If You Spend Money Learning Something New – Do It Right!

Remember a little while ago when I talked about investing your education dollars wisely? So many of you (and no, I cannot include myself lol…because this is the one bad habit that I do not have), buy stuff and do nothing.
Or do it half-heartedly.
Or worse, think you know more than the instructor or coach that you trusted to give your money to, so you do it differently.
I’ve told you guys the story about my stand-up comedy class. Where I fully and wholeheartedly dedicating myself to doing what my expert teacher told me to do, no matter how painful it was. And trust me, it WAS painful. Only about 20% off the class did this…the rest just gave up for whatever reason.
Well, here’s another example. This is from last year, when my boys and I went axe (ax for the Americans) throwing for the first time. We were given specific instructions on how to do it.
RESULT – This was one of 3 bullseyes for me. My youngest son got 4. My oldest (please don’t tell him I told you this), didn’t get any and you could see he wasn’t following the instructions.
And of course, part of that is natural physical ability that is tough to change without repeated practice. Because gosh, ask anyone who has tried to teach me to swing a golf club or shoot pool and how good a student I was.
If you’re going to spend money, immerse yourself fully. Do what your instructor or coach says. Once you see some results, you can adjust the plan and make it better. Until then, you’re just wasting your time and money.
P.S. If you haven’t seen my stand-up routine or watched the video where I talked about the process of going from no experience to 5 mortifying but fun minutes on stage, you can read that here.
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Alice Seba
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