Archive Monthly Archives: December 2021

Overcoming Procrastination Promo

Limited Time Special for this Content You Can Brand, Monetize & Publish:

Brand New 4-Week Ecourse
Overcoming Procrastination
with Private Label Rights. Just Brand, Monetize and Publish.

Or keep reading for full details...

Overcoming Procrastination

We've Done All The Work.
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's GROWING the list, but great news!

It's easier than you might think.

All it takes is creating simple free gifts that your readers can't wait to give their email address for. And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY created those gifts for you. All you do is grab them and publish.

I'm Alice Seba and I've been publishing private label rights content since 2006. I'm pleased to announce our “Overcoming Procrastination” 4-Week Ecourse that will teach your readers how to live their best life and follow their dreams by overcoming procrastination. It's a brand new, never-before-released Ecourse for you.

It's my goal to make it as easy as possible for you to grow that list, so you have time to focus on turning those subscribers into paying customers. Not only have we created the free opt-in gift, you also get done-for-you opt-in page copy and ecover graphics to get things rolling quickly. Seriously, this is publish and go type stuff.

This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money…While You Grow Your Business

Benefits of Our PLR

Here's a Quick Summary of What's Included,
All with Private Label Rights:

This 4-Part Ecourse includes the following:

  • 4 Overcoming Procrastination Guides: You get 4 illustrated guides (.doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how they can stop procrastinating and actually accomplish their goals!
    Topics Include:

1. Why We Procrastinate and How it’s Harmful to Us
2. Recognizing and Halting Your Procrastination Habits and Patterns
3. Getting More Productive and Avoiding Procrastination
4. Making Productivity A Life Long Habit

  • 4 Worksheets: That accompany each one of the guides so their readers can stay on track while learning how to stop procrastination.
  • 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional guides.
  • 4 Course Delivery Emails: Add these emails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons. We've made it super easy!
  • 4 Professionally-Designed Ecover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.
  • 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for you. 

Now let's take a closer look at everything….

#1: Why We Procrastinate and How It's Harmful 
( 9 pages / 2,725 words)

Many people don't realize they are chronic procrastinators.  It's simply become a habit to put things off to do later.  Other people procrastinate when they are afraid of doing something or are bored with the project.  When you understand why you procrastinate then you can begin learning how to stop those habits and be more productive so you can follow your dreams and achieve your goals!

Why We Procrastinate

Why We Procrastinate Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (1 page / 283 words) to help your readers take all the necessary steps to figure out what is actually causing them to procrastinate and how they can stop.

Why We Procrastinate

Why We Procrastinate Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (2 pages / 367 words) to teach your readers why we procrastinate and the importance of breaking this habit.

why we procrastinate

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Why we procrastinate ecovers

Ecovers Included

#2: Recognizing and Halting Your Procrastination Habits & Patterns
( 10 pages / 3,020 words)

Procrastination happens to everyone, even those who are highly productive. The only difference is the productive persons ability to recognize procrastination or their excuses to be more accurate, for what they are. Then they learn how to beat procrastination using a calculated approach that includes why they procrastinate and then apply strategies to beat it.


Halting Procrastination Habits

Halting Your Procrastination Habits Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 430 words) to help your readers remember the steps they need to take to change their habits and stop procrastinating.

Halting Procrastination Habits Checklist

Halting Procrastination Habits Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (2 pages / 261 words) to help your readers stop procrastinating and start developing and enhancing their specific goals.

Halting Procrastination Habits Worksheet

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

halting procrastination habits ecovers

Ecovers Included

#3: Getting More Productive and Avoiding Procrastination
( 9 pages / 3,051 words)

Becoming more productive is about doing what you need to do in the most efficient way. It’s about using techniques, systems and routines to keep you focused and taking action.  Learn to spend your time wisely, be productive and fulfill your tasks so you can accomplish all your goals.

Being More Productive

Becoming More Productive Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (2 pages / 256 words) to help your readers take all the steps necessary to become more productive so they can accomplish their goals and strive for their dream life.

Being More Productive Checklist

Becoming More Productive Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (3 pages / 383 words) to help guide your readers to take action.

Being More Productive

Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Being More Productive Ecovers

Ecovers Included

#4: Making Productivity a Life-Long Habit

(10 pages / 3,468 words)

Building healthy productivity habits that last involves doing something every day that changes the bad habit into what you want it to be. It takes work and discipline but in the long run it pays off with being better focused, more productive and able to accomplish more. Making productivity a life-long habit is the best way to beat procrastination and avoid it in the long run.

Making Productivity a Life Long Habit

Making Productivity a Life-Long Habit Checklist

You also get a detailed checklist (4 pages / 442 words) to ensure your readers make productivity a life-long habit that will help them achieve their goals.

Making Productivity a Life Long Habit

Making Productivity a Life-Long Habit Worksheet

You also get a detailed planning worksheet (5 pages / 337 words) to help your readers start making productivity a habit.

Making Productivity a Life-Long Habit Worksheet
Promotional Cover Graphics with Editable PSD

This professionally designed cover comes in PNG/JPG and PSD format. You get a flat document graphic and 4 styles of a 3d promotional graphic too.

Make Productivity a Life Long Habit Ecovers

Ecovers Included

Bonus: Course Delivery Emails

4 done-for-you emails to add to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials to your readers over 4 lessons.

productivity delivery emails

Lead-Generating Opt-In Page

To help you grow your list with this ecourse, we’ve included the opt-in copy…and even created the WordPress-ready code for you! Just fill in the blanks with your own information, autoresponder opt-in code and you’re ready to roll.

overcoming procrastination

Promotional Graphic

To help you market the course, we've also included a promotional graphic for you to use that includes all of the reports, worksheets, checklists and ecovers for the course.

Overcoming Procrastination Promo Graphic

We've Done All The Hard Work…
You Just Have to Take This Content and Run with It

Imagine how much time and effort we've saved you in getting all these ready-to-publish content for you to use as lead magnets, blog posts and more. Not only have we made the content, but we've made the graphics you need to promote your well-researched content.

Let's take a look at all that's involved with putting together this content on your own… [wpsm_comparison_table id=”74″ class=””]

As you can see, it would take plenty of time and investment to put this content together on your own…but you don't have to. We've done the work for you and all you need to is publish the content, add your affiliate links and you can start earning those affiliate commissions.

Grab it now for only $47 $14.95 ($3,075 cost to create yourself) for your PLR license, so you can save endless hours of time and plenty of money to provide your readers with the information they're looking for.

Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below to Get
the 4-Part Ecourse

Use the content for opt-ins, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your content publishing success!

Adapting Your Communication to Your Audience to Make More Sales

Adapting Your Communication to Your Audience to Make More Sales

Communication style depends on the platform being used.

As marketers, we communicate with our audience using these 3 mediums of communication:

  1. Blog/website articles
  2. Social Media
  3. Email

Each medium must use a different approach of getting your message across if you are to get the best results from your communication campaigns.

Blog/Website Articles

When posting on your blog or adding articles to your website, be sure to always make an offer of some type to opt-in for more help/tools. By using opt-ins, you are building to your list thereby making it easier for you to contact them at a later date with new offers or information.

People that are impressed with the content you're sharing would love to come back for more, but with so much information out on the Internet, they'll forget where they found you if they don't bookmark your website. Instead you go to them. How?

When you make a high-value, free offer that is relevant to what they just read, you've just given them the perfect reason for them to share their email address with you, so that they can continue to hear from you.

Social Media 

On social media, the approach is more subtle ... sometimes you might link to more help/tools in your post. But most times, just very casually mention the products and services you have very briefly and only IF it's totally relevant to the post.

Social media requires a more subtle, long game approach as people aren't expecting to be sold and algorithms are built on ENGAGEMENT. When all you make are pitches or links to promotions, you're going to tank your chances of your content being seen because the social media site won't see your organic value ... and neither will your new audience.

But when you focus on engaging content that draws the audience in, the more they will get to know and like you, and ultimately, as your trust builds with them, so does their interest in what you have to offer. So the more you talk about your offers casually and where it's relevant, the more aware they are of your business and over time, the easier it will become to get them to come over to your website to opt-in/buy, etc.


If you're emailing, weave your offers into your content, instead of just pasting them into a newsletter. Email is the most commercial of the mediums we've listed here and people EXPECT to be sold something when they open an email from a business.

BUT you can stand out by successfully blending highly informative and useful content with what you're trying to sell. Just sending articles and then making a separate pitch is disjointed and won't be powerful at all as they'll pick and choose what they read. But when you can get them interested in the topic and then relate that to a product or offer, all in the context of one written piece, you've build PERSUASION that creates a captive, buying audience. 

So where do you go from here?

What To Do Next: Get Some Free Content to Practice With

As the CEO of your business, you've got enough to take care of. You don't need to be researching and overwhelming yourself with information, just to deliver content to your audience. To help you deliver rock solid content to your audience, we specialize in done-for-you content packages that come with private label rights, which means you can quickly and easily edit, brand, monetize and publish the content as you'd like. 

We encourage you to look at our free samples and download some content to see exactly what we're about and how we can help you. Just click on the green link below. 

Get a Free Sample of Our Done-for-You Content You Can Publish as Your Own

Use the content to publish on your blog, post on social media or in your emails and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

How to Use Private Label Rights Content (PLR) to Dramatically Increase Your Sales

How to Use Private Label Rights Content (PLR) to Dramatically Increase Your Sales

Create information products and make more money by using Private Label Rights material.

If you have been with us for a while, obviously, you ALREADY know PLR is a great time and money saver (and money maker) ... but sadly, I think most of our customers don't leverage it to its fullest. 

Content is a SALES TOOL and if you set your mindset to that, everything else becomes easier. 

An educated audience is a smart buying audience that will keep coming back to you for your education and products that make accomplishing their goals easier. 

So when you take a piece of PLR content, think STRATEGICALLY on how each piece grows your business before putting it to use. 

Let me give you a few examples...

  • Use a PLR report to grow your list. Of course, you should follow up with that list and make product offers too (also can be made with PLR). You can grab our free Focus for Productivity Report here to get started
  • If you have a membership site, focus on getting new members and use PLR content as valuable membership content. This free 10-Minute Meditation report + checklists might fit the bill
  • If you're publishing articles on your blog, ALWAYS include a relevant offer at the end of the post or even in the context of the post. You can promote just the right paid product offer or most often, drive that traffic to claim a freebie to, so you can get more subscribers. If you'd like some articles to practice with, our these 5 free Personal Development Plan articles might be useful
  • If you're incorporating articles or content into an email or newsletter, make sure it blends seamlessly with your product offer. Posting articles into your newsletter and then making an offer not relevant to the article makes for a disjointed experience for your subscribers; they may never read your offer if it doesn't catch attention and they can't connect the dots.
  •  Just have one focus in your email and EDUCATE your audience, so they can make the smart choice to buy or not. That way the the article and promotion are tied together and become one content piece. For example, if you're teaching a journaling course, you might share these 5 free journaling articles ... but use the information to directly lead to a relevant product offer. 
  • If you're posting graphics to social media (and we have free 30-days of social media content for you here), do a little extra for the engagement or you might be posting to an audience of almost none. Just posting graphics doesn't do much, unless you've already got an engaged following. For example, add your own thoughts about a quote, ask what it means to your audience, relate it to a story you experienced ... anything to get the conversation going. 

The key thing to remember is to have a PURPOSE for all the content you publish. If you know WHY you are publishing it (and how that why should benefit both you AND your customers) that will guide you to use your content more effectively. And of course, if you ever want feedback on your promotions ... we're always there for you in the Facebook Group. 

I hope this generated some good purposeful ideas for you. Go grab the freebies that will help you build your list and make sales. 

Or See Our List of Free Sample, Done-for-You Content That You Can Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish

If you've never used done-for-you or private label rights (PLR) content, you're in for a time-saving treat. We create the content and you can use it as you're own in your business. You can add your name to it and your logo. You can edit it, put links to your products and publish it on your blog, social media, add it to your products and more.

It's a super easy way to stock up. They're fully editable and grab what you need.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Increase Loyalty and Sales Through Customer Engagement 

How to Increase Loyalty and Sales Through More Customer Engagement 

Build trust and sales through audience interaction.

Great marketers know that engaging their audience is key to their success ... and it should be yours too! Your audience cares about engagement - they are interested in what you have to say. Google cares about engagement. And social media will let you die a painful death if they don't think you engage enough. 

Now, I don't suggest bending over backwards to satisfy a social media platform or any algorithm ... only where it matches your ultimate business goals. But you should be creating interesting conversations and encouraging your audience to continue conversations on their own. 

Here are just a few ways to get engagement:

  • Ask a question. We have some conversation starters in our free 30-days of social media pack here
  • Make a controversial point. 
  • Respond to someone else's high profile controversial point / opinion
  • Use humor to make people laugh. 
  • Evoke emotions - anger, frustration, sadness ... and the positive ones too. 
  • Share beautiful or eye-catching content ... draw the eye in with powerful images, engage them with your conversation.
  • Use live video, webinars, etc. ... to build a closer connection and interactive experiences.
  • Share your audience's content. Ask them to submit stories, thoughts, photos, etc. 
  • Tell stories ... they are so powerful in creating connection, making concepts easier to understand, making you relatable, etc. We have a free guide on incorporating stories into your PLR here
  • Offer interactive content, which can be something as simple as creating a printable like a worksheet - have your audience DO things with what they learn from you. Here's an article on using printables to grow your business that you might find helpful
  • Similar to the previous, give action steps. Even if they aren't downloading a printable, tell them what their next steps should be (including buying your product, of course!)

Above all, approach your content as a face-to-face conversation, even if you never see the people you're conversing with. Imagine that interested audience member in front of you and ask them questions, give them everything to get the most of out of their time with you. 

The more they interact, the more loyalty it brings. And to be the most successful, the more you incorporate your products into your engaging content, the more your customers are going to buy. 

Engagement is always key. We need interested eyeballs, clicks and conversations for a successful business, but also realize this takes time to build. Focus on the places where your engagement is most effective and build from there. And don't be afraid to talk to yourself for a while ... if you're new. All this practice will just mean you get better and better at what you do while your audience grows bigger and bigger.

Try a Sample of Our Done-for-You Content That You Can Edit, Brand, Monetize and Publish

If you've never used done-for-you or private label rights (PLR) content, you're in for a time-saving treat. We create the content and you can use it as you're own in your business. You can add your name to it and your logo. You can edit it, put links to your products and publish it on your blog, social media, add it to your products and more.

It's a super easy way to stock up. They're fully editable and grab what you need.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

3 Tips to Build Your Mailing List and Maximize Sales through Email Marketing

3 Tips to Build Your Mailing List and Maximize Sales through Email Marketing

Smart marketing means using your mailing list to increase sales.

Have you heard the phrase “The money is in the list“? And the bigger the list, the greater potential you have to make sales. However with that said, even a smaller, but responsive list can make you a good amount of sales as well.  

So in this article, we share three tips on how to grow your list and have at your fingertips the ability to make sales anytime your ready.

To show you the power of having a list, imagine you release a new product and all you have to do is send ONE email out to see a big flood of sales come in. 

THAT's what building your list means. I mean, you could have an Instagram following of 10K and try to tell them about your new product. Maybe you'll see a few sales. BUT, if you have a list of 10K subscribers that you grew organically through highly targeted efforts … you ARE going to make sales. 

And the reality is every day you DON'T do something to grow your list, you robbed yourself of that opportunity. Sorry, but that's really how it is. List building is an every day activity, but it doesn't have to take a lot of your time … slow and steady works too because it is the steady progress that will get you where you want to be. 

To grow your list, I recommend these 3 tips …

1. Make it a goal to set up fresh and highly targeted opt-in offers about once per month. So YES, you'll have LOTS of ways to enter your list. Just remember the freebies you create should be related to your products, services or things you want to promote. Lure them in with the free and then upgrade them to the AWESOME. Of course, we always have lots of content you can use to accomplish this including our FREE Prioritize Your Life lead magnet package here. Or grab the FREE Learning to Think and Aim Big lead magnet package right here

2. Keep driving traffic to those offers. You don't have to be a traffic guru to make this happen. Just do something each day to get more eyeballs on those free offers. 

  • To get traffic to your free offer, promote in on social media. You can do that for free or create Facebook/Instagram/Twitter ads and more. 
  • If it's a report, break it up into articles you post on your blog and have them opt-in for the full content. 
  • Brand your social media images with a URL that points to your free offer. Share those images on social media and encourage your followers to share them as well. 
  • If you have an affiliate program, create a special referral link for your affiliates to send traffic to your opt-in offer. You can offer them a per-lead commission or set up a paid back end offer, so they get paid for each new sale. 
  • Make a video about your freebie and how your gift can help people. Post to YouTube and get people to share your video. Your affiliates can embed the video on their site too. 
  • Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
  • Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
  • Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
  • Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
  • Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
  • Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
  • Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

There's always something you can do to grow that list. The effort you invest in it will be well worth it. Keep focused on creating content that supports your free offer and that list will build.

3. Communicate with that list. You HAVE to keep in touch and hone your email writing skills. Even if the list is small, start talking to them as you'll learn plenty from the process and as your list grows, you'll learn more and more about your audience and how you can serve them best. This is work that will pay off and it doesn't have to take long. Just a list of 1,000 fresh targeted subscribers should be providing you a decent return. 

So it seems like a lot, but it's not. Do one step at a time:

  1. Set up that opt-in offer each month (perhaps using our done-for-you reports and I gave you links to some free ones too)
  2. Drive a little traffic to each offer
  3. Stay in touch with your list frequently.

That's it!
THIS is your marketing school where you'll learn the most. And it is not by buying and consuming courses – it is by DOING it!

Try a Sample of Our Done-for-You Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish Content:
Prioritize Your Life – Make More Time for Achieving Your Goals and Enjoying Life


                     Learning to Think and Aim Big

If you've never used done-for-you or private label rights (PLR) content, you're in for a time-saving treat. We create the content and you can use it as you're own in your business. You can add your name to it and your logo. You can edit it, put links to your products and publish it on your blog, social media, add it to your products and more.

It's a super easy way to stock up. They're fully editable and grab what you need.