all about objectives that increase my reach and revenue." Lynn Terry

Here's an excerpt from Alice's interview with Lynn Terry about marketing on Instagram. By default, Instagram doesn't let you add links to your posts, but Lynn has found some smart ways to do that. 

  • When you hit 10,000 followers, you can put clickable links in your Instagram Stories.
  • Use a free plugin called PrettyLink on WordPress to make shorter links.
  • Have people inbox you for a link because you can make links clickable via private messages.

Watch the video above to get the full story. Want to talk about what you learned in this video? Join us in the Publish for Prosperity Facebook Group

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Calculate Your Hourly Worth and Increase It

How to Calculate Your Hourly Worth and Increase It for More Freedom in Your Life

If you really want to know what your time is worth, this video shows you exactly how to do that. It also shows you how to stop wasting so much time and how to potentially increase your hourly worth, so that you can find more freedom in your life to do the things you love.

Here's an Excerpt from Our Minimize to Maximize Your Life Training:

Here’s an exercise that I think everyone should do. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is a really eye-opening opportunity to set yourself up for making a whole lot more money. If you’re an employee, you may be constrained by your salary, but if one of your goals is to improve your career…you have growth possibilities too.

As an employee making a certain amount, divide your salary by about 2000…which is the number of hours you work less a couple of week’s vacation. Or if you’re not working full time or have more vacation, make those adjustments in how you calculate. So if you make $75K per year, you earn roughly about $37.50 per hour.

So that means when you look at a lot of things you do in your life, you can see that you may be wasting time and not leveraging your hourly worth to the fullest.

For example, if you spend 2 hours going to the grocery store, shopping for groceries, coming home and bringing groceries to your house, you might be better off ordering online and having someone bring the groceries to your home.

Or carrying on with the grocery store example, if you take time to scan flyers to see which stores have the best deal and you end up splitting up your shopping experience…consider the time you’re putting into all of that.

Of course, you need to evaluate what is most important for you…TIME or MONEY. You also need to consider whether you tend to spend more money than you have…because if you do, it’s going to be a lot harder for you to make these time over money saving decisions. Well, at least until you have decluttered your life and you find yourself spending less. THEN these types of decisions will be easier for you to make.

Now, if you’re an entrepreneur, this determining your hourly worth is a good tool for actually INCREASING your worth. You can do the same exercise and decide how much you make per hour on average by looking at your earnings over the last year or so. Of course, you want to make more per hour, so set a goal.

Let’s say you average about $25 per hour when you calculate how many hours you put into your business (many entrepreneurs go well beyond the 40 hours). You can do the same daily decisions…on groceries. Or if you’ll drive further to save a bit more on gas. Or if you’re going to bake a cake for a party or buy one.

But you can also strategically plan how to earn more. To start with, you should start outsourcing any tasks you can hire someone to do for $25 per hour or less. That could be answering customer emails, writing content, simple bookkeeping, tons of stuff. As you outsource those items, you tend to focus on the higher level activities of your business like planning, marketing, etc..those tasks that actually make you money. As you do this more and more, you’ll earn more.

What to Do Next: ​Minimize to Maximize Your Life and Your Client's Lives Too

This video is just a small excerpt from a Q&A session of our ​Minimize to Maximize Your Life subject matter expert training, where we not only show you how to simplify your life for more contentment and success...but we also train you, so that you can teach the method to your own customers. 

We've created all the training ​materials for you. All you have to do is ​​listen to a few training sessions, so you can be the subject matter expert and confidently deliver this high ticket training program to your students. Or if you don't want to deliver the training yourself, you can use the recordings, transcripts and notes from our training and turn that into an instant online course for your customers. 

It’s a super easy way to get immersed in selling high-ticket training products…without having to do all the hard work. 

The coupon code above will save you ​$40​ on ​any of our ​single payment options and is the perfect way to get started in learning a ​way to stop cluttering your life stress and get to success much faster...AND allow you to share that same system with your clients and customers, creating your own high ticket training program in the process. Click here to get started

We look forward to having you join us. 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

How to Find Your Social Worth

Find Your Social Worth

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

"Engagement doesn't pay the bills. I'm all about objectives that increase my reach and revenue." Lynn Terry

Here's an excerpt from Alice's interview with Lynn Terry about marketing on Instagram. Lynn shares why she made the goal of reaching 10,000 followers on Instagram to increase her social worth and could more easily monetize her account. She talks about the value of an Instagram post and why it's higher than other social media platforms. Lynn says she's not interested in worrying about likes and comments, but rather focused on expanding her reach and turning that reach into revenue. Watch the video to learn more.

Want to talk about what you learned in this video? Join us in the Publish for Prosperity Facebook Group.

he says she's not interested in worrying about likes and comments, but rather focused on expanding her reach and turning that reach into revenue. Watch the video to learn more.

Make Money Using Private Label Rights Content

Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.

Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…

* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.

* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers

* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute

* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

Free Report and Checklist: Customizing Private Label Rights Content with Stories

Instantly Add More Value, Audience Connection and Retention with ALL the Content You Publish

Claim Your Free Guide + Checklist - The Art of Storytelling: Customizing Your Content with Stories

Or learn more below if you prefer to read...

Storytelling to Customize Your PLR

As you probably know, Private Label Rights (PLR) Content is an amazing time and money saver when it comes to getting quality content published. You can certainly publish it as-is and get great results, but if you can add a little something unique, it can take your content a whole lot further. 

In comes the Art of Storytelling. When you teach through stories, you:

  • Create a stronger connection with your audience by entertaining and evoking emotion
  • Help your audience absorb the material more easily because they can visualize what you're teaching

...and all that means better audience retention and ultimately, more customers for you. 

You may not realize it but stories are around you constantly. You hear stories of heroism on the news. You watch fictional stories on Netflix. Your best friend shares stories about her day with you. 

Using stories is a powerful communication technique. It gives readers and website visitors a reason to pause and pay attention. They want to know what’s going to happen next and how the story ends.

This free guide and checklist teaches you how to easily add stories to the private label rights content that you purchase and publish. Just click the button below to add the guide and checklist to your Publish for Prosperity account. And if you don't have an account yet, you can create one for free. 

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006
Just do it quickly, this free offer won't be available long. 
You may not realize it but stories are around you constantly. You hear stories of heroism on the news. You watch fictional stories on Netflix. Your best friend shares stories about her day with you.
Using stories is a powerful communication technique. It gives readers and website visitors a reason to pause and pay attention. They want to know what’s going to happen next and how the story ends.

One of the easiest ways to reach your audience is to go where they are…and in today's world, that's on social media. Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram, it's your chance to interact with millions of potential customers.

Of course, staying on top of your social media means having to continuously create engaging content and it's not always easy to find the time. You've got a business to run and plenty of other responsibilities, so how about we just take care of it for you?

That's why we've created our Social Media Booster monthly package that makes it easy for you to fill up your social media multiple times daily. We've done the hard work…you just run with it.

Easy Ways to Use Facebook & YouTube Live to Create Written Content

Easy Ways to Use Facebook & YouTube Live to Create Written Content…and Grow Your Traffic

Lexi Rodrigo talks to Alice Seba about great advice for using YouTube and Facebook Live for creating written content. We even talk about SEO ranking and how you can get more visibility for your content.

A Few Clarifications from the Video:

  • The text extractor Lexi mentioned can be found here
  • When you edit your YouTube video, you can find “Subtitles/CC” in the top right of your video as seen below. 

YouTube Subtitles

  • When you edit your Facebook Video, you'll see a “Captions” option appear, as shown below. 

Facebook Captions


Learn More About Lexi: Lexi is a results-oriented content marketing strategist and you can learn more about her at

How to Repurpose Social Media Graphics into Easy-to-Make Instagram Videos

How to Quickly and Easily Turn Social Media Graphics into Great Instagram and Social Videos Your Audience Will Love

(Plus You Can Download a Video Example with Source Files and Private Label Rights)

By now, you may know that we released a free package of 30 days worth of social media content. It's filled with conversation starters, personal development quotes and personal development tips…and include a graphic for each one. Well, the great thing about this package is that you can do so many things with it and one of them is turn them into video as Damon explains below. 

Watch the Video Above to Learn:

  • How to make quick and informative videos from the social media graphics
  • How to get a quality voiceover done for as little $5, if you don't want your voice on the video
  • Easy-to-use and inexpensive software that let's you quickly create these videos, edit them, add music, etc.
  • Remember, if you're posting to Instagram, your videos need to be under one minute.

Share the videos to Instagram, Facebook or wherever you share social video content and boost exposure to your content.

Here is An Example Video:

Insert Video

As you can see, it's just simple and very short videos for your social media videos. Of course, you could add your branding to the videos, add a promotional message to sign up for your list and more. 

Download This Video Example with Full Editing Rights and Source Files...for Free

This video didn't take long to create, but if you're up for saving time, we've got all the source files for you, so you can use the video too. We've included the finished mp4 file that is ready to go. We've also included the mp3 audio recording, a script and the PowerPoint slides, so you can work your own magic if you prefer. You can also use these as a template for your future videos too. Instagram resized slide show and video included. 

Just click "Add to Cart" below and it will be added to your Publish for Prosperity account for free. 

Genius Ways for Using…and Reusing…Tips Content

Genius Ways for Using…and Reusing…Tips Content

Using and Repurposing Tips Content

Here are, we love to make easy-to-publish content for our customers. We know you're busy serving your own clients and customers, so if we can make it even simpler for you to keep up with your content marketing, that makes what we do so worthwhile.

One of the most versatile packages we have is our 365 Self-Improvement Tips. You get a report with 365 tips, one for each day of the year. You can give the report away as an free gift to get people on your list or you can use those tips in a variety of ways.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Load the tips to your autoresponder. BAM! 1 year's worth of emails. Just add a little greeting and encouragement and you're ready to roll.
  • Schedule the tips to your social media. If you use a tool like Hootsuite or even the Facebook Page scheduling feature, you're good to go.
  • Make viral top lists on your blog. The tips divided into different major categories, so you could create a post with “Top 30 Motivation Tips”.
  • Use a content rotator widget on your WordPress site and load all the tips in. Then you can show the tips in your sidebar or wherever you'd like to give your readers a bit of encouragement.
  • Take the various tips categories and make each on into a report. Easy peasy, you've got a bunch of lead magnets, ready to roll.
  • How about a desktop calendar with a tip of the day on it? It could be a real printed calendar or even for their computer desktop.
  •  Use it as a script for an audio or video. You can share just a quick audio or video tip of the day. Or share a bunch of related tips that your readers are going to thank you for.
  • Turn it into a slide show. This one is so easy. Just add some graphics, maybe a little music and you`re good to go.

And two more great ideas…

Make Graphic Images

You can also create quick graphics from them to share on social media. Here's a quick video from Justin Popovic of Tools for Motivation that shows you how to use your phone, your camera roll and the tips to brand yourself on Instagram. 

In the video above, Justin shares a very simple process of:

  • Getting your tips document, so it's accessible on your phone using Dropbox or you can use any file sharing program with a web page or that you can view on mobile. 
  • Copying and pasting the quote, adding it to an image off your camera roll and saving it as a new images
  • Posting the photo to Instagram...and hey, repeat the process for Facebook and your other favorite social media sites. Post to Twitter too, but be aware of sizing since your image may not show in full. I personally use the Word Swag app to ensure I have the right size for Twitter, but I'm sure there are plenty of other apps that will help you get the job done. 

Make Actual Magnets...Not Just Lead Magnets

Here's a great idea from Dina Hyde of WordFeeder...turn the images you create into photo magnets. Add your URL and ship them out as little gifts for your customers. Try StickerYou for printing or search around for the best price. 

Now you've got plenty of ideas to use this content. And not just once, but over and over again. 

​What Next: ​Get MORE Tips Content to Reuse and Repurpose

​​To make it easier to implement these tips, we've got some done-for-you tips content that you can publish as your own. Just grab it, brand it and monetize it...just about any way you'd like. 

365 Self-Improvement Tips

​This handy and versatile done-for-you package ​​that gives your readers an entire year's worth of personal development tips on a variety of topics. You can use the tips for:

  • An autoresponder series
  • Daily tips for your blog
  • Scheduling your daily social media
  • Printable calendar, with a tip for each day
  • Viral top 20, top 50 lists
  • A report or ebook
  • A bunch of themed blog or social media posts

...and just about anything you want. Click here to get yours and get publishing!

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