Category Archives for Resources

The Incredible Power of Emotions in Your Content Marketing

How to Leverage the Incredible Power of Emotions in Your Content Marketing

If your content isn't getting the traction you want, always remember to tap into your audience's emotions.

Make them laugh.

Make them cry.

Make them mad (but in most cases, make sure you stay the good guy).

Inspire them to do something great, right then and then. 

Make them FEEL something.

So even if you publish a lot of how to stuff, think of how you can add emotion. Share stories, add quotations, make jokes, use what you need to in order to make them FEEL.

Implementation: New and Existing Content

Moving forward, always keep in mind how you can use emotions in your content. This is particularly effective in your emails, social media posts and blog posts. It can be something as simple as adding a quotation or story...or even a photograph that conveys an emotion. 

But also review your past content as this is a great way to repurpose and breath new life into old content. Once you've updated it, share it again with your subscribers, followers, etc. 

Before You Go: Get 10 Free Articles to Practice With

Put what you learned into practice with a free 10-pack of articles on the topic of journaling. You get 10 quality articles, complete with private label rights that you can brand monetize and publish as your own.

Free 10-Pack of Journaling Articles

You can edit, brand and monetize these articles as you wish. I'd recommend adding a mixture of the following to evoke emotion:

  • Quotes to inspire your readers to use journaling in a meaningful way. Use captions for any quotes images you post to give them another way to look at the quote, share a story that epitomizes it or anything that will inspire them further.
  • Stories about your own journaling experience...or of your customers...and how it brought about profound change in your life. Do a quick interview, show snapshots of your own journal or just talk about it. It all helps. 
  • Anything that shows that journaling is a path to healing deep wounds. It can make bring us clarity, help us work through difficult situations and even brings us pure happiness and joy. 

We've already done the work, you just add a little emotion and publish! 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Repurpose Articles into Highly Engaging Social Media Content

How to Repurpose Articles into Highly Engaging Social Media Content

As you may have noticed, it's harder to get engagement on posts that are links on Facebook. Unless you pay to boost it, of course. Grrr...Facebook.

You also can't post links on Instagram.

Twitter seems to be okay with links and that's a good thing because the limited text space makes it hard to fully implement what I'm suggesting.

Anyway, we've been creating social media content from our articles with some nice results and you can see some examples at the bottom of this post.

1. Make an image that is reflective of the article and also includes some text that draws the eye in and gives the viewer an idea there is more to read.

2. Instead of linking to the article, add the edited article text to your post. I usually add a more friendly first line that grabs attention before leading into the article.

3. You can do this with any article, but anything with stories (think your success stories, case studies, even stories of trouble) more likely share worthy, so this will give your your content more traction.

4. For Facebook, I may add the link to the article in the comment if there's more info on the page or a video to watch, etc. On Instagram, I do create a short link that has just one word in the URL so people can type it in if they want. And they do, because I'm tracking the clicks. So a link like my domain. com/story for example.

Of course, mix it up and sometimes post the link and sometimes do it this way...but it's a great opportunity to get the article seen again and to get it shared more readily.

Here are a couple recent images I've made for this purpose. They are NOT pretty, I know...but I think they catch the eye. If your image is more aesthetic, then by all means, design something pretty. Just make sure it includes the text to get attention. Oh and of course, I'd also text without an image on Facebook because you never know what they'll respond to.

It's an easy way to keep that content you've already worked hard on (or paid good money for!) working for you. 

Before You Go: Get 10 Free Articles to Practice With

Put what you learned into practice with a free 10-pack of articles on the topic of journaling. You get 10 quality articles, complete with private label rights that you can brand monetize and publish as your own.

Free 10-Pack of Journaling Articles

Hope you can put those to good use. We've already done the work, you just publish! 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Use Inspirational Quotes and Tips Graphics to Grow Your Business

How to Use Inspirational Quotes and Tips Graphics to Grow Your Business

As you probably know, many of our done-for-you content packages include handy social media graphics with inspirational quotes and tips. Here are a few as an example…

But what can you do with these quotes graphics and how can you use them to grow your business? Here are a few ideas for you.

Start by branding them with your logo or URL

If you're using a URL to a specific offer or page, make sure to make it as short a link as possible. BUT don't use or anything like that. Shorten the link on your own domain. If your domain is long, consider a catchy short domain that your followers will recognize as yours.

Post and schedule them to social media

You can use a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer...and reshare the images every month or so. Hootsuite has a bulk scheduling tool to make this easy. Include a relevant description with your image that inspires them to get a free and opt-in or something you think they can't wait to take action on.

Add the images to all kinds of content

Images catch the eye and the thought-provoking quotes, make your audience think. Add them to your blog posts, reports, membership site and more.

Create a blog post, podcast or video around the quote

If there's a quote that particularly resonates with you, there's fodder for a great piece of content for your audience.

Make a video out of the images

Put together some of your favorites, include music and maybe even a bit of commentary. Here’s a quick video to show you how to easily create this type of video.


Use hashtags and tag the person (where applicable) who the quote is from. This can be a decent traffic boost, particularly on networks where hashtags matter like Instagram and Twitter.

Want to Put These Tips to Good Use? Get 30 Days of Social Media Content...for FREE!

If you’d like to put this tips into action right away, here’s great news!

We have a package that gives you 30 days of social media content, absolutely free. The package includes:

  • 10 Conversation Starter Graphics
  • 10 Quotes Graphics
  • 10 Tips Graphics
  • 30 Text Posts

    Here’s a peek at some of the content:
Conversation Starters

We’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. Just go grab the graphics and put them to good use. 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

Rock Solid Ideas for Publishing Private Label Rights Articles

Rock Solid Ideas for Publishing
Private Label Rights Articles

Articles with private label rights are a great time saver, but if you’re going to buy them, it’s best to have a plan to use them to their maximum benefit. You need to have a traffic plan AND a monetization plan, so they grow your business.

This article includes ideas for all of that. Let’s get started with those ideas...

Add the articles to your blog.

You can do this manually or bulk upload text files to WordPress with a number of tools, including Speedy APLC Publisher.

Get automated traffic to your articles.

Make sure add links to these articles in your autoresponder and your social media (you can schedule those using tools like Hootsuite or Buffer), so you have a continuous stream of traffic. Optimize the articles using a plugin like Yoast SEO to optimize your articles for search engine traffic. There's no point in posting these articles if they're not going to be seen.

Monetize those articles.

You can do it the easy way by inserting Google AdSense code. My favorite is make recommendations for your products or those you promote as an affiliate. I always end my articles with nice big subtitle:

"What To Do Next: (Example..."Get the Templates to Make This Super Simple")

...and then I end with a paragraph and a link that explains the offer. Content is a GREAT product seller. Use it to your advantage.

Add the articles to Facebook's Instant Articles.

LinkedIn also makes it easy to post articles. In this case, instead of promoting a product, I'd more likely send them to a link to grab a freebie, so I can put them on my mailing list and stay in touch with them via email. Plus, a free offer is a much easier sell through social media.

Bundle up the articles into reports.

Put a bunch of articles on the same topic into a report and use them for an opt-in, add them to your membership area and more. Use the same strategy for monetization with the "What To Do Next" technique.

You can have one main product recommendation for the report and in that case, place the recommendation in the introduction and conclusion of your report...or you can put recommendations at the end of each article.

Make audio recordings of the articles.

Put the audio version on your article page. Turn them into mini podcasts and more. You can also include product promos in your audios.

Turn the audio recordings into videos.

Just grab the audio, make some slides and you're good to go. Or record them as talking head video or have someone record you while you're walking to create some visual interest.

Again, product promos can go here. It's best if it's a recommendation for you as people are more likely to take action, but you can also pre-record a series of commercials that you insert in your videos as you make them.

Just a few ideas to use these articles to the fullest. Now you don't have to do everything at once, but as you can see, there are pretty much endless options for you to keep monetizing and growing traffic. And hey, remember, this is perfect work for a virtual assistant to do for you.

What to Do Next: Practice with a Free 10-Pack of Articles

Put what you learned into practice with a free 10-pack of articles on the topic of journaling. You get 10 quality articles, complete with private label rights that you can brand monetize and publish as your own.

Free 10-Pack of Journaling Articles

Publish and monetize them and don’t forget your traffic plan! PLR articles can save you a ton of time, so use them to your advantage. 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content



Just a quick reminder to work SMARTER and not HARDER and of course, some thoughts on how to do that.

To me, success is not simply having a financially profitable business. It’s about being happy. It’s about having the freedom to do what you want.

Work hard for sure. There will be long hours. No doubt about it.

But if your goal is to be happy and financially successful too, let me give you a few pointers:

Stop working for working’s sake.

Just because you *think* you need to have an active blog, Facebook Page, Instagram account and YouTube channel...doesn’t mean you actually do. Focus on what you can do well and gosh darn it, do it well.

Test, track and drop what doesn’t work.

I can’t believe how many people I see doing the same things over and over again, without actually knowing if they work.

Get help.

Trying to do everything yourself leaves you as an employee for your company and keeps you from realizing your potential as CEO. I don’t care what your budget is, you need to start investing your profits and growing your team to handle the daily tasks, so you can focus on the big picture and building your rock solid profitable business.

Stay focused and stop chasing.

And not just focused on your work. Stay focused in the scope of your business. When you first start out, it's so tempting to try everything and dabble with every marketing method, niche or any shiny object that catches your eye. The more focused you stay, the faster you'll get real results you can build on.

Do those 4 things and work at them consistently and you'll see big changes.

What to Do Next: Join Our Free Group for More Motivation

If you need more motivation to make your business even more successful, join us in our Facebook Group here. Click here to join and then click the "Join Group" at the top of the page and we'll get you in there. 

You'll be able to ask questions, join the discussions, get free private label rights content and more, I'll see you in the group! 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Grow Your List with Private Label Rights Content (PLR)

How to Grow Your List with PLR (Private Label Rights Content)

If you need PLR implementation ideas, let's do this by way of example. I'm using our Breaking Bad Habits Planner + Report package as an example. You can find it on our website here if you'd like to put these ideas to good use. 

This package comes with:

  • 4,235 word "Breaking Bad Habits and Developing New Good Ones" report
  • 365 Day "Becoming the Best Me" Planner
  • Lead-generating opt-in page
  • 2 complete and editable ecover sets
  • 20 social media graphics

Now let's break this down and talk about how you can use all this to grow your mailing list...

STEP 1: Set Up Your Offer

As you probably now, offering an enticing free gift is a great way to grow your list. In this package, we've included TWO valuable freebies...the report and the planner. Now, you can offer them together if you'd like or create two separate opt-in offers, so you can capture more leads. More free offers means more subscribers!

Breaking Bad Habits Report

Breaking Bad Habits Report

Becoming the Best Me Journal

Becoming the Best Me Journal

Start by using the lead generating opt-in page to set up your report offer. Just copy and paste into WordPress or whatever website builder you use and add your autoresponder sign up code. If you're going to offer the report and planner separately, just use the report opt-in page as a template for your free planner offer.

Lead Generating Opt-in Page with WordPress Ready Code

Lead Generating Opt-in Page with WordPress Ready Code

 STEP 2: Drive Traffic

  • To get traffic to your free offer, promote in on social media. You can do that for free or create Facebook/Instagram/Twitter ads and more. 
  • Break the report up into articles you post on your blog and have them opt-in for the full content. 
  • Brand the social media images with a URL that points to your free offer. Share those images on social media and encourage your followers to share them as well. 
  • If you have an affiliate program, create a special referral link for your affiliates to send traffic to your opt-in offer. You can offer them a per-lead commission or set up a paid back end offer, so they get paid for each new sale. 
  • Make a video about your freebie and how your gift can help people. Post to YouTube and get people to share your video. Your affiliates can embed the video on their site too. 
  • Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
  • Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
  • Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
  • Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
  • Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
  • Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
  • Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

So many ways to put this content to good use and hey, I know that's a BIG list. Just get your free offer set up and if you work on just one method each day, you'll be growing your list in no time!

We make it easy for you to grow your list by making the opt-in offer for you. Use the done-for-you content to get up and running quickly. Just promote your free offer and watch your list grow.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

Why and How to Make Your PDFs Interactive

Why and How to Make Your PDFs Interactive

Have you ever noticed that if you include a printable, a worksheet or some type of interactive content for your customers or to get people on your list, they just eat it right up? They readily opt-in for your freebies AND they're willing to pay more for your products and training.

People LOVE interactive content and there are a few reasons for that:

  • Your product or freebie has a much higher perceived value. If they can print something out or interact with it in some way, it's more tangible than something they read.
  • You're giving them a chance to APPLY what they learn. So similar to the first point, it's not just reading. It's DOING.
  • Your product or freebie stands out from the crowd. There is no shortage of reports and ebooks that claim to solve a problem for your audience...but when you add interactivity, you have a chance to differentiate yourself.

And there are benefits for you too:

  • You can charge more for your products because they have a higher perceived value.
  • You have a better student success rate because they're applying what they learn. And when your students are happy, they're going to talk about you and bring you more business.
  • If you are a book author and don't want Amazon to have your customer info all to themselves, you can offer some interactive content they can opt-in to receive. Just mention it and include a link in your book, so they can get your interactive content and you grow your subscriber list.

Some ways to add interactivity with documents:

  • Worksheets
  • Checklists
  • Planners
  • Journals

And it's super easy to create these types of printable documents. But what if you want to make the document itself interactive WITHOUT printing?

How to Make Your PDFs Interactive

My friend Debbie actually has some quick training that HOW to do this, step by step. The PDFs you create can be filled on a computer AND then saved with the information filled in, so your customers have a permanent record.

Click here to access the training.

It’s actually very easy to do, using drag and drop technology.

Click here to get the training.

We live in a digital world and this is the kind of thing your customers are looking are looking for. So offer it to them to further boost your product's value.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

​​The Most Important Key to Mak​ing Content Marketing Grow Your Business

​​The Most Important Key to Mak​ing ​Your Content Marketing​ Grow Your Business

​Here’s a quick, but info-packed snippet from our recent content marketing strategies webinar that shows you good ways to make a lot of money through content marketing. Watch the video to get Alice's ONE KEY thing you need to learn to make money from your content. 

Debbie Drum:    ​Yeah. Let's go for your answer, for this one, for, what advice would you give to someone who's looking to make money with content marketing?

Alice Seba:    Yeah. A lot of people think, okay, I need to learn to write, or something like that. Make videos or something like that, but I think the most important thing is to learn persuasion, and I was gonna say persuasive writing but, if you're doing video and things like that, you'll also need to be persuasive verbally as well, but that's everything because, whether you're selling something or not, you want people to listen to you. You're persuading them.

Even if it's a piece of content, you're persuading them that what you're saying is interesting, and the more you know, like copywriting and persuasive techniques in that, you're gonna keep their attention. You're gonna keep them wanting. Maybe you give them a sample of your book. You're gonna get them to want to buy your book, or if they're reading a blog post, and you want them to sign up to your list. That, keeping them from beginning to end, is what's gonna help.

Obviously, there is the sales piece of it, too. You'll be able to sell your product, and learning, also beyond that, too, is to meld content with persuasiveness. A lot of people, they think of it separately, right? Here, I'm informing, and here, I'm selling, but if you can learn to both at the same time, it's an amazing thing. It comes down to knowing persuasive writing techniques, and I'll give you a few resources, to check out, that you can do that if you haven't really studied that yet, but it's ... See, I'm not being very persuasive, because I'm losing my train of thought, but that happens!

Debbie Drum:    Yeah. It's live.

Alice Seba:    I'm a writer, not a talker. I'm not a talker. Yeah. Putting the content, and keeping it ... Oh, sorry! Sorry! I remember what I was gonna say.

Debbie Drum:    Yes!

Alice Seba:    That you are excited about the topic. A lot of us are afraid to sell, and we're a little nervous about it, but when you're passionate about your topic, you're passionate about your products, and your services, and a lot of that comes to self-confidence, so we're gonna talk about mindset in a little bit, but that's all it takes is, being excited, imagining you're talking to a friend.

If your friend had a problem, and you knew how to solve it, and there was a product or service that would also help solve that, you darn well are gonna give them the advice, tell them what to buy, and you're not gonna be worried about it, or think that you shouldn't tell them about it.

Your friend's gonna be mad if you withheld that advice, so think of your audience the same way. You're doing them a disservice if you can't help them with their problems, and point them to the products, and services that they need. If you want to learn about persuasive writing, my favorite teacher of all time actually doesn't even teach copywriting anymore, but his name's Michel Fortin. It's French Michel. M-I-C-H-E-L and Fortin is his last name. It's F-O-R-T-I-N. If you can find any articles of his, maybe his blog is still up, but he doesn't update it anymore, great stuff to listen to.

I learned the most from him about online copywriting than I learned from anybody, but other people you might want to look up are John Carlton. Great. Very humorous man, too. Fun to learn from. Not only is he a great teacher, he's an example of keeping people interested, being persuasive in his content to keep you wanting to keep learning, and possibly Collin Theriot. Last name is spelled T-H-E-R-I-O-T. He has a Facebook group. He's kind of a ...

Debbie Drum:    Cult of ​Copy.

Alice Seba:    Cult of ​Copy. Thank you. One great place to, maybe, join that group, and start absorbing stuff. A lot of people talk about other copywriting resources that they like, and it's a good place, and even basic copywriting books. Go on Amazon. Is it Bob? He goes by Bob Bly, right? His real name's Robert, but I think his books are under Bob, and the name is B-L-Y. The books are basic, but they cover everything. It's a great introduction, and then you start observing what people are doing, and applying it, practicing, and the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Debbie Drum:    I love that you brought that up, because that is one of the most important skills that a content marketer could have. Oh my god.

Alice Seba:    Just writing skills.

Debbie Drum:    I will say, I've been in sales since I started working, which is in my teens, pretty much, and I say that it's a constant learning. It's hard to master, I would say. For me, I'm always a student of copywriting. I'm always reading other people's sales letters. I'm always seeing what other people are doing, how they're selling, just to learn, just to stay on top of things, and learn what the latest things that work to get people to buy.

Even from studying the words that they say, as well as studying the strategy in how they sell. That's different. That goes into more of a template, as opposed to the words that you use, but I'm not great at headlines. I'm always reading other people's headlines, and I always look at stuff that hooks me, because if I'm a buyer, then I'm like, “What is this person saying that got me to buy?” Right? That's getting in the head of your customers, or your potential customers. Always saying, what's going to be the thing that gets people to buy? We can go so much into copywriting, selling with emotion, and selling with stories, and I'm a student of copywriting forever​.​

​3 Key Takeaways to Making Your Content Make You Money:

  • Learning persuasive writing techniques is critical to making your content marketing a success. Not only does it help you SELL through content, but it also helps you keep the attention of your audience and has them wanting more.
  • ​Selling and informing through content are not separate activities. You can inform your customers as you sell to them and help them make smart buying decisions.
  • Imagine talking to a friend when you create persuasive content. If they had a problem and you knew some good advice and a product that would solve it, you would tell them. Don't hold back on product recommendations that can solve your audience's problems. 

What to Do Next: Get the Full Interview ​with ​A Huge Library of Marketing Templates and Tools:

If you’d like more success and content marketing strategies, get access to the full webinar, complete transcripts, handy marketing templates and other useful tools, ​we've got them for you.

This handy training and practical get-it-done package includes:

  • Full webinar recording
  • Full transcripts
  • Fill-in-the-blanks content marketing templates
  • Fill-in-the-blanks info product creation templates
  • Gift card for done-for-you content at Publish for Prosperity
  • 80+ Book Cover Templates

In short, you get the advice and guidance based on decades of online marketing experience AND the handy templates to make implementing what you learn dead simple.

​Most business owners realize that content is critical to their business, but don't know how to use content to grow their sales. This webinar + handy tools and templates will show you exactly what you need to do. 

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
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* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
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Personality Traits of Great Leaders (free PLR Article)

Personality Traits of Great Leaders
(free PLR Article)

Great Leaders - Personality Traits

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​Article: Characteristics and Personality Traits of Great Leaders

​​​​Whether you think that leaders are born or made - or a bit of both - there are still some characteristics that distinguish leaders from others. Have you wondered if you or someone you know is a natural leader? Are you interested in learning some characteristics of good leadership? Here are some personality characteristics that tend to go with effective leaders.


Are you the kind of person who likes to get things done? Do people come to you and ask you to do something for them and know you'll do it? Not everyone is task-oriented, but those who are may end up being effective leaders. Being task-oriented means being a "doer," the kind of person who focuses on getting something done and not stopping until the task is finished.

Task-oriented people generally follow through. This is important in a leader, because leaders have definite goals to reach and people to lead, and people will stop following you if you don't get things finished.

Also, task-oriented leaders do not need "babysitting" to get something done. They can take initiative on their own - the task itself is motivation.

Honest Self-Image

Leaders tend to be pretty honest about their weaknesses and strengths, but not to the point of letting either one take over. For instance, a leader can balance between recognizing his weakness and not letting that stop him/her, and a leader can see his/her strengths without getting conceited. Those in leadership positions may find that they garner more respect when they are honest and "transparent" about their flaws than if they pretend to be perfect.

People Person

A leader tends to be a people person - someone who derives lots of energy from being around people. Such extroverted personalities make great leaders, but introverts are not barred from leadership, either. You can have a love for people and be introverted; you just respond differently to interacting with others.

In other words, you can be a "people person" even if you find yourself tired of leading at the end of a day. Extroverts and introverts can both be motivated by a love for people and their wellbeing.

"Infectious" Joy

Have you ever been around someone who just seems happy with life in general? If a person shares an idea or thought and seems really happy about it, do you feel like joining him or her? Leaders tend to exhibit this kind of infectious joy that draws other people to them. Positive-thinking leaders have a zest for life that compels other people to join them.

The general consensus is, characteristics of a good leader can be in-born or learned, or a bit of both. If you don't have all of these traits naturally, you can learn many of them. No two leaders are the same.

Notes from Alice....

Want to ​Teach Your Clients ​How to ​Develop Their Leadership Skills? 

We've Created a Handy Report and 365-Day Leadership Planner That You Can Brand, Monetize and Publish as Your Own...

Here at Publish for Prosperity, we specialize in done-for-YOU content packages that make it easy for you to grow your audience, develop courses and serve your clients...all the while saving you tons of time and money. ​Our done-for-you content packages come with private label rights, which means you can edit them as much as you like, brand them and sell them or give them away as your own.

Here's a peek at our Develop Your Leadership Skills package...

Leadership Skills PLR Package

​We've created this step-by-step practical content package that includes:

  • ​Developing Leadership Skills Report
  • 365-Day  Leadership Planner ​
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page​
  • ​2 Professionally Designed Ecover Sets
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To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

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Become a Better Leader Through Example

Become a Better Leader
by Setting and Example

Lead by Example

The old-fashioned way of leading was more of an authoritarian type of figure, but study after study indicates that a leader that fosters gratitude and appreciate for her team members gets better results. This translates into more productivity and team loyalty, making a leaders job much easier.

Here's a quick article that provides food for thought. Listen or read below and then continue for more thoughts on teaching leadership skills to your audience.

​​​How to Lead by Example

​​​It’s hard to argue with a leader who rolls up his or her sleeves and helps the team get the job done. No one can challenge such commitment to the team. Leading by example is one of the best ways to manage people because it shows you are part of the team.

This doesn’t mean a leader should do everything for the team. There are managers who mistake leading by example with interfering with its members. The team will learn to resent a leader who simply does everything for the team. Besides, who has that kind of time?

The idea of leading by example is to take on some of the tasks or fill in for team members who are not available, etc. Sometimes, it can be just giving guidance to members who are stuck and showing them some of the steps. Then, let them take on the rest and come to you with any questions.

Leading by example also entails being honest with the team. You need to take responsibility for your actions, and ultimately, you are responsible for the actions of your team members. If one person is slacking off and you don’t meet a deadline because of it, your management is going to approach you about the problem. It won’t matter if you defend yourself and state that your team member was the one responsible for being late. In fact, this will leave your management with the impression you are being petty.

After you take heat for members of your team, you may need to take disciplinary actions against those members. After all, they have to know they messed up. But, it should be dealt with one-on-one. Some managers feel they should let the whole team know what is going on and will deal with the situation in the team scenario. This is a personal preference, but some members may be more sensitive to being called out in front of the group.

The best way to lead by example is to make sure you keep up-to-date with what is going on with the group and the work they are doing. This doesn’t mean micro-managing them. It just means knowing what tasks they are performing and whether they need any help from you or any materials to get their job done quicker.

It’s rare that a team does not respect managers who get involved. These are managers that care about the team succeeding and wants to help everyone in the group advance.

Notes from Alice....

Want to ​Teach Your Clients ​How to ​Develop Their Leadership Skills? 

We've Created a Handy Report and 365-Day Leadership Planner That You Can Brand, Monetize and Publish as Your Own...

Here at Publish for Prosperity, we specialize in done-for-YOU content packages that make it easy for you to grow your audience, develop courses and serve your clients...all the while saving you tons of time and money. ​Our done-for-you content packages come with private label rights, which means you can edit them as much as you like, brand them and sell them or give them away as your own.

Here's a peek at our Develop Your Leadership Skills package...

Leadership Skills PLR Package

​We've created this step-by-step practical content package that includes:

  • ​Developing Leadership Skills Report
  • 365-Day  Leadership Planner ​
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page​
  • ​2 Professionally Designed Ecover Sets
  • 20 Leadership Social Media Graphics​

​​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

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