Category Archives for Resources

Elevating Others to Improve Your Leadership Skills and Results

Elevating Others to Improve Your Leadership Skills and Results

Elevate Others to be a Better Leader

The old-fashioned way of leading was more of an authoritarian type of figure, but study after study indicates that a leader that fosters gratitude and appreciate for her team members gets better results. This translates into more productivity and team loyalty, making a leaders job much easier.

Here's a quick article that provides food for thought…

​​Be a Leader by Letting Other People Shine

​​As a leader, you are looked upon to make serious decisions. These decisions often affect others and are not always popular. It goes with the territory of being a leader, but being a GOOD leader isn't about imposing your will on others. It's about cultivating a team that works well together and makes progress together.

​What if you can approach your leadership style in a way that could become a bit more popular with the people you lead? If you elevated people, this ​makes them want to work harder and they'll be willing to follow you just about anywhere. 

A few ways to elevate your team:

  • Value and listen to all ideas and contributions from your team.
  • Recognize and publicly acknowledge your team member for ideas you implement.
  • Focus on your team members strengths, but be a ​positive and constructive source to help them strengthen their weaknesses.
  • ​Celebrate victories together and use those celebrations as an opportunity to bring a social aspect to your team.

​Of course, you need to make sure your appreciation of your team members is genuine and they should feel truly valued. You should also make sure you're aware of all your team members and their accomplishments. Some team members are quieter and their contributions can go unrecognized. Be the leaders who sees and elevates all members of the team where it's deserved.

In the end, when you approach your leadership from a position of gratitude and appreciation, it comes back to you in productivity and appreciation of you as a leader.

Notes from Alice....

Want to ​Teach Your Clients ​How to ​Develop Their Leadership Skills? 

We've Created a Handy Report and 365-Day Leadership Planner That You Can Brand, Monetize and Publish as Your Own...

Here at Publish for Prosperity, we specialize in done-for-YOU content packages that make it easy for you to grow your audience, develop courses and serve your clients...all the while saving you tons of time and money. ​Our done-for-you content packages come with private label rights, which means you can edit them as much as you like, brand them and sell them or give them away as your own.

Here's a peek at our Develop Your Leadership Skills package...

Leadership Skills PLR Package

​We've created this step-by-step practical content package that includes:

  • ​Developing Leadership Skills Report
  • 365-Day  Leadership Planner ​
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page​
  • ​2 Professionally Designed Ecover Sets
  • 20 Leadership Social Media Graphics​

​​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Help Your Clients Be Leaders in Their Community (or Be One Yourself)

Help Your Clients Be Leaders
in Their Community (or Be One Yourself)

Becoming a Community Leader

If you need ideas to become more involved in your community or you help your clients with their leadership skills, there are plenty of opportunities to get started. Helping your community is rewarding in so many ways and can help bolster your personal and professional reputation as well.

Listen to the quick article on becoming a community leader below and keep reading for tips on working with your clients. 

​Why and How to Become a Community Leader

​You may be a great leader at work. People come to you to help them with their problems, and your suggestions lead them to good solutions. Perhaps you are skilled at running teams. Why not use your leadership abilities to help out your local community?

Most communities need help in some capacity. And strong leaders are too few and far between. This is not to say that people aren’t willing to help out. It’s just that they often don’t know what kinds of help is needed.

We often defer things to our municipalities thinking that our tax dollars are going to handle the necessary resources for the community. However, these municipalities don’t have enough money. This could be through bad management by the elected officials. Or it could be they don’t get enough in tax revenues from their collections to implement the necessary programs. It’s always a debate because taxpayers complain they are already paying too much in taxes.

Communities usually have needs that stretch the abilities of the municipalities. There are only so many dollars available before having to hit up the taxpayers again. This is never a popular position for elected officials. Therefore, community leaders are needed to step up and find ways outside of the municipalities to provide for the communities in an efficient manner.

One way to accomplish this is to seek out funding from foundations. It’s usually easier to obtain this type of funding than to tap into governmental grants. If you decide that there are funds available, make sure you read through the guidelines before seeking to fund. These foundations receive many requests, and they automatically reject applications that don’t follow the guidelines.

It may be worth it to find training on how to proceed with foundation funding. Check your local library for programs available as well as online inquiries. Some will charge a small fee, but this skill will be worth it when you try for your funding. It can be the difference between getting funded or not.

Another possibility is to seek out crowdfunding online. While this can be a great means to get your initiatives funded, it has become popular, which means there is more competition for funds.

Knowledge about funding initiatives for your community will set you apart from others. Most people will defer to their local municipalities or state governments. These same people are often left wondering why nothing ever gets done in their communities.

Notes from Alice....

Want to ​Teach Your Clients ​How to ​Develop Their Leadership Skills? 

We've Created a Handy Report and 365-Day Leadership Planner That You Can Brand, Monetize and Publish as Your Own...

Here at Publish for Prosperity, we specialize in done-for-YOU content packages that make it easy for you to grow your audience, develop courses and serve your clients...all the while saving you tons of time and money. ​Our done-for-you content packages come with private label rights, which means you can edit them as much as you like, brand them and sell them or give them away as your own.

Here's a peek at our Develop Your Leadership Skills package...

Leadership Skills PLR Package

​We've created this step-by-step practical content package that includes:

  • ​Developing Leadership Skills Report
  • 365-Day  Leadership Planner ​
  • Lead-Generating Opt-in Page​
  • ​2 Professionally Designed Ecover Sets
  • 20 Leadership Social Media Graphics​

​​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Journaling to Stay Motivated

Journaling to Stay Motivated:
Why and How to Do It

Journaling for Motivation

If you need tips for motivation or you help your clients get motivated to achieve their goals and improve their lives, journaling can be a very effective method. Jotting down your thoughts, what you learned, ideas and other progress can help you get to where you want to be. 

Listen to the quick article on following through below and keep reading for tips on working with your clients. 

Why Journal to Get Motivated?

Think back to the last time you had a surge of motivation. Try to remember how it made you feel. What was going through your mind then? If you can’t remember, that’s okay. Just be ready for it when it happens again. If you do remember or find it’s happening again, considering recording your thought processes in a journal.

Sometimes, when you can jar your memory on how you got motivated or stayed motivated, you can reproduce that again. If you record your feelings and actions in a journal, you can simply refer to the journal anytime you need to get that back.

You can also record positive affirmations in your journal for the days where you aren’t as motivated. This way when you refer to it, you’ll have more juice to flame the motivational fire. Positive affirmations are shown to be quite effective in helping people get the ball rolling.

Consider using an actual paper journal rather than recording online. Documents tend to get lost online, and people often forget. With a physical journal in front of you, it will show itself at every moment. This way when you need that push, you can simply open up the journal and start reading. However, if you feel that you can make it work with an online journal, go for it.

You can also record motivational tips from others into your journal that you find. This gives you more to draw from when you have a need to motivate. Sometimes, these tips can happen in the strangest places, so make sure you have a way of capturing if you don’t have your journal with you for some reason.

Another benefit to keeping a journal about your motivations is you could eventually turn it into a book and sell it. Self-help and motivation is a huge topic for both eBooks and courses. If you think there is already enough material on the subject, think again. People will buy multiple books on the subject, even if there are similar concepts covered from one to the next. If there is repeat information, people treat that as a reinforcing factor. Also, the fact that you are drawing from true situations that you experience will go a long way when producing your book. People love true stories about motivation.

Don’t worry about what you write in your journal. The key is to keep consistent with it. If you write something that doesn’t make sense or is silly, either disregard it or remove it from your journal.

Notes from Alice....

Want to Help Your Clients Start Journaling? We've Made the Fully Editable Journals that You Can Brand, Monetize and Publish as Your Own

Make it easy to break into the journal selling market with this package of done-for-you journals with private label rights. You can edit them as much as you like, brand them and sell them as your own.

Journal Mega Pack

You’ll save a ton of time and plenty of money hiring someone to create them for you. This journal starter pack includes 4 attractive-looking journals on the following topics:

• Gratitude Journal
• Dream Journal
• Affirmations Journal
• Goal Setting Journal

Click here to get all these journals at one low price and make journal-selling a snap!

You can even use the 4 journals as templates to create new journals, so you’ve got most of your work done for you.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Help Your Clients Follow Through to Achieve Their Goals

Help Your Clients Follow Through
and Achieve Their Goals

Help Your Clients Follow Through and Achieve Their Goals

If you help your clients achieve their goals and improve their lives, follow through is always a big issue. Many people start with the best intentions, but fall flat when it comes to follow through. Many will begin, but stop as soon as the going gets tough.

Listen to the quick article on following through below and keep reading for tips on working with your clients. 

Following Through - Is It in You?

Some people can accomplish anything they set their mind to. They define what they want, and they go for it. They are highly driven people who get most of what they want out of life. Then, there are those who seem to be drifting and never get anything accomplished. These people seem to have a difficult time following through and often don’t get what they want.

People who struggle with following through may have a problem of getting bored too easily. They may even reach a milestone or two, but then the thrill is gone, and they move onto something else. It’s just the way they are. However, it can hold them back from being what they want or getting what they want out of life.

If you find yourself to be one that has difficulty following through, ask yourself why. You want to figure out what is holding you back from accomplishing your goals. If you truly have the passion, you may need to push harder than others who get things done easily. You may want to find others who can hold you accountable.

Be honest with yourself if you are like this. If it is true, then you may want to think twice about starting your own business, even if that is something you’ve wanted to do. If you start one, you are going to be put in a situation where you need to get things done, and you will need to know what needs to be done in the first place. If you truly have a desire to own a business, consider partnering with someone who has the capability of following through and you can each bring your skills to the table. 

There is nothing to feel bad about if you are faced with this situation. It is who you are and is part of your personality. Just know that you need to compensate for it in some way. You can do that by getting help from others or if some technology can help, use it.

The internet has made it quite easy to obtain the help you need. You can outsource many of the tasks that you may get bored with. This way, all you need to do is manage the outsourcers. If you struggle with even this task, you could outsource that as well. There are plenty of people who can manage projects online. The great part about this is if one person doesn’t work out as expected, you can easily find others who can step in.

Notes from Alice: How to Work with Your Clients

I believe it's possible to develop the skills of follow through. Sometimes it's a matter of discipline and overcoming fear of failure (or even fear of success) or just figuring out what is holding you back. But like the article above mentioned, sometimes it's who you don't always follow through. 

When I first started my online business, I was big on follow through. I started something and kept working until I was finished. But over time, I got tired of that, so I did exactly what the article above said...I compensated in other ways. I focused on coming up with ideas and hiring people to implement them. I love coming up with new product ideas, marketing plans, etc...but I had attending to all the small tasks, so now I have a team to do that. 

If your clients are having trouble following through, here are a few strategies you might employ:

  • Have them analyze why they don't follow through. Do they get upset at rejection? Are they frustrated when they hit a stumbling block? Do they feel they don't have enough time?
  • Once they know what is causing them to give up, they can look at a few solutions:
    • Learning to become more disciplined and ensure they follow through. Maybe they need to break tasks up into chunks, set a timer or something else that will keep them focused in smaller bursts. 
    • Find a way to compensate. Whenever my kids get upset about something and are ready to throw in the towel (this happens often), I ask them to stop for a moment and remember, "There is ALWAYS a solution to every problem." Adults sometimes need this reminder too. If they hit a stumbling block, can they take a break and then come back to do some research on how to get around it? If they feel they don't have time, can you help them evaluate where they can prioritize their time better?
    • If it's just fear holding them back, suggest they break up their goals into smaller chunks. So instead of saying they're going to launch a product or lose 50 pounds...break up those goals so that there are small milestones that are easy to reach. 

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses...and while we can work to improve ourselves in specific areas, sometimes it's just a matter of changing our focus and finding new ways to achieve what we set out to do. 

What To Do Next: Let Us Create Personal Development Content to Help You Grow and Teach Your Audience…and We'll Do it for Free!

As the CEO of your business, you've got enough to take care of. You don't need to be researching and overwhelming yourself with information, just to deliver content to your audience. To help you deliver rock solid content to your audience, we have plenty of done-for-you content packages that come with private label rights, which means you can edit, brand, monetize and publish the content as you'd like. 

You can use the content as free gifts to get people on your list. 

Or you can create courses, coaching programs, add content to your blog, social media and more. 

AND the best part is WE do all the content creation, saving you tons of time and money and the process. YOU collect all the profits. 

If you'd like to download a free sample of our content to see exactly what we're about, click the green button below. 

​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Help Your Clients Deal with Rejection and Persevere

Help Your Clients Deal with Rejection and Persevere with Their Goals

Overcoming Rejection

If you help your clients achieve their goals and improve their lives, there will be times where they'll deal with rejection. And for many, that's where they'll give up completely or move onto somewhere, but you can help them persevere and stay the course with their goals.

Listen to the quick article on dealing with rejection below and keep reading for tips on working with your clients. 

Dealing with Rejection - Acceptance is Key

We learn at an early age that we don’t get everything we want. In other words, we have had to deal with rejection since then. This makes you think that people accept rejection easily. The exact opposite is usually true.

People start to develop an invisible shield against rejection. They may show anger or resentment to the people who are serving up the rejection. But, in many cases, it can show who is resilient and who is likely to continue until they get what they want.

No one likes to hear negative comments about themselves. People take it personally. However, knowing the reason for rejection can help change your direction. You can correct the aspects that made people reject you in the first place.

This won’t work with everything. For instance, if a person you are attracted to does not return the favor, it may be difficult or impossible to turn this around. Then again, there are numerous stories of people who persevered even when they were rejected time and again, and won the love of their lives.

Another instance where you may face rejection is during a job interview. Many candidates will pass this off as incompetence on the part of the interviewer, and there are certainly cases where this is true. But, you should always try to evaluate the reasons why the interviewer did not choose you. You’d be surprised at how few people even ask for the reasons. Interviewers won’t typically volunteer this information. Many will feel you don’t care if you don’t ask.

In many cases, rejection is not personal. You may not have the necessary skills when seeking a job, or you may not have enough experience, etc. In other cases, it may be somewhat personal, but it may be in your best interest to get rejected. For instance, if you don’t have an aggressive personality, do you want to pursue a career that requires one? If you are in sales, you need to have this driving personality to succeed.

Use rejection to your benefit. People who accept rejection and don’t give up are usually the ones who eventually get that acceptance. Sometimes, the very fact that you are persevering is what turns the tables from rejection to acceptance. Whose to say that next opportunity is not the one that will accept you? You won’t know unless you continue on your quest.

Notes from Alice: How to Work with Your Clients

Most people feel emotional, to varying degrees, upon being rejected, but it's important to look at the situation for what it is:

  • In many cases, it has nothing to do with them as an individual. Help your client understand that people have preferences, there are things going on in their own lives and it's usually not personal. 
  • In some cases, it might be because your client is not a good fit. Where appropriate, encourage your client to seek constructive feedback, so that they can take rejection as an opportunity to improve, rather than a negative experience. 
  • Life is often a numbers game and that's where perseverance comes in. Often we have to hear no several times before we get to a yes. Encourage your clients to dust themselves off, use the constructive feedback to improve and get back to work again. 

And the best part of applying these strategies is the more your clients can do this, the easier the habit becomes. Soon, they'll be looking forward to those No's, so they can get to the Yes's faster.

What To Do Next: Let Us Create Personal Development Content to Help You Grow and Teach Your Audience…and We'll Do it for Free!

As the CEO of your business, you've got enough to take care of. You don't need to be researching and overwhelming yourself with information, just to deliver content to your audience. To help you deliver rock solid content to your audience, we have plenty of done-for-you content packages that come with private label rights, which means you can edit, brand, monetize and publish the content as you'd like. 

You can use the content as free gifts to get people on your list. 

Or you can create courses, coaching programs, add content to your blog, social media and more. 

AND the best part is WE do all the content creation, saving you tons of time and money and the process. YOU collect all the profits. 

If you'd like to download a free sample of our content to see exactly what we're about, click the green button below. 

​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

How to Reuse and Repurpose Your Email Content for Maximum Results

​​​How to Reuse and Repurpose Your Email / Newsletter Content for Maximum Results

Reusing and Repurposing Email Content

So if you're a smart online marketer, you've been growing your list and emailing them regularly. Despite what people say about the skyrocketing popularity of social media, email still deserves a big portion of your attention because:

  • The Return on Investment (ROI) is huge.  The Direct Marketer’s Association states that email marketing had an average return of $43.52 for each dollar spent. Yours probably could be higher since you’re most likely a solo entrepreneur with lower overhead than large companies. In short, we can make a KILLING with email marketing.
  • It's Direct Communication. Unlike other marketing methods, email reaches your subscribers directly and is addressed to them specifically, unlike the general broadcasting we do on social media and in other mediums. And if you do email right, your subscriber will feel like you're speaking directly to them and that is a powerful thing.
  • ​It's Personal and Customizable. Email is also very personal and can be customized with names and other information subscribers voluntarily provide like they're geographic location, their interests, their goals and more.
  • And Most importantly, It's Commercial. People expect commercial messages via email, making it much easier to sell via email than through web content or social media, for example. In fact, according to Marketing Land, 77% of us prefer to get commercial message through email.

Okay, ​so now we know that email is an important part of your marketing plan. Of course, if you've been on board with th​at fact already, you might be wondering what you should do with all those emails you've written. I mean, you've created that content, you broadcast it and then ​it just goes away. 

​Well, this is your opportunity to that $43.52+ ROI into something even BIGGER by reusing and repurposing those emails.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Autoresponders: Add your best emails to an autoresponder series where new subscribers will get those same messages. 
  • Make it Accessible: Put the content on your blog. If it's an informational piece (that may also sell a product), this is perfect for your blog.
  • Get Social: Put it on your Facebook Group or Page and other social media. This is AWESOME content, share it!
  • ​Generate Sales: Give it to your affiliates, so they can promote you. They publish the content and add their affiliate link to a relevant product. They get good content to share and make money when they refer a sale.
  • Don't Just Do it Once: Reuse and ​reshare this content often. ​I will often resend a promo series months or years down the road and send it to my email list again. Or I use the emails as a template for a similar promotion. As you know, the majority of your subscribers don't open your emails...never assume they saw it or took action on it the first time around.

​There are so many ways to keep that content working for you, so keep copies of your emails, so you have them at your fingertips anytime you need them. But of course, all this still needs a PLAN.

​Reusing and Repurposing Doesn't Just Happen: You Need a PLAN

If you look at that list, you'll see it could potentially take a lot of time to put into place and if you leave it to chance, you'll probably never get around to it. That's why you should set up a process for getting it done.

You can use tools like that can automate some of this for you. So if you post to your blog, that will then post to social media, etc. There are lots of practical applications for ensuring you get it all done. 

For me, I like to customize my marketing messages for the platform and situation, so I take a more manual approach, but I DEFINITELY don't do all this work myself.

For example, the people who help with my social media, keep an eye on my emails, groups, etc. so it's their job to grab the content ​and repost it and reuse it. And not just once, the same content will get shared again, as appropriate.

Having people who have your back and are ready to do those things we never seem to get around to is huge in maximizing all the content you create. 

What to Do Next:

​Grow your list! The secret to multiplying your profits is growing that list, ​making all those emails you send even more valuable. If you need some help with that, we create done-for-you content packages designed to grow your list.

You can see our selection of list-building packages here

Be sure to bring coupon code: SAVE30 and you'll save 30% on your purchase.

Each package comes with full private label rights, which means you can edit the content, brand it, monetize it and publish it as your own. It's an incredible time-saver and makes it easy for you to create hard-to-resist opt-in offers that your visitors can't resist subscribing.

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Use PLR: What To Do with our Private Label Rights Content Package

​How to Use PLR: What To Do with our Private Label Rights Content Package

How to Use PLR

Hey​, if you didn't know already, ​we release a new done-for-you content package with private label rights (PLR for short), each and every month. And most of the time, it's a planner + report package with tons of great content, so here's a little post with some genius ideas for incorporating this content into your content marketing plan. 

​Before we get into that, if you're looking for some content you can edit, brand, monetize and publish as your own, our full selection of PLR content is right here. But some of our recent topics include:

​Whether you grab on of our packages, make your own content or buy something's always great to have ideas on how to incorporate PLR content into your projects.

We're going to use our "Boost Your Confidence to Get Everything You Want out of Life" as an example (and as shown in the image at the top of this post). This particular package includes:

* Boost Your Confidence Report
* Confidence Planner
* Lead-Generating Opt-in Page
* 2 Professionally Designed Ecover Sets
* 20 Motivational Social Media Graphics

It's perfect for:

* Creating a high-value opt-in offer. Give away the report or the planner or BOTH. We've included the done-for-you opt-in page so you can promote the report.

* Add this content to your membership site. The report is handy information and the planner adds that practical element that is perfect for membership sites.

* Run a webinar that promotes a coaching program and give the report and planner as a gift for those who stay to the end.

* You can even use the report to develop a script for your webinar. And that webinar can be free and promotional OR even charge a fee for entry.

* Incorporate the report and planner into your course or coaching program. They're high value extras that can be digital downloads or mailed to your clients.

* Use the social media graphics to promote your content. Brand with your URL, encourage sharing and more. You can also use them on your blog to dress up your blog posts or wherever you share content.

* You can break the report up into articles and publish them on your blog, social media etc. Or use little snippets to bring traffic to your opt-in offer or webinar.

Just a few ideas​ to get those content repurposing creativity juices flowing. Once again, you can get the confidence content package here or see our full done-for-you content section here

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

Having Trouble Finishing Your Project or Book?

Having Trouble Finishing Your Project or Book? Here Are Some Inspiration and Tips

Alice Seba and Vera Raposo Finish Your Project

I enjoyed a lovely afternoon ​recently with a very inspirational friend who just launched her book. You can read my Facebook post for more details and see why I find Vera so inspiring. 

I am bringing this up here on my site because she inspired me in another get back to my book I started writing 3 years ago. In my 16 years of online entrepreneurship, I've written tons of content on marketing topics that I could have a book together this afternoon if I wanted. But what I started writing 3 years ago was more of a personal story about perseverance, living life on your own terms and bringing more love to the world (kind of like Vera's book actually...but packaged in a whole different life story).

So here's me saying​, I'll get back to that and release it.

But what about you? Do you have any projects or books ​that you're sitting on? If so, here are some tips you can use to finish them up, illustrated with one of our handy private label rights, done-for-you content packages. 

The Easy Way to Finish a Project: Use Private Label Rights (PLR) Content

​If you've been working on a project you've never finished, one of the EASIEST ways to get 'er done is through the use of private label rights content. It's a perfect way to fill out the content you've already created, add extra value and make your product even more useful.

If you'll indulge me, I'd like to illustrate this with our latest planner + report pack on the topic of boosting your confidence. But you can also find many similar packages on different topics right here.​

Just adding the planner can boost your product value dramatically. And since you have complete editing rights to the planner, you can change anything about it to suit your customer's needs.

TIP: If you're writing a book, using one of our planners are the PERFECT way to give your readers extra value. ​Inside your book, tell they can apply what they learned in your book by downloading their free planner. And how do they get the planner? Easy! They fill in a form on your website. They get the planner and you get a new subscriber!  ​WIN-WIN!

Confidence Planner with Private Label Rights

​Confidence Planner with Private Label Rights

​Or perhaps some of the topics in the report can be incorporated into a product or book you're creating that will make your customers a success. Here's a list of the topics in the report:

* Confidence and Body Language
* Confidence and Relationships
* Confidence and Decision Making
* Confidence and Perception
* Practical Ways to Build Confidence
* Energy and Confidence

NOTE: If you're selling on Kindle, they definitely frown on people posting private label rights content in its entirety. But if you've largely written your book and need to fill in some blanks, taking snippets of PLR is the perfect way to finish up. And of course, as mentioned in the tip above, ​using top quality PLR content as a free gift is a great way to get your book buyer back to your website and opting into your mailing list.

Confidence Report with Private Label Rights

​Confidence Report with Private Label Rights

​Once you've got the planner and report to work from, we've got a great upsell to ​all our report + planner packages (also value-priced). You'll see it after you purchase the planner + report pack and it includes a journal and a bunch of gorgeously designed and practical worksheet. SOOOOO much value you can add to a product or course these.

And again, you can edit anything you want about it. The cover, the color scheme, the quotes, add pages...whatever you want.

​And the worksheets...

There are 20 of them and you'll see all the subjects on the upsell page, but for the confidence package, a few include:

10 Things I Love About Myself Worksheet
20 Crazy Things to Try to Boost Your Confidence
Assertive Communication Worksheet
Banishing Negative Self-Talk Worksheet
Gratitude Worksheet to Build Confidence
Overcoming Your Fear Worksheet

​Start with the Confidence planner + report pack and then you can grab the rest of all this awesome content on the upsell page. Or again, you can see our full selection of done-for-you content that you can edit, brand, monetize and publish here

To your content publishing success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba
Creating Done-for-You Content Since 2006

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

How to Make Success a Habit

How to Make Success a Habit

Make Success a Habit

Once you experience success you will be able to look back and realize that you achieve all success pretty much the same way. You set a goal, follow through on the tasks needed to be done for achieving results, keep an open mind, learn from others, track your successes and learn from failure. It’s the same thing, over and over again. And it works.

If you want to create a pattern of success in your life, you can start now by learning the secret that successful people know. Successful people are only special because they are doers and follow through. They are not smarter than others; in fact it is entirely possible you are smarter on paper than they are. You just don’t follow through.

#1: Become a Goal Setting Expert

Start at the top and learn how to craft the best goals for yourself. Know that the goal is something that can be accomplished and know that the goal is measurable before you finish writing it. Most of all, make sure it’s a goal that you really want to achieve.

#2: Schedule Everything

People who achieve are doers. If you want to get something done, schedule it no matter how silly it might seem to you. If you put it in a schedule at a particular time, and not just on a generic “to do” list, it will be more likely that you get it done.

For instance, if you have set a goal to write a 80,000 word novel by a certain date, then you should know how many pages you need to get done each week and which days you can work on it, which times, hours, and how long it takes you to write a page. Successful writers write; they don’t wait for inspiration to strike. They schedule it, and do it. The same can be said for anything you want to achieve. You don’t wait until you want to do it; you do it on schedule.

#3: Automate the Mundane

There are a lot of things that need to be done but that can escalate easily into “busy work” which doesn’t get you closer to a goal. Bookkeeping for instance is something that can be accomplished today, with the right software, almost automatically. You can schedule payments to happen automatically; you can also use software that enters everything for you in the ledger. Freeing up time to focus on your scheduled activities that must be done to achieve the goal is a more productive use of time.

#4: Get Outside Expert Help

To be a success doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. You’re not on your own. The best scientists, professors, doctors, lawyers, and CEOs have assistants who help them look great. You too can hire outside help and contractors to help you do the tasks needed to reach your goals. Other than doing exercise for you and thing you must do physically for yourself, there isn’t much you can’t outsource today.

#5: Stop Reinventing the Wheel

In most cases, someone has already done it before you. Someone has already worked out the kinks and devised a plan of action that will work for you too with hardly any tweaks. Learn from other people’s mistakes and realize that you can gain valuable information from what others are already doing.

#6: Never Stop Learning

They say it takes ten thousand hours of reading about a topic to become an expert on any subject. Keep this in mind as you look toward your future and set your goals. If you want to be an expert, you’ll need to start today building up those ten thousand hours. Even if you know nothing about a topic today, you can be an expert in just ten thousand hours.

#7: Know Your Core Values

As you set goals to create a pattern of success, it's imperative that you know what your core values are in terms of family, personal, financial and your physical life. Everyone has different areas they need to work on more than others – you need to know what your areas are to set realistic goals that you want to meet.

#8: Track, Assess, Repeat

Nothing is ever done without the paperwork, as they say. Well, that includes creating a pattern of success. Only by setting goals, then tracking and assessing the results of the goals, and then repeating what works will you create a pattern of success.

Creating a pattern of success requires knowledge of goal setting, and goal achieving, and an in-depth knowledge of yourself. Starting today you can gain that knowledge and create a real pattern of success in your life.

What To Do Next: Create a Pattern of Success and Provide Your Audience with the Best Content by Letting Us Do the Work for You with our Done-for-You Newsletter Package

​​​As the CEO of your business, you've got enough to take care of. You don't need to be researching and overwhelming yourself with information, just to deliver content to your audience. To help you deliver rock solid content to your audience, check out our Self-Improvement Niche Ready-to-Publish Newsletters.

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's keeping in touch with and nurturing your list, but great news! It's easier than you might think. Just keep in touch regularly, all the while delivering great content and advice.

And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY made the newsletters for you. All you do is grab 'em and then brand, monetize and publish.

(Side Note: The article you read above is a sample from ​the upgraded version of this newsletter package. To get it, grab the done-for-you newsletter package and choose the optional upgrade for even more great newsletter content.)

​Th​is Done-for-You Newsletter Package Includes:

  • 4 Ready-to-Go Newsletters (.doc):  You get 4 ready-to-go newsletters (.doc format that you can turn into downloadable PDFs) with 3 attractive designs to choose from. You can customize the newsletters with ​your logo, photo and other branding elements. There is space for product promotions, so you can monetize your newsletters too. You can send the newsletters as is or swap out with the other content we've made available in the package.
  • 16 Articles (.txt): Each newsletter already comes with 2 articles inside, but we've included a total of 16 articles, so you can choose different articles if they prefer. You can also use the content to create additional issues, post it to you blog, add it to social media or publish it wherever you'd like.
  • 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. We even host the images!
  • 8 Inspirational and Eye-Catching Quotes Graphics (JPG / PSD): Four of these are included in the newsletter, but you get 4 extras and all the files (PSD included too) to use on social media, on your blog and more.
  • 8 Positive Affirmations Quotes Graphics (JPG / PSD): Help your subscribers better themselves through these positive affirmations. Four of these are inside the newsletters, but you get 4 extras and all the files (PSD included for editing, if you want) to use on social media or wherever you'd like.

​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Information Overload – The Power of Too Much Information

Information Overload – The Power of Too Much Information Building a Business

Information Overload

Information is everywhere. U.S. Assistant Attorney, Louis Freeh once said:

“Collecting intelligence information is like drinking water out of a fire hydrant.”

While you’re not likely collecting intelligence information, that’s what information overload is like…it's like drinking water from a fire hydrant. Much of it will spill out and be missed. The same can be said about information overload with your business.

Here are a few effects of information overload:

* Feeling Too Much Stress – One of the main symptoms of information overload is to feel stress. Some people say it feels like their brain is being so bombarded by information that as information goes in one side, it’s coming out the other. Stress keeps you from being focused and makes you worry that you don't have enough information to move forward in your business.

* Lack of Confidence – When there is so much contrary information available, it’s hard for people to choose the right course of action. For example, you might see numerous reports that email marketing is dead and that you should focus on social media only…but then other people are telling you that you should focus on email marketing first. How do you know what information is right and what is wrong, and how do you proceed? The lack of confidence can cause you from making any choices or feel unsure about the choices you're making with your business.

* Improper Information Filtering – When too much information is transmitted, the person receiving it often shuts off in a way. Normally the filtering process categorizes information as important or not important, but when there is too much there is often improper filtering called twigging. This essentially means that everything is general and all information is the same. To grow your business, you need to understand which information is crucial to you and what you can leave by the wayside. If you find yourself filtering it all out, you might be suffering from information overload.

* Taking on Too Much Too Fast – Sometimes information overload can make people feel as if they can multitask everything and do more than they can. But the truth is, as shown in study after study, humans aren’t designed for multitasking. If you're looking for new information to grow your business, focus on one strategy at a time. Don't read all the blogs or buy all the products…only digest what you need and leave the rest by the wayside. 

In the end, how you consume and process information is up to you. Having a good idea about you want to put focus in your business  will help you make good information consumption choices. Just because people are talking about Facebook Chatbots or Shopify stores, it doesn't mean that information is relevant to you.

​Need Content for Your Audience without Getting Overloaded Yourself? We've Done the Work for You!

​​​As the CEO of your business, you've got enough to take care of. You don't need to be researching and overwhelming yourself with information, just to deliver content to your audience. To help you deliver rock solid content to your audience, check out our Self-Improvement Niche Ready-to-Publish Newsletters.

We all know the money is in the list…but there's one big obstacle that can keep you from getting that money and that's keeping in touch with and nurturing your list, but great news! It's easier than you might think. Just keep in touch regularly, all the while delivering great content and advice.

And it's even EASIER because we've ALREADY made the newsletters for you. All you do is grab 'em and then brand, monetize and publish.

(Side Note: The article you read above is a sample from the newsletter package, modified for the audience of business owners. You can view the original article that you get PLR rights to here (.txt). There are so many ways to use and repurpose this content!)

​Th​is Done-for-You Newsletter Package Includes:

  • 4 Ready-to-Go Newsletters (.doc):  You get 4 ready-to-go newsletters (.doc format that you can turn into downloadable PDFs) with 3 attractive designs to choose from. You can customize the newsletters with ​your logo, photo and other branding elements. There is space for product promotions, so you can monetize your newsletters too. You can send the newsletters as is or swap out with the other content we've made available in the package.
  • 16 Articles (.txt): Each newsletter already comes with 2 articles inside, but we've included a total of 16 articles, so you can choose different articles if they prefer. You can also use the content to create additional issues, post it to you blog, add it to social media or publish it wherever you'd like.
  • 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. We even host the images!
  • 8 Inspirational and Eye-Catching Quotes Graphics (JPG / PSD): Four of these are included in the newsletter, but you get 4 extras and all the files (PSD included too) to use on social media, on your blog and more.
  • 8 Positive Affirmations Quotes Graphics (JPG / PSD): Help your subscribers better themselves through these positive affirmations. Four of these are inside the newsletters, but you get 4 extras and all the files (PSD included for editing, if you want) to use on social media or wherever you'd like.

​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

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