All Posts by Vera Friesen

Are You Overwhelmed With Too Many Things To Do?

Are You Overwhelmed With Too Many Things To Do?


So what do you do when you feel like you have too much to do and aren't sure where to start and aren't even sure you have enough time to get things done?

My instinct is often to do nothing. It's human nature to make no choice when faced with too many choices.

But I fight that urge and realize that's the time to sit down and take stock of what I need to do. What can wait? What needs my attention now? And what can I delegate?

AND when it comes to business, it's also important to prioritize those money tasks and that's where I usually start. Get those emails and promotions out and then work on the other tasks.

But the most important thing to remember is when you feel too busy, that is the PRECISE time you need to stop for a minute and take 5-10 minutes to organize your plan…or you'll still be spinning in circles at the end of the day.

How  do you manage when things get a bit hectic?


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity” Report Bundle

Focus for Productivity Done-for-You Content Package - It's Free!

Your Done-for-You Content Bundle Includes:

Increase Your Focus for Better Productivity illustrated private label rights (PLR) report (3,897 words / 8 images) will teach your readers why focusing is so important in their lives.  Topics include:

  • Focus for ProductivityWhy focus is important
  • Multitasking
  • Tips to improve focus
  • Strategies to improve focus
  • Exercises to improve focus
  • How to deal with focus issues
  • Using applied focus
  • Getting started

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Public Speaking Can Easily Be Done Even For Introverts

Public Speaking Can Easily Be Done Even For Introverts


For the introverts and those who hate public speaking.

Preparing for a class has evolved so much for me in the past year or so and has become so much easier and less stressful. If you’re a little introverted and don’t care for public speaking, you might appreciate this. And hey, there might be a little something in it for you extroverts as well.

I used to write detailed notes and scripts for anything I was going to record with my voice or speak in public. As a writer, I knew I could put together a great presentation that hit on all the right points and included all the right stories.

It was a lot of work. The end result was often pretty polished (unless I was on camera or in person then no…not polished at all lol), but inevitably I would trip on my words somewhere or technology would flub me up and my true awkward self would appear.

Over the past year or so, I’ve made a commitment to ditch the scripts and forget the detailed notes and just let things flow. I might have slides that cue me on what to say or bullet points note to help me out, but mostly I fly by the seat of my pants.

As many people told me when I struggled with public speaking, I know my material. I should just deliver it.

And you know what? I still trip over my words and technology and my true awkward self appears. Every. Time.

Lol, but it’s a lot less work and it’s an incredible skill I’ve learned. Just to speak on something and let it flow.

Most importantly, it’s a LOT LESS stressful. I just get ‘er done and that’s that. Wouldn’t speaking without stressing about it be such a blessing?

And of course, I could take courses to polish that up, but it’s not in the cards for me right now as I’m focusing on other things.

But I love awkward me. It’s part of my charm, I’m sure because you guys keep showing up for my classes and for that, I am most grateful.

Get Your Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & PublishFree Living In The Now Quotes Graphics

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them to drive traffic to your opt-in offer, promote your products and more.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

What Problem Can You Solve For Your Customers?

What Problem Can You Solve For Your Customers?


If you're still sitting on that info product idea or project in progress, can I give you a little nudge to get ‘er done?

FIRST – realize it will never ever be perfect and perfect is never what you should strive for. All you need to do is solve a specific problem for your customers or serve a specific need. That's it, give them enough to help them achieve a goal and you're good.

Now your steps to getting it done:

* Tell your customers and affiliates your release date. There's nothing like built in accountability.

* Revamp your to-do list. If you keep pushing your launch date because the product isn't “perfect”…change that to do list. It's better to stick with a launch date and create a simple product that your customers can use. You can add all the extra bells and whistles later and give them as surprise bonuses to your customers…they'll love it!

What to Do Next: Try a sample of our PLR, Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” Worksheet.

To help you and your audience work through and create S.M.A.R.T. goals, download the quick guide and worksheet below. Of course, planning your goals is just the beginning to achieving them. 

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

An Easy Way To Sell Information Products

An Easy Way To Sell Information Products

If you're not sure if an info product will sell, don't knock yourself out trying to create one without knowing.

Here are a few ways to know…

1. Promote a similar product as an affiliate to see if your customers are interested.

2. Have customers sign up for a live training course. That way, you gauge interest before you create the content. And BONUS…you can often charge more for live training programs.

3. Don't make a course. Have a webinar and invite a guest expert to teach or interview them. Collect registrations ahead of time, so you know if you have enough interest.

What to Do Next: Try a sample of our PLR, Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” Worksheet.

To help you and your audience work through and create S.M.A.R.T. goals, download the quick guide and worksheet below. Of course, planning your goals is just the beginning to achieving them.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

To your great success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba

Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Can You Be Part of the Problem And Part of the Solution?

Can You Be Part of the Problem And Part of the Solution?

It's weird, but the older I get, the more I realize that we are really the sole source of ALL our problems.

When my kids annoy me, I realize that I might dealing with a lack of patience or I might not be as present as a parent as I should be.

When my anxiety kicks in, I realize that I have to look inward. Even though I might be stressed about external things that seem to be out of my control, it's getting back to my center that will help me pull out of those spiraling feelings of doom.

If there are people in your life that cause you grief, maybe that's a sign that you need to be more careful with who has access to you.

If your spouse or partner is annoying you, dig deeper and see what those feelings are all about. Annoyance often breeds annoyance, so if you're resentful, you put out energy that can cause another to be resentful and the bad feelings multiply.

When you feel disappointed by others and the things they do or don't do for you…maybe that's your chance to figure out how you're failing in your own happiness – being your own solutions to your own problems.

Because after all, our well being is solely our responsibility and when we find ourselves easily being disappointed in others … it's often because we're lacking in caring for ourselves in some way.

But of course, all this is good news because if we are the source of all our problems, that means we can also the solution.


Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish:Free 5-Pack of “Happiness is a Choice” Articles

This Free Content Package is Available for a Short Time Only

We all want to be happy in life. We talk about how we want to be happy, but most of us do nothing about it. Help your audience live happier lives with this 5-pack of articles that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more. Topics include:

  • Happiness Can Improve Your Health
  • Happiness Is More Than Thinking Positive Thoughts
  • Is True Happiness Possible
  • Self-Sabotaging Thoughts
  • Success Does Not Fuel Happiness

​​​Use the content for your newsletter, publish it to your blog, social media and more. Or sell the content as part of an information product, add links to affiliate products or promote your own products. The choice is yours!

To your great success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba

Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Know Your Customers To Grow Your Business

Know Your Customers To Grow Your Business

One of the most important things you can do as a business owners is to get to know your customers.

Not just what they buy, but what truly makes them tick. What worries them? What problems do they want to solve? What are they truly passionate about? What do they struggle with?

And then your next step is figuring out how you can fill in those gaps for them on an ongoing basis. Because when you speak to your audience in a way that is meaningful to them, you will have their full attention.

Here's a list of ways you can get to know your audience. Please feel free to add your own in the comments below.

* Track all the links you give them to see what they click.

* Track all the links you give them to see what they buy.

* Read and respond to their comments on your blog, groups. etc.

* Read and where appropriate, respond, to their comments on other blogs and groups.

* Ask them questions.

* Share stories about yourself or your clients and see what they resonate with.

* Invite them to share their own stories.

* Invite them to live and interactive events. It doesn't have to be fancy, just go live in your group or on your page.

I personally think Facebook Groups are fabulous tool for really getting to know your customers and creating a more personal side to your business that inspires loyalty. Of course, all audiences are different, so your platform may be your blog, Instagram, YouTube or just about anything else…but I do encourage you to find it.

Because the biggest key is to see them as people…not merely dollar signs…because ironically enough, the more you see them as people, the more dollars they'll hand over to you as lifetime customers.

And one of the best parts of happy lifetime customers who keep giving you their money is they refer other lifetime customers who keep giving you money. WIN WIN WIN!

What do you do to get to know your customers?

What to Do Next: Try a sample of our PLR, Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “Better Conversations and Interpersonal Communication” Quote Graphics.

Your Done-for-You Graphics Bundle Includes:

10 images with thought-provoking quotes on conversation and interpersonal communication. You get all the graphics in jpg format one set with a border and one set without. Just add your link or logo in any photo editor.

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

To your great success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba

Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Being Kind Is As Good For You As It Is For Others

Being Kind Is As Good For You As It Is For Others

They say: “It costs nothing to be kind.” And it is true!

This is one of the most profound things I've ever heard and the most meaningful things I've taken on in my life. Not always with complete perfection … but I try.

We have no idea what is going on in anyone else's life … on a grand scale or in one particular bad moment.

So when a customer is upset, it's rarely just about the files they can't download or them misunderstanding your offer.

Or when the person in the parking lot flips you the bird when you make an innocent mistake or even when they are completely in the wrong ….

Or when your partner is a little grouchy when they come home from work and you take that on as something personal.

When we get into our defensive mode, it does nothing to help the situation. And really, just makes it worse. Every. single. time.

Step back and hear what they are saying – even when it's expressed without direct words. Don't make it about you.

Help that customer resolve their issue; issue a refund if necessary. Don't even address any personal attacks, just deal with the issues kindly and professionally. Better yet, outsource all your customer support to a 3rd party who won't take it personally and can deal with it professionally.

For the uptight drivers, I usually flash a peace sign or wave … but if they're really mad, I do nothing. No need to provoke. And the reverse it true, when someone else messes up, be kind. Mistakes happen and yes, you could have died … but you didn't. Be grateful.

I haven't experienced a grouchy partner in a long time, but you know what I'd do if I had a partner who came home grouchy? If he was receptive, I'd rub his back, get lost in the healing feeling of touch and patiently allow it to work it's magic on the grumpmeister. Then we'd both be happy and connected once again.

There is something about humanity where we feel we don't want to be in a one-down position and I agree. I'm not going to kiss the boots of any a**hole. But I'm never going to stoop to his level either. It costs me absolutely nothing to respond with kindness and get on with my day. But it costs my peace, sense of self and lowers my vibration when I decide to also be the a**hole.

Always be kind – it's as good for you as it is for others. And if you can't do it, have someone else handle it for you. Which may mean buying a massage for your grouchy partner.

P.S. if people are truly unkind and consistently horrible, the best thing you can do is cut them out of your life quietly and without fanfare. To me, making a silent exit is the epitome of kindness.

Be kind to yourself and others.

What to Do Next: Try a sample of our PLR, Ready-to-Brand, Monetize & Publish: “The Power of Kindness Articles” Report Bundle.

We all want to have enriching lives, but many of us do nothing about it. Help your audience get started on their personal development journey with this 5-pack of articles that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more.

Topics include:

  • Being Kind Gets You Nowhere – or Does It
  • How Tiny Action Can Make Huge Impacts
  • Regain a Sense of Belonging Through Kindness
  • Why Kindness is So Important
  • Why the World Has Become Less Kind

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

To your great success,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba

Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Stay Focused And Get Your Product Out For Sale

Stay Focused And Get Your Product Out For Sale​

REMINDER! This is how you get 'er done. 

You can always create an awesome product if you stay focused. Sometimes we have bigger plans than we can manage, but that doesn't mean you need to change your launch date. 

Start by reviewing the product and see how you can launch it on time. What items can be added later or perhaps be delivered via a live session after your customers pay?

There is no such thing as perfection and seeking it leads to procrastination. Get that product out there, add to it and refine it as you go.

Grab A Free 10 Pack of Time Management for Better Productivity Quote Graphics Quotes... Free!

Your Done-for-You Graphics Bundle Includes:10 images with thought-provoking quotes on time management. 

Use the content for your social media, publish it to your blog or use it wherever you publish content. This is your content to brand, monetize and publish.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

Don’t Complicate Things, Grow Your Business Instead

Don’t Complicate Things, Grow Your Business Instead

We humans tend to complicate all areas of our lives. And when we do that in our businesses, we use up precious time that could be used to GROW our businesses instead. 

A few ways to simplify things in your business...

* Delegate - but review tasks to ensure they are necessary. No need to unload your overly-complex procedures to someone else...that costs money! 

* Evaluate what's working and what isn't. Drop those unnecessary tasks and procedures. 

* Batch work...I've mentioned this before, it really does simplify things because you're working with a larger goal in mind and will tend to do just what's necessary, rather than spending too much time on one thing. 

* Look at what you do for your customers. Are they buying certain products and not others? Make more of the kind they are buying. And within your products, what components do they use the most and which do they rarely use. Cut the fluff and focus more on what they really want. 

Now that's definitely not an exhaustive list. Where can you see yourself simplifying things in your business and can I assist you in figure out how to do that?

Grab A Free 5 Pack of Learning to Think and Aim Big Articles... Free!

Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams PLR report (3,996 words / 4 images) will teach your readers how they can start thinking and aiming big in their lives. Topics include:

  • What makes up the definition of success
  • Tips on defining what success is to you and only you
  • The 7 categories of life and how to succeed in each one
  • Setting goals and how to achieve them once and for all
  • How to incorporate momentum into your daily life
  • Creating successful habits for yourself

…and more. Give your readers the information they need to achieve success in every area of their lives.

Use the content for your social media, publish it to your blog or use it wherever you publish content. This is your content to brand, monetize and publish.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content

9 Ideas To Get Your Content Out Fast!

9 Ideas To Get Your Content Out Fast!

Pressed for time in the coming week? Lots of ways to get  content out there and quickly.

1. Use PLR - you know we've got you covered. 

 2. Reuse emails, blog posts, social media posts, etc. 

 3. Do a quick live and off the cuff broadcast to your audience.

 4. Ask permission to repost someone else's content. 

 5. Link to someone else's content...just add a quick useful commentary of your own. 

 6. Do a promotion for an existing product and include excerpts of content from the product in your promotions. 

 7. Have an assistant make quick clips of previous videos or audio recordings that you can share. 

 8. Check affiliate programs to see if they have content you can share  (we always have lots of content that our affiliates can publish). 

 9. Hire a ghostwriter or guest writer

Please feel free to comment below and add to this list. 

To help you and your clients with strategic thinking we have a free gift for you. 

Grab A Free 5 Pack of Strategic Thinking Articles... Free!

Improve your critical thinking skills so you can think more strategically. Help your audience get started on their personal development journey with this 5-pack of articles that you can use on your website, on social media, in your newsletters and more. Topics include:

  • Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Strategic Thinker
  • How Does Strategic Thinking Improve Your Leadership Skills
  • How Thinking Strategically Gives You A Competitive Edge
  • Signs You Are A Strategic Thinker
  • What Does It Really Mean To Think Strategically

You can edit them, brand them and monetize them in any way you'd like. Use them as your opt-in offer, to help promote your products and more.

Use the content for your social media, publish it to your blog or use it wherever you publish content. This is your content to brand, monetize and publish.

To your great success,
Alice Seba
Alice Seba
Your Partner in Easy Product Creation

Join me, any my special guest instructor, Justin Popovic from Tools For Motivation.
In this session, you will learn insider information on how some of the most savvy business owners are turning done-for-you (PLR) content into a steady flow of revenue generating products/courses.
Justin will also share some real-world, practical examples of how PLR content can help you…
* Build the know, like, trust factor to make selling your offers a breeze.
* Spoil your subscribers so they never want to leave your list… while turning them into repeat customers
* Create a WOW factor for new people visiting your site for the first time by creating free blog posts that you “COULD” charge money for… and do so in less than 10 minute
* Gain a huge competitive edge by creating visually stunning ebooks, presentations, handouts and more… even if your design skills suck
Save Time And Make More Money In Your Business Using Done-For-You Content